Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/136

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  • on the right side of the road.  a un lado aside ¿Quiere hacerse a un lado? Would you step aside?  de lado sideways, on its side Hay que poner el piano de lado para que entre. We have to put the piano on its side in order to get it in.  lado a lado side by side Trabajaron lado a lado. They worked side by side.  lado flaco weak side, weak spot Conozco muy bien su lado flaco. I know his weakness very well.  mirar de lado to look out of the corner of the eye, look askance Aquella mujer me miró de lado. That woman looked askance at me.  por el lado around, in the general direction of Están por el lado del río. They're around the river.  por todos lados on all sides El edificio tiene salidas por todos lados. The building has exits on all sides.  por un lado . . . por otro on the one side or hand . . . on the other; in a way . . . in a way Por un lado me gusta, pero por otro no. In a way I like it, in a way I don't.
  • ladrar to bark.
  • ladrilío brick.
  • ladrón, ladrone thief, robber.
  • lagarto lizard [Sp]; alligator [Am].
  • lago lake.
  • lágrima tear No derramó ni una lágrima. He didn't shed a tear.
  • lamentable lamentable, pitiful, sorry Estaba en un estado lamentable. She was in a pitiful state.
  • lamentar to be sorry Lamento que Ud. no pueda acompañarnos. I'm sorry you can't join us.
     lamentarse to lament, wail, moan Se lamentaba por la muerte de su perro. She moaned over the death of her dog.
  • lamento moan.
  • lamer to lick, lap.
  • lámina sheet, plate Hoy hay muchos objetos hechos con lámina de metal. Today there are many things made of sheet metal.  plate (illustration) ¿Tiene láminas de colores ese libro? Does that book have colored plates?
  • lámpara lamp, bulb; radio tube.
  • lana wool.
  • lancha (small) boat Alquilemos unalancha de remos. Let's hire a row boat.
  • lanchen [m] barge.
  • langosta lobster; locust (insect).
  • lanzar to throw, hurl, fling Lanzó la pelota. He threw the ball.
     lanzarse (a) to throw oneself, rush to Se lanzó al agua. He threw himself into the water.
  • lápida memorial tablet, plaque; headstone.
  • lápiz [m] pencil.
  • larga  a la larga in the long run, eventually A la larga se convencerá Ud. Eventually you'll be convinced.  dar largas to put off.  to give one the run-around Siempre me está dando largas. He's always giving me the run-around.
  • largar to let loose, loosen [Am] Ya van a largar los caballos. They're going to let the horses loose now.
     largarse to scram, beat it ¡Largúese de aquí! Scram!
  • largo long Recibí una larga carta de mis padres. I got a long letter from my folks.  [m] length ¿Cuál es el largo de ese trozo de tela? What is the length of this piece of cloth?
     a lo largo at full length Se tumbó a lo largo sobre el sofá. He stretched out full length on the couch.  a lo largo de along Hay un bosque a lo largo del río. There's a forest along the river.  de largo long Este terreno tiene doscientos metros de largo. This piece of ground is two hundred meters long.
     largos años many years Vivió en Nueva York largos años. He lived in New York (for) many years.  long life Vivió largos años. He lived to a ripe old age.  pasar de largo to pass right by Pasó de largo sin mirarme. He passed right by without looking at me.  traje largo evening dress Las damas estaban de traje largo. The ladies were in evening dress.
    || ¡Largo de aquí! Get out of here!
  • las See la.
  • lástima pity ¡Es lástima que Ud. no haya venido anoche! It's a pity you didn't come last night.—¡Qué lástima! What a pity!
     dar lástima to inspire pity, be pitiful Su estado daba lástima. His condition was pitiful.
  • lastimadura sore, superficial wound.
  • lastimar to hurt Estos zapatos me lastiman. These shoes hurt me.—Me dijo una cosa, que me lastimó. He told me something that hurt me.  to injure, hurt El golpe no le lastimó. The blow didn't hurt him.
     lastimarse to hurt oneself Se lastimó al caer. He hurt himself when he fell.