Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/220

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  • correcto. His manner is very correct.  pact, agreement, deal (commercial) Hicieron un trato. They had an understanding.  close friendship Parece que tienen mucho trato. They seem to be very close friends.
     tener buen trato to be pleasant, be nice.
  • través  a través de through, across Fueron a través del bosque. They went through the woods.  de través sidewise, out of the corner of the eye Me miró de través. He looked at me out of the corner of his eye.
  • travesía voyage.
  • travesura prank, antic.
  • traviesa railroad tie [Sp].
  • travieso mischievous, prankish.
  • trayecto distance, stretch, line.
  • traza looks, appearance.
     buena traza good appearance.  mala traza evil look Ese hombre tiene mala traza. That man looks dangerous.  tener trazas to show signs Esto no tiene trazas de terminarse. This doesn't seem te be anywhere near finished.  tener trazas de to look like Tiene trazas de mendigo. He looks like a beggar.
  • trazar to draw Trazó un croquis rápidamente. He quickly drew a sketch.  to draw up Trazaron planes para el futuro. They drew up plans for the future.
  • trazo line, stroke Con unos trazos de lápiz hizo una caricatura. With a few strokes of his pencil he made a caricature.
  • trébol [m] clover.
  • trece thirteen.
  • trecho space, stretch Hay un trecho de mal camino. There's a stretch of bad road.
     de trecho en trecho at intervals Han plantado árboles de trecho en trecho. They have planted trees at intervals.
  • tregua truce, lull Hubo una tregua en la lucha. There was a lull in the fighting.
     sin tregua without rest Trabaja sin tregua. He works without rest.
  • treinta thirty.
  • tremendo terrible, dreadful Hubo un accidente tremendo. There was a terrible accident.  huge, tremendous Ocasionó tremendos gastos. It entailed tremendous expense.
  • tren [m] train El tren viene atrasado. The train is late.  pomp, show Con ese tren de vida se van a arruinar. They'll go broke with such extravagant living.
     tren correo mail train.  tren de mercancías freight train Pasaron un tren de mercancías. They passed a freight train.  tren de viajeros passenger train Hay un tren de viajeros cada dos horas. There's a (passenger) train every two hours.  tren expreso (or rápido) express train.  tren mixto freight and passenger train.
  • trenza braid, tress.
  • trepar to climb Trepó al árbol con gran dificultad. He climbed the tree with great difficulty.
  • tres three.
  • triángulo triangle.
  • tribu [f] tribe.
  • tribuna rostrum, reviewing stand El orador subió a la tribuna. The speaker mounted the rostrum.  gallery Desde las tribunas ovacionaron a los diputados. The galleries cheered the delegates.
     la tribuna the bar; politics (profession).  tribunas grandstand Las tribunas estaban llenas de espectadores. The grandstand was filled with spectators.
  • tribunal [m] court (of justice); examining board.
     llevar alguien a los tribunales to sue.
  • tribuno orator.
  • trigo wheat.
  • trinchadora sideboard.
  • trinchante [m] carving knife.
  • trinchar to carve (meat).
  • trinchera trench; ditch; trench coat.
  • trineo sled; bob sled.
  • tripa tripe; intestines; belly.
  • triple triple, treble.
  • tripulación [f] crew.
  • triste sad.  sad, sorry Hizo un triste papel. He cut a sorry figure.  gloomy, dismal El día está muy triste. It's a gloomy day.
  • tristeza sadness, sorrow.
  • triunfar to triumph, succeed Triunfaron sus proyectos. His plans succeeded.  to win Ha triunfado en el campeonato. He won the championship.
     triunfar de to triumph over Pudo triunfar de toda la oposición. He was able to triumph over all opposition.
  • triunfo triumph, victory El triunfo sobre el enemigo fué completo. The victory over the enemy was complete.  trump card Echó un triunfo. He played a trump.
     costar un triunfo to be exceedingly