Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/65

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  • cobranza collection La cobranza de impuestos está bien organizada. The collection of taxes is well organized.
  • cobrar to collect, receive ¿Cobró Ud. el dinero que le debían? Did you collect the money they owed you?  to cash En esta ventanilla puede cobrar su cheque. You can cash your check at this window.  to charge Cobran muy caro en esa tienda. They charge high prices at that store.
  • cobre [m] copper.
  • cobro collection (of money due) Presentó la factura al cobro. He presented the bill for collection.
  • coca coca (plant from which cocaine is obtained) [Am].
  • cocal [m] coconut plantation [Am].
  • cocer [rad-ch I] to boil Cueza Ud. esas papas. Boil those potatoes.  to bake El pan se está cociendo en el horno. The bread's baking in the oven.
  • coche [m] carriage, coach Tienen un coche de dos caballos. They have a two-horse carriage.  car Acaban de comprar un coche nuevo. They've just bought a new car.
     coche-cama sleeping car, Pullman ¿Lleva coche-cama este tren? Does this train have a sleeping car?  coche-comedor dining car El coche-comedor va a la cabeza del tren. The dining car's at the forward end of the train.
  • cochero coachman Déle la dirección al cochero. Give the address to the coachman.
  • cochino hog, pig.  swine (insult).  dirty, filthy, vile ¡Qué cochinos están estos niños! How filthy these children are!
  • cocina kitchen La cocina de esa casa es muy bonita. The kitchen in that house is very nice.  cuisine, cooking Me gusta la cocina francesa. I like French cooking.
  • cocinar to cook Su mujer cocina muy bien. His wife cooks very well.
  • cocinero, cocinera cook.
  • coco coconut; coconut tree.
  • cocotero coconut tree.
  • coctelera cocktail shaker.
  • codicioso greedy Es un hombre codicioso. He's a greedy man.
  • código code (of laws).
     código civil civil law.  código militar military law.
  • codo elbow Se está rompiendo la chaqueta por los codos. The jacket's wearing through at the elbows.—Se sale el agita por el codo de la cañería. The water's leaking from the elbow of the pipe.
  • cofre [m] (see also baúl) trunk [Am]; chest [Sp] Cerró el cofre con llave. He locked the trunk with a key.
  • coger [should not be used in Arg] to catch Cogieron al ladrón. They caught the thief.  to pick, gather Van a empezar a coger las naranjas. They're going to start picking oranges.
  • coincidencia coincidence.
  • coincidir to coincide, agree Los dos relatos no coinciden. The two statements don't agree.
  • cojear (not used in Arg; see renguear) to limp, hobble Cojea un poco del pie derecho. He limps slightly on his right foot.
  • cojín [m] pad, cushion Ponga esos cojines en el diván. Put those cushions on the couch.
  • col [f] cabbage.
  • cola tail El perro movía la cola. The dog was wagging his tail.  train (of dress) Llevaba un vestido de cola. She wore a dress with a train.  line of people Esta es la cola para sacar los billetes. This is the ticket line.
     hacer cola to stand in line He estado haciendo cola más de dos horas. I was standing in line for more than two hours.
  • colaboración [f] collaboration, working together Escribe en colaboración con su hermano. He writes in collaboration with his brother.
  • colaborador [m] collaborator, co-worker.  contributor (to a periodical, etc) Es uno de los mejores colaboradores de este periódico. He's one of the best contributors to this newspaper.
  • colaborar to collaborate, cooperate; to contribute.
  • colador [m] colander, strainer Ponga las verduras en el colador. Put the vegetables in the strainer.
  • colar to strain El jugo de naranja no está bien colado. The orange juice isn't well strained.
  • colcha bedspread Tienen una colcha azul sobre la cama. They have a blue bedspread on the bed.
  • colchón [m] mattress.
  • colección [f] collection (of things) Tiene una buena colección de cuadros modernos. He has a good collection of modern paintings.
  • coleccionar to collect (stamps, coins, etc).
  • colecta collection (charity).