Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/41

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  • amabilidad [f] kindness.
  • amable kind, amiable.
  • amanecer to dawn En verano amanece más temprano que en invierno. In the summer it dawns earlier than in the winter.
  • amanecer [m] daybreak, dawn.
  • amanecida  a la amanecida at daybreak, at dawn.
  • amante [adj] loving.  [n] lover; mistress.
  • amapola poppy.
  • amar to love.
  • amargado (see amargar) embittered Ese tipo está amargado. That guy's very embittered.
  • amargar to make bitter, make miserable Amarga la vida de todos los que le rodean. He makes life miserable for everyone around him.
  • amargo bitter.
  • amargor [m] bitterness No podía soportar el amargor del café. He couldn't stand the bitterness of the coffee.
  • amargura bitterness Sus desgracias le causaron una gran amargura. His misfortunes caused him great bitterness.
  • amarillo yellow.
  • amarrar to tie, fasten.
  • ambición [f] (excessive) ambition.
  • ambicioso overambitious.
  • ambiente [m] atmosphere, environment.
  • ambulancia ambulance.
  • amén amen.
    || Dice a todo amén. He's a yes-man.
  • amenaza threat, menace.
  • amenazar to threaten, menace.
  • americana coat (of a man's suit) [Sp].
  • amigo, amiga friend Es una amiga mía. She's a friend of mine.
  • amistad [f] friendship.
     hacer amistad to become friends, make friends (with) Pronto hicieron amistad. They soon became friends.—Hizo amistad con Juan. He made friends with John.  hacer amistades to get acquainted En poco tiempo hizo amistades allí. He got acquainted there in a short time.
  • amistoso friendly.
  • amo, ama owner, proprietor Hablamos con el amo de la casa. We talked with the owner of the house.  boss No se lo digas al amo. Don't tell the boss.
  • amontonar to heap, pile up.
  • amor [m] love Le gusta hablar de amor. He likes to talk of love.  love, heartthrob Ha encontrado un nuevo amor. He's found a new love.  love, darling Sí, mi amor. Yes, darling.
     amor propio self-esteem, pride Tiene un amor propio excesivo. He has too much pride.
  • amoscarse to become peeved or irked Se ha amoscado con tus palabras. He was peeved by what you said.
  • amotinarse to mutiny.
  • amparo aid; protection.
  • ampliación [f] enlargement Quiero una ampliación de esta fotografía. I want an enlargement of this photograph.
  • ampliar to enlarge, amplify, extend.
  • amplio ample, roomy, large.
  • amueblar to furnish, supply with furniture Amueblaron la casa con todo lujo. They furnished the house very luxuriously.
  • analfabeto [adj, n] illiterate.
  • análisis [m or f] analysis.
  • analizar to analyze.
  • anarquía anarchy.
  • ancho wide, broad ¿Cree Ud. que el camino es bastante ancho para automóviles? Do you think the road's wide enough for cars?  too big, too wide Este traje me está ancho. This suit's too big for me.  width, breadth ¿Qué ancho tiene la tela? What's the width of the material?
     a sus anchas at ease, comfortable.
  • anciano aged, very old (of people).
  • ancla anchor.
  • andada hike [Am] Dimos la gran andada para llegar a la cumbre. We took a long hike up to the summit.
  • andalón [m] wanderer, gadabout [Am] Eres muy andalón, muchacho. You're a great gadabout, my boy.
  • andar [irr] to walk, go on foot Es demasiado lejos para ir andando. It's too far to walk.  to go, move El tren echó a andar. The train began to move.  to run, go, work ¿Anda ese reloj? Is that clock going?
     andar andando to roam around [Mex, Col] He andado andando todo el día. I've been chasing around all day.  andar cerca to come close to No se sacó el premio, pero le anduvo cerca. He didn't win the prize, but he came close to it.  andar en to be going on [Am] El niño anda en siete años. The child's going on seven.
     andarse por las ramas to beat around the bush.
    || ¡Anda! Move on! or Get up! or Go ahead! || ¡Ándale! Go on! or Go to it! [Am]