Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/33

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  • abrigar to warm Estas mantas abrigan mucho. These blankets are very warm.  to shelter, protect La pared me abrigaba de la lluvia. The wall protected me from the rain.
     abrigarse to warp oneself, dress warmly Abríguese bien antes de salir. Wrap up well before you go out.
  • abrigo overcoat.
  • abril [m] April.
  • abrir [irr] to open Haga el favor de abrir la puerta. Please open the door.—¿Cuándo han abierto el cajón? When was the box opened?  to unlock Con este llave abra Ud. el armario. Unlock the cabinet with this key.
     abrirse to withdraw, back out [Am] Si se abren Uds. no se hará el negocio. If you back out the deal won't go through.  abrirse paso, abrirse camino to make one's way Se abría paso entre la multitud. He was making his way through the crowd.
  • abrochar to buckle, button Abróchale el cinturón al niño. Buckle the child's belt.—Tengo que abrocharme la chaqueta. I have to button my jacket.
  • absoluto  en absoluto (not) at all "¿Le molesta a Ud.?" "No, en absoluto." "Do you mind?" "Not at all."—"¿Rehusó Ud. hacerlo?" "¡En absoluto!" "Did you refuse to do it?" "Not at all!"
  • absorber to absorb.
  • absurdo absurd; absurdity.
  • abuela grandmother.
  • abuelo grandfather.
  • abundancia abundance.
  • abundante abundant.
  • aburrir to bore Aburre a todo el mundo. He bores everybody.
  • abusar de to abuse El gobernador abusó de su autoridad. The governor abused his authority.  to betray Abusó de mi confianza. He betrayed my confidence.
  • abuso abuse (of power); betrayal (of confidence).
  • acá here, this way Venga Ud. acá. Come here.
     por acá around here Espero que le veamos por acá pronto. I hope we'll be seeing you around here soon.
  • acabado (see acabar) [adj] Este mueble está muy bien acabado. This piece of furniture has a fine finish.  exhausted, worn out [Am] Estoy acabado. I'm worn out [Am].  [m] finish El acabado de la mesa era perfecto. The finish of the table was perfect.
  • acabar to finish, end, terminate Acabe Ud. su trabajo pronto. Finish your work quickly.  to put an end to Acabemos esta discusión. Let's put an end to this discussion.
     acabar con to exhaust, use up Han acabado con todos los recursos del país. They exhausted all the resources of the country.  to wipe out Acabaron con el enemigo. They wiped out the enemy.  acabar de to have just Acabo de llegar. I've just arrived.  acabar por to end by Acabaré por volverme loco. I'll end up by going crazy.  acabarse to run out of Se me acabó el dinero. I ran out of money.
  • academia academy.
  • acalenturado feverish [Am] El enfermo está acalenturado esta tarde. The patient's feverish this afternoon.
  • acalorarse to become heated or excited La discusión se acaloró. The argument became heated.  to get overheated Me acaloré jugando al beisbol. I got overheated playing baseball.
  • acariciar to caress, pet Acariciaba al perro. He was petting the dog.
  • acarrear to carry (a load).
  • acaso perhaps, maybe Acaso venga mañana. Maybe he'll come tomorrow.  by chance ¿Acaso lo tiene Ud.? Do you have it by any chance?
  • accidental accidental.
  • accidente [m] accident, mishap, chance.
  • acción [f] action Esas tropas van a entrar en acción. Those troops are going into action.  plot (of a drama) La acción se desarrolla rápidamente. The plot develops rapidly.
  • aceite [m] oil.
  • aceituna olive.
  • acento stress, accent Esta palabra tiene el acento en la última sílaba. This word's stressed on the last syllable.  accent, pronunciation Tiene buen acento. He has a good accent.
  • acentuar to accent.
  • aceptar to accept.
  • acera sidewalk.
  • acerca de about, concerning No sé nada acerca de eso. I don't know anything about that.
  • acercar to bring near Acérqueme una silla, por favor. Bring up a chair for me, please.
     acercarse a to approach Se acercó a la puerta. He approached the door.
  • acero steel.