Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/48

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  • atreverse to dare, venture No se atreve a decírmelo. He doesn't dare to tell me.
  • atribuir to attribute.
  • atrocidad [f] atrocity; horrible or terrible thing ¡Qué atrocidad! What a horrible thing!
  • atropellar to run over, knock down Le atropello un auto. An automobile ran over him.
     atropellarse to rush through Si quiere Ud. hacer el trabajo bien, no se atropelle. If you want to do a good job, don't rush through it.
  • atropello abuse, outrage No podemos tolerar tal atropello. We can't tolerate such an outrage.  accident (in which a pedestrian is injured) Tres peatones fueron víctimas de un atropello. Three pedestrians were victims of an accident.
  • atroz terrible, atrocious ¡Fué una cosa atroz! It was a terrible thing!
  • aturdir to rattle Me aturde tanto ruido. So much noise rattles me.
     aturdirse to be stunned Se aturdió y no supo que contestar. He was stunned and didn't know what to answer.
  • audacia audacity, boldness.
  • audaz bold, daring.
  • auditorio audience, listeners.
  • aumentar to increase Han aumentado los sueldos. They've increased the salaries.
  • aumento increase.
  • aun, aún still Aun podemos llegar a tiempo. We can still get there on time.  even Ni aun ahora sería posible. Even now it wouldn't be possible.  yet No ha venido aún. He hasn't come yet.
     aun cuando even though, even if Aun cuando no venga tendremos que empezar. Even if he doesn't come we'll have to begin.
  • aunque though, even if Aunque no he nacido en el país, lo conozco muy bien. Though I wasn't born in the country, I know it very well.
  • ausencia absence.
  • ausentarse to leave, absent oneself Se ausentó de la clase porque se sentía enfermo. He left the class because he was feeling sick.
  • ausente absent.  [n] one who is absent.
  • auténtico authentic.
  • auto auto, car ¿Hay bastante sitio en el auto para todos? Is there enough room in the car for everybody?
  • autobús [m] bus ¿Qué es más barato, el autobús o el tranvía? Which is cheaper, the bus or the street car?
  • automático automatic.  [m] snap (for clothing).
  • automóvil [m] automobile.
  • autor [m] author.
  • autora authoress.
  • autoridad [f] authority, power No supo mantener su autoridad. He couldn't maintain his authority.
     autoridades authorities, government Han dado parte a las autoridades. They reported it to the authorities.
  • autorizar to authorize.
  • auxiliar to aid, help, assist.
  • avanzar to move forward El coche avanzaba muy despacio. The car moved very slowly.  to advance, make progress, get ahead No avanzamos nada en nuestro trabajo. We're not making any progress in our work.
  • avaro stingy, miserly.  [n] miser.
  • ave [m] bird, fowl.
  • avena oats.
  • avenida avenue.  flood Las avenidas han estropeado la cosecha. The floods ruined the crops.
  • avenirse [irr] to agree Se avino a lo que le dijeron. He agreed to what they said.
  • aventajado promising Es un muchacho muy aventajado. He's a very promising young man.
  • aventajar to get ahead, to surpass Aventaja a todos en el trabajo. He gets ahead of everybody in his work.
  • aventura adventure; risk, chance.
  • aventurar to risk, hazard ¡No se aventure! Don't risk it!
  • aventurero adventurous; adventurer.
  • avergonzar [rad-ch I] to shame, to make (someone) ashamed Avergonzó a toda su familia con su conducta. He shamed his whole family by his conduct.
     avergonzarse to be ashamed Después de decirlo se avergonzó. After he said it, he was ashamed.
  • avería damage El mecánico arregló la avería sin demora. The mechanic repaired the damage without delay.
  • averiarse to be damaged, be spoiled Con la lluvia se averió el cargamento. The shipment was damaged by the rain.
  • averiguar to find out.
  • aviación [f] aviation.
  • aviador [m] aviator.
  • ávido eager, anxious Estaba ávido de noticias. He was eager for news.
  • avión [m] airplane, plane.