Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/50

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  • cero. The temperature's fallen below zero.  street floor, ground floor El portero vive en el bajo. The superintendent lives on the ground floor.
  • bala bullet, ball.
  • balance [m] balance; balance sheet ¿Cuál es mi balance de este mes en el banco? What's my bank balance this month?
  • balancearse to sway, rock, swing No se balancee en la silla; se va a romper. Don't rock in the chair; it's going to break.
  • balanceo [m] rocking, wobbling.
  • balanza scales, balance.
  • balazo shot Se oyeron tres balazos. Three shots were heard.  bullet wound Tenía tres balazos en el pecho. He had three bullet wounds in his chest.
  • balcón [m] balcony.
  • balde [m] bucket, pail Este balde se sale. This bucket leaks.
     de balde gratis, free Dan boletos de balde. They're giving tickets free.  en balde in vain, without success Trató en balde de hablar con ella por teléfono. He tried to get her on the phone without success.
  • balear to wound by gunshot [Am] Lo balearon ayer. They shot him yesterday.
  • balneario bathing resort.
  • balón [m] football.
  • banana banana.
  • banco bank ¿Puedo cobrar mi cheque en este banco? Can I cash my check in this bank?  bench Todos los bancos están ocupados. All the benches are taken.
  • banda sash, band (wide strip of material) La falda tenía tres bandas rojas. The skirt had three red bands.—Llevaba una banda roja cruzada al pecho. He wore a red sash across his chest.  band (music) Esa banda (de música) me da dolor de cabeza. That band gives me a headache.  gang Una banda de ladrones actúa por esta región. A gang of thieves works these parts.
  • bandeja tray.
  • bandera flag.
  • bandido bandit.
  • banquero banker.
  • banqueta sidewalk [Mex]; stool.
  • bañar to bathe Haga el favor de bañar a los niños. Please bathe the children.
     bañarse to take a bath Voy a bañarme. I'm going to take a bath.
  • bañera bathtub.
  • bañero lifeguard.
  • baño bath; bathroom; bathtub.
  • baraja deck of cards.
  • barajar to shuffle (cards).
  • baranda banister.
  • barata cockroach [Ch, Peru].
  • barato cheap, inexpensive Es muy bonito y además barato. It's very pretty and besides it's cheap.  cheaply, cheap En este almacén venden muy barato. They sell things very cheap in this store.  [m] sale Hoy hay un barato en ese almacén. There's a sale today in that department store.
  • barba beard; chin.
  • barbaridad [f] any excess in speech or action Come una barbaridad. He eats too much.—No diga Ud. barbaridades. Don't talk nonsense.—Lo que hizo fué una barbaridad. What he did was an outrage.—Me gusta una barbaridad. I like her an awful lot.
  • bárbaro crude Es un hombre bárbaro. He's a crude man.
  • barbería barbershop.
  • barbero barber.
  • barca (small) boat.
  • barco boat, ship ¿Cuántas veces ha hecho Ud. el viaje por barco? How many times have you made the trip by boat?
  • barniz [m] varnish.
  • barnizar to varnish.
  • barquinazo tumble, fall [Am].
  • barra bar, rod Necesitamos una barra de hierro. We need an iron bar.  public, spectators [Am] La barra animaba a los jugadores. The spectators cheered the players on.
  • barranco gorge, ravine.
  • barrer to sweep.
  • barril [m] barrel, cask.
  • barrio quarter, section, district.
  • barro mud; pimple.
  • base [f] basis; base.
  • ¡basta! (See bastar) enough! stop! ¡Basta ya! He dicho que te calles. That's enough! I told you to shut up!
  • bastante enough, sufficient ¿Tiene Ud. bastante dinero? Do you have enough money?  enough, rather Es una mujer bastante bonita. She's a rather pretty woman.
  • bastar to be enough No bastó la comida para todos. There wasn't enough food for all.
  • bastidores [m pl]  entre bastidores behind the scenes, backstage.
  • basto coarse, rough El traje está hecho de material muy basto. The suit's made of very rough material.
  • bastón [m] cane, walking stick.