Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/133

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  • medio de su tío. He got it through his uncle.
  • interminable endless.
  • internacional [adj] international.
  • interno internal Esto es para tiso interno. This is for internal use.  boarding Es un alumno interno. He's a boarding pupil.
  • interponer [irr] to interpose, place (between) Interpusieron un tabique entre las dos partes de la habitación. They placed a partition between the two parts of the room.
     interponerse to block Esa mujer se interpuso en mi camino. That woman blocked my way.
  • interpretar to interpret Procure Ud. interpretar bien mis palabras. Try to interpret my words properly.
  • intérprete [m, f] interpreter.
  • interrogación [f] interrogation; question mark.
  • interrogar to question, interrogate.
  • interrogatorio interrogation, questioning.
  • interrumpir to interrupt Por favor, no me interrumpa. Please don't interrupt me.
     interrumpirse to be interrupted, to be blocked El tráfico se interrumpió por la aglomeración de automóviles. The traffic was blocked by the jam of automobiles.
  • intervalo interval.
  • intervención [f] intervention Su intervención fué muy oportuna. He intervened at a very opportune moment.  mediation El sindicato ha pedido la intervención del Estado en la cuestión. The union has asked for the mediation of the government in the dispute.  (surgical) operation Después de la caída hubo que hacerle una rápida intervención. He had to undergo an operation immediately after his fall.
  • intervenir [irr] to intervene Para evitar el conflicto tuvo que intervenir. He had to intervene to prevent the conflict.  to audit, check Se le intervino la cuenta en el Banco. His bank account was audited.
  • intestino [adj; m] intestine.
  • intimar to become an intimate friend.
  • intimidar to frighten, intimidate.
  • íntimo [adj] intimate.  [n] intimate (friend).
  • intolerable intolerable.
  • intoxicar to poison; to drug.
  • intranquilo restless, worried.
  • intratable unsociable.
  • intrépido brave, fearless.
  • intrigar to scheme ¿Cuándo terminará Ud. de intrigar? When will you stop scheming?  to intrigue, interest Aquello intrigó a todos. That intrigued everybody.
     intrigarse to be intrigued Me intriga lo que Ud. dice. I'm intrigued by what you say.
  • introducir [-zc-] to put (in), insert Introdujo la llave en la cerradura. He put the key in the keyhole.  to present (a person) Era el encargado de introducir los embajadores ante el rey. He was the one in charge of presenting the ambassadors to the king.
  • intuición [f] intuition.
  • inundación [f] flood.
  • inundar to flood El agua inundó la calles. The water flooded the streets.
     inundarse to be flooded Se inundó el piso bajo. The ground floor was flooded.
  • inútil useless.  [n] useless person.
  • invadir to invade.
  • invariable constant, unchanging.
  • invasión [f] invasion.
  • invencible invincible, unconquerable.
  • inventar to invent; to lie, fib.
  • inventario inventory.
  • invento invention; lie.
  • invernal wintry.
  • inverosímil unlikely, improbable.
  • invertido See invertir.  [adj; n] homosexual.
  • invertir [rad-ch II] to invest Invirtió su dinero en una casa. He invested his money in a house.  to reverse, turn upside down No invierta Ud. el orden de esas cantidades. Don't reverse the order of those amounts.  to spend (time) Invirtió dos horas en recorrer veinte millas. He spent two hours traveling twenty miles.
  • investigación [f] investigation, inquiry; research.
  • investigar to investigate Investigue Ud. cuál es la causa. Investigate the cause of it.  to do research work Investigaba en un laboratorio. He was doing research work in a laboratory.
  • invierno winter.
  • invisible invisible.
  • invitación [f] invitation.
  • invitado See invitar.  [n] guest Estaban recibiendo a los invitados. They were receiving their guests.
  • invitar to invite.
  • involuntario involuntary.
  • inyección [f] injection, shot.
  • inyectado bloodshot Tenía los ojos inyectados. His eyes were bloodshot.
  • inyectar to inject, give an injection Le