Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/128

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  • Ud. algo para resolver nuestro problema. Figure out something to solve our problem.
     imaginarse to imagine, suspect No puedo imaginarme lo que pretende. I can't imagine what he's driving at.—¡Imagine(se) Ud. que sorpresa tuvimos! Just imagine what a surprise we had!
  • imán [m] magnet.
  • imbécil [m] imbecile, fool.  [adj] stupid.
  • imborrable indelible, unforgettable Es una impresión imborrable. It's an unforgettable impression.
  • imitar to imitate, impersonate Imita muy bien a esa actriz. She imitates that actress very well.
  • impaciencia impatience.
  • impaciente impatient; anxious, eager.
  • imparcial impartial.
  • impasible impassive, unmoved, indifferent Tiene una cara impasible. He has an impassive face.
  • impedimento hindrance, impediment.
  • impedir [rad-ch III] to prevent ¿Quién lo puede impedir? Who can prevent it?
     impedir el paso to block the way Retírese de ahí, está Ud. impidiendo el paso. Step aside; you're blocking the way.
  • imperar to prevail, reign En la calle impera el desorden. Disorder prevails in the street.
  • imperativo imperative Es imperativo salir. It's imperative to go out.  bossy Es un hombre muy imperativo. He's a very bossy man.
  • imperdible [m] safety pin [Sp].
  • imperio empire; command.  spell Ese hombre está bajo el imperio de ese mujer. That man is under that woman's influence.
  • imperioso imperative; arrogant, haughty.
  • impermeable [adj] waterproof.  [m] raincoat.
  • impertenencia impertinence Su impertinencia me molesta. His impertinence annoys me.
  • impertinente impertinent.
     impertinentes [m pl] lorgnettes.

ímpetu [m] impetus, impulse.

  • impío impious, irreligious.
  • implacable implacable, relentless.
  • implicar to involve, implicate No me implique Ud. en ese asunto. Don't involve me in that matter.
  • implorar to beg, implore.
  • imponente imposing La ceremonia fué imponente. The ceremony was imposing.
  • imponer [irr] to impose, levy Le impusieron una multa. They imposed a fine on him.
     imponerse to assert oneself, command respect Supo imponerse por su talento. He was able to command respect because of his ability.  to dominate, get one's way Es un hombre que siempre se impone a todo el mundo. He's a man who always gets his way.
  • importación [f] import(s), importation.
  • importante important.
  • importar to import Importó cien mil toneladas de trigo. He imported one hundred thousand tons of wheat.
     importarle a uno to matter (to), concern Eso no me importa. That doesn't matter to me.
    || importa no. No matter. or Never mind.
  • importe [m] cost.
  • importuno annoying (of a person) Me molesta la gente importuna. Annoying people irritate me.
  • imposible impossible.
  • imposición [f] deposit (of money in a bank); imposition (of will on another); tax.
  • impotencia impotence, weakness.
  • imprenta printing shop; press; print.
    || error de imprenta printer's error.  libertad de imprenta freedom of the press.
  • imprescindible essential, indispensable, imperative.
  • impresión [f] impression Me causó muy buena impresión lo que me dijo. What he said made a good impression on me.  imprint.  printing La impresión del libro era perfecta. The printing of the book was perfect.
  • impresionar to impress Le impresionó mucho esa novela. She was very much impressed by the novel.  to make or cut (a record) Fué contratado para impresionar discos. He was under contract to make records.
     impresionarse to be moved Se impresionaron cuando le vieron. They were moved when they saw him.—Se impresionaron con la noticia. They were moved by the news.
  • impreso (see imprimir) printed matter, pamphlet; blank (paper to be filled).
  • imprevisión [f] lack of foresight, thoughtlessness Dejar a los niños solos fué una gran imprevisión. Leaving the children alone was sheer thoughtlessness.
  • imprevisto unforeseen, unexpected.
  • imprimir to print.