Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/182

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  • parece mal la idea. That idea doesn't seem bad to me in principle.
  • prisa hurry.  urgency Hay prisa de terminar este trabajo hoy. It's urgent that this work be finished today.
     andar de prisa to be in a hurry Siempre anda de prisa. He's always in a hurry.  a toda prisa at full speed Iban a toda prisa. They were going at full speed.  darse prisa to hurry ¡Démonos prisa, que es tarde! Let's hurry, it's late!  de prisa quickly.  tener prisa to be in a hurry Tenía tanta prisa que se olvidó el sombrero. He was in such a hurry that he forgot his hat.
  • prisión [f] prison.
  • prisionero prisoner (military).
  • privado [adj] private Todos los cuartos tienen baño privado. All rooms have a private bath.
     en privado privately, in private Lo resolvieron en privado. They settled it privately.
  • privado (see privar) deprived.  unconscious De la impresión, quedó privada. She became unconscious from the shock.
  • privar to deprive Lo privaron de sus derechos. They deprived him of his rights.
     privarse to deprive oneself Se priva Ud. de demasiadas cosas. You deprive yourself of too many things.
  • privilegio privilege.
  • proa bow, prow; nose (of an airplane).
  • probabilidad [f] probability.
  • probable probable.
  • probar to try, test Probaremos el avión esta tarde. We'll test the airplane this afternoon.  to taste Pruebe Ud. este dulce. Taste this candy.  to prove Probó su inocencia. He proved his innocence.  to agree with, suit Este clima me prueba muy bien. This climate agrees with me.
     probarse to try on ¿Puedo probarme el vestido? May I try on the dress?
  • problema [m] problem.
  • proceder to proceed, begin Después de examinar a los muchachos procedieron a calificarlos. After testing the children they proceeded to classify them.  to come, be the result Esto procede de su ignorancia. This is the result of his ignorance.  to come ¿De dónde proceden sus padres? Where do your parents come from?  to act Procedió sin reflexionar. He acted without thinking.  to behave.  [m] conduct, behavior No me gusta su proceder. I don't like your behavior.
     proceder contra to take action against.
  • procedimiento method, procedure Su procedimiento de enseñanza es muy bueno. Your method of teaching's very good.
  • procesión [f] procession.
  • proceso process; trial (court).
  • proclamar to proclaim.
  • procurar to try Procuraré llegar al teatro a tiempo. I'll try to get to the theater on time.  to see Procure Ud. que no falte nada. See that nothing is lacking.
     procurarse to get, obtain Procúrese Ud. un buen asiento. Get a good seat.
  • pródigo prodigal, extravagant.
  • producción [f] production.
  • producir [irr] to produce Ese país produce mucho café. That country produces a lot of coffee.  to produce, cause Un descuido de alguien produjo el incendio. The fire was caused by somebody's carelessness.  to produce, yield, give No creo que el alquiler de la casa le produzca a Ud. mucho. I don't think the rent from the house will yield you much.
     producirse to arise, break out Se produjo una huelga. A strike broke out.
  • productivo productive.
  • producto product.
     productos agrícolas (farm) produce.
  • profecía prophecy, forecast.
  • profesión [f] profession.
  • profesional [adj] professional.
  • profesar to profess; to join (a religious order).
  • profesor [m] professor.
  • profeta [m] prophet.
  • profundidad [f] depth.
  • profundo deep ¿Es muy profunda esta parte del lago? Is this part of the lake very deep?  profound Eso es un pensamiento muy profundo. That's a very profound thought.
  • programa [m] program ¿Tiene Ud. el programa del concierto? Do you have the program of the concert?  plans ¿Cuál es su programa para el domingo? What are your plans for Sunday?
  • progresar to progress, make progress, advance Ese país ha progresado mucho en los últimos años. That country's made great progress in the last