Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/52

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  • bochorno embarrassment ¡Qué bochorno pasamos! What an embarrassing situation that was!  sultry weather ¡Qué bochorno hace! What sultry weather we're having!
  • bochornoso embarrassing; shameful ¡Qué acción bochornosa! What a shameful action!  sultry.
  • bocina horn Toque la bocina para que ese auto nos deje pasar. Blow the horn so that car'll let us pass.
  • boda wedding.
  • bodega (wine) cellar, winery; storehouse; [Am] grocery store.
  • bofe lung.
     echar los bofes to pant, be out of breath Estoy echando los bofes. I'm out of breath.
  • bofetada slap.
  • bohemio [adj; n] Bohemian.
  • boina beret.
  • bola ball, round body or mass Deme Ud. esa bola de hierro. Give me that iron ball.  ball (to play with) [Am] Compramos unas bolas de tenis. We bought some tennis balls.  crowd [Mex] Había una bola de gente a la entrada del teatro. There was a crowd of people at the entrance of the theater.
  • boleador [m] bootblack [Mex].
  • boletería box office [Am].
  • boleto ticket [Am].
  • bolo drunkard [Am].
     jugar a los bolos to bowl.
  • bolsa purse Llevaba una bolsa de seda. She carried a silk purse.  bag Necesito una bolsa de papel para guardarlo. I need a paper bag to put it in.  stock exchange No'sé como están hoy las cotizaciones en la bolsa. I don't know what the quotations are on the exchange today.
  • bolsillo pocket; [Sp] (woman's) handbag, purse.
  • bomba pump Usaron una bomba para sacar el agua. They used a pump to take out the water.  bomb La bomba destruyó tres casas. The bomb destroyed three houses.—¡Cayó como una bomba! It struck like a bombshell!
     bomba de gasolina gasoline pump; filling station ¿Dónde hay una bomba de gasolina? Where is there a filling station?  bomba de incendios fire engine.
    || Se puso una bomba. He got drunk [Am].
  • bombero fireman (fire department).
  • bombilla (electric) bulb Se han fundido tres bombillas. Three bulbs have burned out.
  • bonaerense [adj; n] (native) of Buenos Aires.
  • bondad [f] kindness, goodness Le agradezco su bondad. Thank you for your kindness.
     tener la bondad (de) please Tenga la bondad de esperar un momento. Please wait a moment.
  • bondadoso [adj] kind.
  • boniato sweet potato [Sp, Cuba].
  • bonito pretty.
  • bono government bond.
  • boquilla cigarette holder.
  • bordar to embroider.
  • borde [m] edge, border.
  • bordo  a bordo aboard (ship).
  • borrachera drunkenness.
     coger una borrachera to get drunk.
  • borracho [n, adj] drunkard; drunk.
  • borrar to rub out, erase.
  • bosque [m] forest, woods.
  • bostezar to yawn.
  • bostezo yawn.
  • bota boot; wine bag.
  • botado (See botar) cheap, inexpensive [Am] Está botado. It's dirt-cheap.  lying (down) [Am] Estaba botado en la cama. He was lying on the bed.
  • botar to throw away [Am] Tenga cuidado, no bote esos papeles. Be careful, don't throw away those papers.  to throw out, fire Le han botado de su empleo. They've fired him.  to bounce [Sp] Mire cuanto bota esa pelota. Look how that ball bounces.
  • bote [m] boat.  can, box Quiero un bote de tomates. I want a can of tomatoes
     dar un bote to jump Cuando lo oyó dio un bote. When he heard it he jumped.  de bote en bote crowded, jammed El teatro estaba de bote en bote. The theater was jammed.
  • botella bottle.
  • botica pharmacy.
  • botón [m] button.
  • botones [m sg] bellboy.
  • boxeador [m] boxer, prize fighter.
  • bozal [m] muzzle (for animals).
  • bravo fierce, wild Cuidado, es un toro bravo. Be careful, it's a fierce bull.  angry, mad [Am] Se puso muy bravo. He got very mad.
    || ¡Bravo! Bravo!
  • brazo arm (of body).
     ir del brazo to go arm in arm.
  • brea pitch, tar.