Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/55

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  • cajetilla pack of cigarettes Voy a comprar una cajetilla. I'm going to buy a pack of cigarettes.
  • cajón [m] drawer Han perdido la llave del cajón. They've lost the key to the drawer.  box Recibieron un cajón de libros. They received a box of books.
  • cal [f] lime.
  • calabaza pumpkin, squash.
     dar calabazas to refuse, turn down, reject (a declaration of love) Le dio calabazas. She turned him down.  to flunk Le dieron calabazas en geometría. They flunked him in geometry.
  • calabozo prison, cell.
  • calamar [m] squid.
  • calambre [m] cramp Le dio un calambre mientras nadaba. He got a cramp while he was swimming.
  • calamidad [f] disaster, calamity, misfortune.
  • calar to penetrate El puñal le caló hasta el corazón. The dagger penetrated to his heart.  to soak through, drench Llegué a casa calado. I got home drenched.
     calarse to put on or pull down (a hat) Se caló el sombrero hasta las cejas. He pulled his hat down to his eyes.
  • calavera skull; madcap, rake.
  • calcetín [m] sock.
  • calcular to calculate, figure out Vamos a calcular los gastos del viaje. Let's figure out the cost of the trip.
  • cálculo calculation.
  • caldera boiler, large kettle.
  • caldo broth, bouillon.
  • calefacción [f] heating (system).
  • calendario calendar.
  • calentar to heat, warm Caliente el agua, por favor. Please heat the water.
     calentarse to get warm Se calentaron al sol. They warmed themselves in the sun.
  • calentura fever Está con calentura desde hace días. He's had a fever for the past few days.
  • calidad [f] quality ¿Es de buena calidad esta tela? Is this good material?
     en calidad de in one's capacity of, as.
  • caliente hot, warm Cuidado, la sopa está muy caliente. Be careful, the soup's very hot.
  • callado (See callar) silent, quiet ¿Por qué está Ud. tan callado? Why are you so quiet?
  • callar to keep quiet Calló mientras nosotros hablábamos. He kept quiet while we were talking.  to conceal, keep from someone Había callado la verdad. He kept the truth from us.
     callarse to shut up Cállate, ya has hablado bastante. Shut up! You're talking too much.  to stop talking, playing, singing, etc. Se callaron de repente. All of a sudden they stopped talking.
  • calle [f] street ¿En qué calle vive Ud.? What street do you live on?
     echar a la calle to throw out, to fire No tuve más remedio que echarle a la calle. I had no choice but to throw him out.  quedar(se) en la calle to be left penniless Al fracasar el negocio se quedó en la calle. When his business failed he was left penniless.
  • callejón [m], calleja alley, lane Estamos en un callejón sin salida. We're in a blind alley.
  • calma calm, quiet Después de la tempestad vino la calma. There was a calm after the storm.
     con calma slowly, taking one's time Trabaja con mucha calma. He takes his time when he works.
  • calmar to calm, soothe, ease Estas pildoras le calmarán el dolor. These pills will ease the pain.
     calmarse to calm down No se calmó hasta mucho después. He didn't calm down until much later.
  • calor [m] heat No me gusta el calor. I don't like the heat.
     hacer calor to be warm (of weather) Hoy hace mucho calor. It's very warm today.  tener calor to feel warm Tengo calor. I'm warm.
  • calumnia slander, false charge Todo lo que dice son calumnias. Everything he's saying is slander.
  • calumniar to slander.
  • caluroso warm, hot ¡Qué días más caluroso! What a hot day!
  • calva bald head; baldness.
  • calvicie [f] baldness (loss of hair).
  • calvo bald Estoy quedándome calvo. I'm getting bald.
  • calzada paved highway; [Am] sidewalk.
  • calzado shoes, footwear.
  • calzador [m] shoe-horn.
  • calzar to put on or wear (shoes) ¿Qué número calza Ud.? What size shoe do you wear?  to block, chock Voy a calzar las ruedas para que no se mueva el coche. I'm going to chock the wheels so the car won't move.
  • calzoncillos [m pl] shorts (underwear).