Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/138

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  • demasiado. I can't lift this, it's too heavy.  to pick up Levanta ese papel del suelo. Pick up that paper there on the floor.  to rise up El pueblo se levantó contra, los invasores. The people rose up against the invaders.  to build Están levantando muchas casas nuevas en esa calle. They are building many new houses on that street.
     levantar cabeza to get on one's feet Después de la bancarrota no pudo levantar cabeza. After his bankruptcy, he wasn't able to get back on his feet.  levantar planos to draw up plans Los ingenieros levantaron un plano para un nuevo muelle. The engineers drew up plans for a new dock.  levantarse to get up Yo me levanto temprano. I get up early.
  • ley [f] law.
  • leyenda legend.
  • libelo libel.
  • liberación [f] liberation.
  • liberal [adj; m] liberal.
  • liberar to free, liberate.
  • libertad [f] liberty, freedom Los pueblos luchan por su libertad. Nations are fighting for freedom.
     dejar en libertad to free Dejaron en libertad a los presos. They freed the prisoners.
  • libertador [m] liberator.
  • libertar to free, libra pound (weight).
     libra (esterlina) pound (sterling).
  • libranza  libranza postal money order [Am].
  • librar to free, deliver Los actos del gobernador libraron al pueblo de la miseria. The acts of the governor delivered the people from their misery.
     librar (una letra) contra to draw (a draft) on.  librarse de to get rid of Al fin nos libramos de él. At last we got rid of him.  to avoid, get out of Quiso librarse de pagar los impuestos. He wanted to get out of paying his taxes.
  • libre free Abrió la jaula para dejar libre al pájaro. He opened the cage to set the bird free.—Esta mercadería está libre de impuestos. This merchandise is tax free.—Es muy libre para hablar. He's very free-spoken.La entrada m libre. Admission (is) free.  free, unencumbered, disengaged, off ¿Tiene Ud. libre el'sábado? Do you have Saturday off?  dissolute, loose Es una mujer (de vida) libre. She's a loose woman.
  • librería bookshop.
  • libreta  libreta de banco bankbook, pass book.  libreta de direcciones address book Ya he apuntado su dirección en mi libreta. I have already put your address in my book.
  • libro book.
     libro de apuntes notebook.  libro de caja cashbook.  libro de cuentas account book.
  • licencia license, permit ¿Tiene Ud. licencia para vender licor? Do you have a license to sell liquor?  furlough El cabo está con licencia. The corporal is on furlough.
     licencia absoluta discharge Le dieron licencia absoluta del ejército. He got his discharge from the army.
  • licenciado See licenciar.  licenciado del ejército veteran.  licenciado de presidio discharged convict.  licenciado en filosofía Master of Arts.
  • licenciar to discharge (from army or prison).
     licenciarse to get a master's degree.
  • licor [m] liqueur, cordial.
  • liga garter Estas ligas son de buen elástico. These garters are made of good elastic.
  • ligar to tie, bind Le ligaron las manos a la espalda. They tied his hands behind his back.  to join, to connect Ligaron los dos alambres. They connected the two wires.
     ligarse to join, band together Se ligaron contra el peligro común. They joined together against the common danger.
  • ligero light, thin Quiero un abrigo ligero de primavera. I want a light spring coat.  fast ¡No vaya tan ligero! Don't go so fast!  light Comeré algo ligero. I'll eat something light.—La comedia que vimos era ynuy ligera. We saw a very light comedy.  unimportant, trifling Su contribución era muy ligera. His contribution was unimportant.
     a la ligera quickly, superficially Lo hice a la ligera. I did it quickly.  una mujer ligera de cascos featherbrained woman.
  • lima lime (fruit); file (tool).
  • limitar to restrict, to limit Quieren limitar el número de boletos. They want to limit the number of tickets.
     limitar con to be bounded by México limita al norte con los Estados