Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/167

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  • el libro correspondiente. Enter this item in the right book.  game ¿Echamos una partida de cartas? Shall we play a game of cards?  certificate (of birth, marriage, death) Partida de nacimiento. Birth certificate.—Partida de casamiento or boda. Marriage license.—Partida de defunción. Death certificate.  band, gang Fueron atacados por una partida de ladrones. They were attacked by a band of thieves.
     jugarle una mala partida to play a dirty trick on, double-cross Le jugó una mala partida. She played a dirty trick on him.
  • partidario follower Este señor es uno de sus partidarios más antiguos. This gentleman's one of his oldest followers.
  • partido broken, divided La cuerda está partida en dos. The string's broken in two.  [m] party, faction Pertenecen al mismo partido. They belong to the same party.  match, game ¿Quiere Ud. ver el partido de fútbol? Would you like to see the football game?
     sacar partido de to profit by Ese hombre saca partido de todo. That man profits by everything.
  • partir to split Partió la manzana en dos. He split the apple in two.  to divide Partieron el terreno en varios lotes. They divided the land into several lots.  to cut Partamos un poco de leña para el fuego. Let's cut some wood for the fire.  to break, crush Esta máquina sirve para partir las piedras. This machine's for crushing stones.  to divide (mathematics) Parta Ud. 250 entre 3. Divide 250 by 3.  to leave Si partimos por la noche llegaremos durante el día. If we leave at night, we'll arrive during the day.  to start, reckon Ud. parte de un supuesto equivocado. You're starting with a false assumption.
     partirse to break Al partirse el hielo, cayeron al agua. When the ice broke they fell into the water.
  • pasa (see paso) raisin.
  • pasado last Estas cartas llegaron la semana pasada. These letters came last week.  spoiled La fruta está pasado. The fruit's spoiled.  [m] past Esa mujer tiene un pasado muy romántico. That woman has a very romantic past.
     pasado de moda out of date, out of style Está pasado de moda. It's out of date.  pasado mañana day after tomorrow Me dijeron que vendrían pasado mañana. They told me they'd come day after tomorrow.
  • pasaje [m] crossing, journey, voyage Hicimos el pasaje a Europa en siete días. We made the crossing to Europe in seven days.  fare ¿Cuánto cuesta un pasaje en primera a La Habana? How much is the fare to Havana, first-class?  passage Citó un pasaje del Quijote. He quoted a passage from Don Quixote.  arcade Dentro de este edificio hay un pasaje. There's an arcade in this building.  number of passengers on a ship, plane, etc. El pasaje del avión estaba completo. All seats on the plane were taken.
  • pasajero passing, transitory Es solamente una lluvia pasajera. It's only a passing shower.  [n] passenger Los pasajeros tienen que enseñar sus billetes a la entrada. Passengers must show their tickets at the gate.
  • pasamanos [m sg] rail, banister.
  • pasaporte [m] passport.
  • pasar to pass, overtake Pasemos ese carro, nos retrasa mucho. Let's pass that car, he's holding us up.  to pass, hand Haga el favor de pasarme el azúcar. Please pass me the sugar.  to pass, go through Tuvimos que pasar muchos túneles. We had to go through a number of tunnels.  to cross Debemos pasar el puente durante la noche. We must cross the bridge at night.  to move, transfer Tienen que pasar al enfermo a otro cuarto. They have to move the patient to another room.  to happen ¿Que pasó anoche? What happened last night?  to spend Pasa los domingos en la playa. He spends his Sundays at the beach.  to come (or go) in Pase Ud. y siéntese. Come in and sit down.  to tolerate, overlook Ella le pasa todas sus faltas. She overlooks all his faults.  to get along, make out Pasa muy bien con lo que gana. He gets along very well on what he earns.  to pass (at cards) Paso. I pass.  to pass, stop (of rain, snow, etc) La lluvia pasará pronto. The rain'll stop soon.
     pasar de largo to go (or pass) right by, pass by without stopping No se demore, pase Ud. de largo. Don't delay. Pass by without stopping.  pasar de moda to go out of style.  pasar el rato to kill time,