Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/228

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  • vino wine.
     vino tinto red wine.
  • viña vineyard.
  • violencia violence, strength.
  • violento impulsive; violent Tiene un carácter muy violento. He's very impulsive.  strong No diga Ud. esas frasas tan violentas. Don't use such strong language.
     sentirse violento to be embarrassed, feel out of place.
  • violeta violet; lilac (color).
  • violin [m] violin.
  • violón [m] bass viol.
     tocar el violón to talk through one's hat.
  • virgen [adj; f] virgin.
  • virtud [f] virtue, good quality; efficacy, power.
  • virtuoso virtuous.  [n] virtuoso.
  • viruela smallpox.
  • visera eyeshade, visor.
  • visible [adj] visible.
  • visillo window curtain.
  • visión [f] vision Tuvo una visión. He had a vision.  view, opinion Su visión del problema me parece justa. His view of the problem seems correct to me.  sight, peculiar looking person Con aquel traje y aquel sombrero estaba hecha una visión. With that dress and hat she was a sight.
     ver visiones to be seeing things, be deluded.
  • visita visit ¿Recibió Ud. la visita de mi amigo? Did my friend call on you?  visitor, caller Con tantas visitas no hemos podido hacer nada. There were so many callers we haven't been able to accomplish anything.
     hacer una visita to pay a call.  pagar la visita to return the call.  tener visita to have company No puede recibirle, tiene visita. She can't see you, she has company.
  • visitar to visit, call on ¿Cuándo podré visitarle? When may I call on you?  to visit, to make a professional visit, make a call El doctor está visitando a sus enfermos. The doctor is making his calls.  to inspect El inspector y los arquitectos han salido a visitar las obras. The inspector and the architects have gone to inspect the constructions.
  • víspera eve, day before Hoy es la víspera de la fiesta. This is the eve of the holiday.
     estar en vísperas de to be on the eve of, be about to Estaba en vísperas de embarcar para Europa. He was about to sail for Europe.
  • vista eyesight, vision Tiene muy buena vista. He has very good eyesight.  sight ¡No te pongas delante de mi vista! Get out of my sight!  view, vista La vista desde la terraza era preciosa. There was an attractive view from the terrace.
     corto de vista near-sighted Es muy corto de vista. He's very near-sighted.  de vista by sight, without introduction No me han presentado, lo conozco sólo de de vista. I haven't been introduced to him; I know him only by sight.  echar la vista encima to lay eyes on (upon).  en vista de in view of En vista de esto, yo no puedo comer con Ud. hoy. In view of this, I cannot eat with you today.  hacer la vista gorda to wink (at), to overlook.  tener la vista cansada to have tired eyes; to be far-sighted.  tener vistas a to face La casa tiene vistas a la calle. The house faces the street.  vista cansada far-sightedness.
    || ¡Hasta la vista! So long!
  • visto (see ver) seen.
     estar mal visto to be improper, be disapproved, be bad form No haga Ud. eso, equí está mal visto. Don't do that; it's considered bad form here.  estar visto to be evident, obvious, clear Está visto que Juan no viene. It's evident that John isn't coming.  no estar bien visto to be improper, frowned upon Eso no está muy bien visto. That isn't done.  por lo visto apparently Por lo visto no se acordó de que tenía que venir. Apparently he forgot that he was supposed to come.  visto bueno (abbr Vo Bo) approved, O.K.  approval, O.K. Tiene que llevar el visto bueno del jefe. He has to have the chief's O.K.
  • vistoso showy, loud.
  • vital vital, essential.
  • vitrina show window [Am]; show case [Sp].
  • viuda widow.
  • viudo widower.
  • víveres [m pl] provisions.
  • viveza quickness, liveliness Tiene mucha viveza de ingenio. He has a quick mind.  vehemence, spirit Al oírlo contestó con viveza. When she heard it she replied with spirit.
  • vivienda dwelling, house.
  • vivir to live, exist No sé si vive o ha muerto. I don't know whether he's