Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/125

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  • hilera row, line.
  • hilo thread Cuidado no se rompa el hilo. Be careful that the thread doesn't break.—Me hace falta hilo para coser este botón. I need thread to sew on this button.  linen Me regaló media docena de pañuelos de hilo. He gave me a half dozen linen handkerchiefs.
  • hilvanar to baste (in sewing).
  • himno hymn.
  • hincar to drive Hincaron en el suelo estacas para asegurar la tienda. They drove stakes into the ground to make the tent secure.  to sink El perro me hincó los dientes en el brazo. The dog sank his teeth into my arm.
     hincarse de rodillas to kneel down Lo primero que hizo fué hincarse de rodillas. The first thing he did was to kneel down.
  • hincha [f] fan Es una hincha del equipo argentino. He's a fan of the Argentine team. (When referring to a sport as a whole, the word used in aficionado).
  • hinchar to swell Se le hinchó la pierna. His leg swelled up.
  • hinchazón [m] swelling (lump).
  • hipocresía hypocrisy.
  • hipócrita hypocritical.  [n] hypocrite.
  • hipoteca mortgage.
  • hipótesis [f] hypothesis.
  • hispanoamericano [adj; n] Spanish-American.
  • histérico hysterical.
  • historia history, story Conocía a fonda la historia de América. He knew the history of America thoroughly.  tale No me vengas con historias. Don't tome to me with tales.
  • historiador [m] historian.
  • histórico historic(al) Visitamos los lugares históricos del país. We visited the historic sites of the country.
  • historieta short story; the comics [Sp].
  • hocico muzzle, snout, nose El gato metió el hocico en el puchero. The cat put its nose in the pot.
     estar de hocicos con to be on the outs with Estaba de hocicos con su novia. He was on the outs with his sweetheart.
  • hogar [m] fireplace ¿Tiene Ud. un hogar en su casa? Do you have a fireplace in your home?  home Abandonó el hogar cuando era muy joven. He left home when he was very young.
  • hogaza (large) loaf of bread.
  • hoguera bonfire Encendieron una hoguera. They lit a bonfire.
  • hoja leaf El suelo estaba cubierto de hojas. The ground was covered with leaves.  blade La hoja estaba muy afilada. The blade was very sharp.  page ¿En qué hoja está Ud.? What page are you on?  record ¿Presentó Ud. su hoja de servicios? Did you show your record of service?
     hoja de lata tin plate.  poner le a uno como hoja de perejil to give one a tongue lashing Le puso como hoja de perejil. He gave him a tongue lashing.  tener hoja to be counterfeit (have more than legal proportion of tin) Esta plata tiene hoja. That coin is counterfeit.
    || Doblemos la hoja. Let's change the subject.
  • hojear to thumb through, glance (or skim) through (a book, etc).
  • ¡hola! Hello! (informal) ¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás? Hello, how are you?
  • holgazán lazy.
  • hombre [m] man Vino a buscarle un hombre. A man came to see him.
     ¡hombre! man! man alive! ¡Hombre, no digas eso! Man, don't say that!  hombre de Estado statesman.
  • hombría manliness, courage En la lucha demostró su hombría. He showed his courage in the fight.
     hombría (de bien) honesty Todos lo estimaban por su hombría. They all esteemed him for his honesty.
  • hombro shoulder Cargó el equipaje al hombro. He loaded the baggage on his shoulder.
     encogerse de hombros to shrug the shoulders Por toda contestación se encogió de hombros. The only answer he gave was a shrug of his shoulders.
  • homenaje [m] homage Han venido a rendirle homenaje al autor. They have come to pay homage to the author.
  • homicida [m, f] killer, slayer El homicida se refugió en la montaña. The slayer hid in the mountains.  [adj] homicidal El arma homicida no fué hallada. The homicidal weapon wasn't found.
  • homogéneo homogeneous.
  • honda sling (for hurling stones).
  • hondo deep Este pozo es muy hondo. This well is very deep.
  • honestidad [f] modesty, decorum Se enamoró de ella por su honestidad. He fell in love with her for her modesty.
  • honesto decent, honest El cajero era un hombre muy honesto. The cashier was a very honest man.
  • honor [m] honor Era un hombre de honor. He was a man of honor.
     honores honors Al morir le hicieron honores militares. When he died he was given military honors.
  • honradez [f] honesty, integrity.