Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/123

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  • creas, habla por hablar. Don't believe him, he's just talking (to hear himself talk).  hablarse to speak to each other, be on speaking terms Hace dos días que no se hablan. They haven't been speaking to each other for two days.—Aunque eran hermanos no se hablaban. Although they were brothers they were not on speaking terms.
  • hacendado rancher; landowner [Am] Su padre es un rico hacendado. His father's a wealthy rancher.
  • hacendoso industrious.
  • hacer [irr] to make Le han hecho un traje nuevo. They have made him a new suit.  to have Hágales entrar ahora mismo. Have them come in right now.  to do ¿Qué hace Ud. para ganar tanto dinero? What do you do to make so much money?  to be Hace un buen día. It is a beautiful day.
     hacer alarde to boast, brag Hizo alarde de valor. He boasted of his courage.  hacer caso a to pay attention to No le haga caso. Don't pay any attention to him.  hacer de cuenta to pretend, act [Am] Haga de cuenta que nada ha ocurrido. Just act as if nothing has happened. or Think nothing of it.  hacer de las suyas to be up to one's old tricks Otra vez está haciendo de las suyas. He's up to his old tricks again.  hacer el amor to pay court to, make love to Le estuvo haciendo el amor durante la fiesta. He was making love to her during the party.  hacer el favor please ¿Quiere hacer el favor de acompañarme? Will you please come with me?  hacer el honor de to do the honor of ¿Me hará Ud. el honor de comer conmigo? Will you do me the honor of dining with me?  hacer frío or calor to be cold or hot (of weather) Hoy hace mucho calor. It's very hot today.  hacer furor to make a hit Está haciendo furor esta nueva canción. This new song is making a big hit.  hacer gimnasia to do exercises (calisthenics) Hago gimnasia por la mañana. I do exercises in the morning.  hacer los honores to play or act as host (ess) Nos hizo honores de la casa. She played hostess to us.  hacerse to become Se ha hecho muy famoso. He's become very famous.  hacerse el sueco to pretend not to understand.  hacerse el tonto to play dumb No te hagas el tonto, que te conozco. Don't play dumb; I know you.  hacerse ilusiones to fool oneself No nos hagamos ilusiones con ese proyecto. Let's not fool ourselves about that project.  hacerse rogar to be coaxed Le gusta hacerse rogar. He likes to be coaxed.  hacer un barro to make a break, to put one's foot in it [Arg].  hacer un paréntesis to digress Después de hacer un paréntesis, volvió al tema. After digressing, he returned to the subject.  tener (algo) que hacer to have (something) to do ¿Tiene Ud. algo que hacer hoy? Have you anything to do today?
    || No le hace. Never mind. or Skip it.
  • hacha ax.
  • hacia toward Iba hacia su casa. He was going toward his house.
     hacia acá this way ¡Mire Ud. hacia acá! Look this way!  hacia adelante forward El coche iba hacia adelante. The car was going forward.  hacia allá that way ¡Mire hacia allá, a la derecha! Look that way, to the right!  hacia atrás backward(s) Remaban hacia atrás. They rowed backwards.
  • hacienda fortune Perdió toda su hacienda. He lost his whole fortune.  ranch, large estate [Am].  Treasury (government) Ministro (or Secretario) de Hacienda. Secretary of the Treasury.
  • halagar to flatter.
  • halagüeño promising, bright Las perspectivas no son halagüeñas. The prospects aren't very bright.
  • halar [today usually written jalar] to pull [Am] Halaban la cuerda con fuerza. They pulled hard on the rope.
  • hallar to find Se registró los bolsillos y halló un peso. He searched his pockets and found one peso.
     hallarse to be No ha podido venir porque se halla enfermo. He hasn't been able to come because he is sick.
  • hallazgo thing found Entre los hallazgos hubo paraguas, zapatos y pañuelos. Among the things found were umbrellas, shoes, and handkerchiefs.
  • hamaca hammock [Am].
  • hambre [f] hunger Tenía mucha hambre. He was very hungry.
  • hambriento hungry, starved.
  • harapo rag Iba vestido de harapos. He went around dressed in rags.
  • harina flour, meal.
  • hartarse to gorge, stuff oneself Tomó helado hasta hartarse. He gorged himself on ice cream.
  • harto full, stuffed; fed up ¡Estoy harto de sus cuentos! I'm fed up with your stories!
  • hasta until No regresarán hasta después