Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/36

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  • encajes. The dress was trimmed with lace.
  • adorno ornament, trimming.
  • adquirir to acquire.
  • adquisición [f] acquisition.
  • aduana customhouse.  customs Pagaron derechos de aduana(s). They paid customs duties.
  • adulación [f] flattery.
  • adular to flatter.
  • adulto [n; adj] adult.
  • adversario opponent.
  • adversidad [f] adversity, misfortune.
  • advertencia warning.
  • advertir [rad-ch II] to notice, observe Advertí algunos errores en su informe. I noticed some mistakes in his report.  to advise, warn Te advierto que no lo hagas otra vez. I'm warning you not to do it again.—Ya se lo advertí a Ud. I told you so.
  • aéreo aerial, (of the) air Envíelo por correo aéreo. Send it airmail.
  • aeródromo airport.
  • aeroplano airplane.
  • afable affable, pleasant.
  • afán [m] anxiety, eagerness.
  • afanarse to be eager Muchachos, no se afanen tanto. Don't be so eager, boys.
  • afectado (see afectar) affected, unnatural.
  • afectar to move La noticia le afectó mucho. The news moved him deeply.
  • afecto affection, regard Les tiene afecto a todos sus compañeros de oficina. He has regard for all his office companions.
  • afeitar to shave.
     afeitarse to shave (oneself).
  • afición [f] fondness; inclination.
  • aficionado, aficionada fan Soy un gran aficionado al béisbol. I'm a great baseball fan.  amateur Esta es una compañía de aficionados. This is an amateur company.
     aficionado a fond of Es muy aficionado a la lectura. He's very fond of reading.
  • aficionarse a to become fond of Se ha aficionado a los deportes. He's become fond of sports.
  • afilar to sharpen.
  • afinidad [f] relationship by marriage Es pariente mío por afinidad. He's one of my in-laws.
  • afirmar to affirm, assert, maintain.
  • afirmativo [adj] affirmative.
  • aflicción [f] affliction, sorrow, grief.
  • afligir to grieve (someone) Les afligió macho la pérdida de su madre. The loss of their mother grieved them very much.
     afligirse to grieve Se afligieron por la desgracia de su amigo. They grieved over their friend's misfortune.
  • aflojar to loosen, relax Afloje Ud. un poco la venda. Loosen the bandage a little.  to slacken No aflojen el trabajo en tiempo de guerra. Don't slacken in your work in war time.  to decrease, let up, subside La tormenta aflojó. The storm let up.
  • afortunadamente fortunately.
  • afortunado fortunate, lucky.
  • afuera out, outside Vamos afuera. Let's go out.
     afueras [f pl] suburbs, outskirts Viven en las afueras de la ciudad. They live in the suburbs.
    || ¡Afuera! Get out!
  • agachar to lower, bend down Agachen la cabeza que el techo es muy bajo. Bend down; the ceiling's very low.
  • agarradero handle.
  • agarrar to hold, grasp Agarre Ud. bien la cuerda. Hold the rope tight.  to catch or contract (illness) He agarrado un catarro atroz. I caught an awful cold.  to take [Arg].
     agarrarse to hold on, catch hold Se agarró de mi brazo para no caerse. She caught hold of my arm so she wouldn't fall.
  • agencia agency (except governmental).
  • agente [m] agent Es agente de una gran compañía de seguros. He's agent for a big insurance company.  representative La compañía ha enviado varios agentes para tratar el asunto. The company's sent several representatives to discuss the matter.
     agente (de policía) policeman [Am] Pregunte al agente dónde está la plaza de Santiago. Ask the policeman where St. James Square is.
  • ágil quick, agile Es ágil de movimientos. He's quick in his movements.—Tiene una inteligencia muy ágil. She has a very quick mind.
  • agitación [f] excitement, agitation.
  • agitar to shake Agítese bien antes de usarlo. Shake well before using.  to stir up, excite El político agitó a los trabajadores. The politician stirred up the workers.
     agitarse to become excited Cuando lo oyó se agitó mucho. When she heard it she got very excited.
  • agosto August.