Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/57

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  • canela cinnamon.
  • cangrejo crab (shellfish).
  • canje [m] exchange (publications, prisoners).
  • canjear to exchange Decidieron canjear los prisioneros. They decided to exchange prisoners.
  • canoa canoe.
  • cansado (see cansar) tired Estoy cansada. I'm tired.  tiresome, boring Ese hombre es muy cansado. This man's very tiresome.
  • cansancio tiredness, fatigue Está muerto de cansancio. He's dead-tired.
  • cansar to tire Es un trabajo que cansa mucho. It's a very tiring job.
     cansarse to get tired Se cansa en seguida. She gets tired quickly.
  • cantaleta || Siempre está con la misma cantaleta. He's always harping on the same string.
  • cantante [m, f] singer.
  • cantar [m] song Quiero aprender ese cantar. I want to learn that song.  [v] to sing El tenor ha cantado muy bien esta noche. The tenor sang very well tonight.
     cantar claro Tendré que cantárselo claro. I'll have to tell it to him straight from the shoulder.
  • cantidad [f] amount, quantity ¿Qué cantidad le debo? How much do I owe you?
  • cantimplora canteen, water bottle.
  • cantina tavern, saloon [Am]; railroad restaurant [Sp].
  • canto singing Es profesor de canto. He's a singing teacher.  song Me gustan los cantos populares. I like folk songs.
  • canto edge.
     de canto on edge, on its side Ponga el libro de canto. Stand the book on edge.
  • caña reed, cane En Cuba se cultiva mucha caña de azúcar. A lot of sugar cane is grown in Cuba.  walking stick, cane (of bamboo) Llevaba una caña. He carried a cane.
     caña de pescar fishing rod.
  • cañada ravine.
  • cañería water pipe, pipe line Tienen que arreglar la cañería; está atrancada. They have to fix the water pipe; it's clogged.
  • cañón [m] barrel (of a gun) Compró una escopeta de dos cañones. He bought a double-barreled shotgun.  cannon, gun.  canyon, gorge ¿Conoce Ud. el canon del Colorado? Have you seen the Grand Canyon?
  • caoba mahogany.
  • capa cape (clothing) Usa capa española. He wears a Spanish cape.  coat La puerta necesita otra capa de pintura. The door needs another coat of paint.
     andar (or ir) de capa caída to be on the downgrade ¡Pobrecillos, andan de capa caída! Poor people, they're on the downgrade!
  • capacidad [f] capacity Este tanque tiene una capacidad de treinta litros. This tank has a capacity of thirty liters.  capability Es un hombre de gran capacidad para los negocios. He's a very capable business man.
  • capataz [m] foreman Querría hablar con el capataz. I'd like to talk to the foreman.
  • capaz large Es una habitación bastante capaz para biblioteca. It's a room large enough for a library.  capable No es capaz de una acción tan baja. He's not capable of such a low trick.  able, competent Me han dicho que es una persona muy capaz. I've been told that he's a very competent person.
  • capellán [m] chaplain.
  • capilla chapel.
  • capital [m] capital La compañía tiene un capital de un millón de dólares. The company has a capital of a million dollars.  [f] capital (city) Hicieron un viaje a la capital. They took a trip to the capital.
     pena capital capital punishment.
  • capitán [m] captain.
  • capítulo chapter He leído'sólo los tres primeros capítulos. I've read only the first three chapters.
  • capotera hat or clothes rack [Am].
  • capricho whim, fancy No haga Ud. caso de sus caprichos. Don't pay any attention to her whims.
  • caprichoso fickle, capricious.
  • cápsula capsule; shell (for short firearms).
  • capturar to capture.
  • capullo bud; cocoon.
  • cara face Tiene una cara muy bonita. She has a very pretty face.  face, front No entiendo las palabras que hay en la cara de la moneda. I don't understand the words on the face of the coin.
     cara a cara right to a person's face Se lo dijo cara a cara. He told