Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/38

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  • favor. That way, please.  around here Por ahí anda su sombrero. Your hat's somewhere around here.
    || ¿Y de ahí, qué hubo? Hello there, what's new? [C.A.]
  • ahijada goddaughter.
  • ahijado godson.
  • ahogar to choke Trató de ahogarle. He tried to choke him.
     ahogarse to drown, to be drowned Muchos animales se ahogaron en la inundación. Many animals were drowned in the flood.  to be suffocated Me ahogo en esta habitación tan pequeña y tan caliente. This room's so small and hot that I'm suffocating.
  • ahora now, right now Ahora voy a casa. I'm going home now.  now ¿Ahora, qué piensa Ud.? Now, what do you think?
     ahora bien now, now then Ahora bien, hay que aclarar este problema. Now then, let's get this problem cleared up.  ahora mismo at once, right away Hágalo ahora mismo. Do it right away.  just, just now Salió ahora mismo. He just left.  de ahora en adelante from now on Lo haremos así de ahora en adelante. We'll do it this way from now on.  hasta ahora up to now, so far Hasta ahora nunca hemos tenido este problema. Up to now we've never had this problem.  por ahora for the present Por ahora tenemos bastante comida. We have enough food for the present.
  • ahorcar to hang (execute) Lo ahorcaron el mismo día. They hanged him the same day.
  • ahorita right now [Am] Ahorita vamos a verle. We're going to see him right now.
  • ahorrar to save ¿Cuánto dinero hemos ahorrado este mes? How much have we saved this month?
  • aire [m] air El aire de esta habitación está muy cargado. The air in this room's very stuffy.  wind Sopla un aire muy fuerte. There's a very strong wind blowing.  look, appearance Tiene aire de millonario. He looks like a millionaire.—Tenía un aire muy cansado. He looked very tired.
     al aire libre in the open air Pasamos tres horas al aire libre. We spent three hours in the open air.  tomar el aire to get some fresh air.
    || Se da aires de persona importante. He puts on airs.
  • aislamiento isolation.
  • aislar to isolate, cut off.
  • ¡aja! || ¡Aja! ¿Conque esas tenemos? So that's what's going on!
  • ajedrez [m] chess.
  • ajeno another's, someone else's No se meta en vidas ajenas. Don't meddle in other people's affairs.
  • ajo garlic.
     echar ajos to swear Empezó a echar ajos. He started swearing.  estar en el ajo to be in the know.
  • ajustar to tighten Tiene Ud. que ajustar esos tornillos. You have to tighten those screws.  to fit Esta tapadera no ajusta. This cover doesn't fit.  to agree about, decide (on) Se reunieron para ajustar las condiciones de la paz. They met to decide peace terms.  to settle Vamos a ajustar las cuentas. Let's settle accounts.
  • al (a + el) See a.
  • ala wing; brim (of a hat).
  • alabanza praise.
  • alabar to praise.
  • alacrán [m] scorpion.
  • alambrada wire fence.
  • alambre [m] wire.
  • alameda mall, public walk (lined with poplars).
  • álamo poplar.
  • alarde [m] boast.
     hacer alarde de to show off Levantó el baúl para hacer alarde de fuerza. He lifted the trunk to show off his strength.
  • alardear to boast.
  • alargar to lengthen, extend Hay que alargar las mangas de este abrigo. The sleeves of this coat have to be lengthened.  to hand Haga el favor de alargarme la maleta. Would you hand me the suitcase, please?
  • alarma alarm.
  • alba dawn.
  • albañil [m] mason, bricklayer.
  • albaricoque [m] apricot [Sp].
  • alborotar to disturb, make noise Los niños están alborotando mucho. The children are making a lot of noise.
  • alboroto disturbance, excitement; [C.A.] popcorn.
  • alcachofa artichoke.
  • alcalde [m] mayor.
  • alcance [m] reach Estaba fuera de su alcance. It was out of his reach.
  • alcancía toy bank; collection box.
  • alcanzado short (of money) Siempre anda alcanzado de dinero. He's always short of money.