Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/80

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  • esta iglesia. They've just opened this church for worship.
  • cultura culture (of the mind).
  • cumbre [f] top, summit.
  • cumpleaños [m sg] birthday ¡Feliz cumpleaños! Happy birthday!
  • cumplido polite Es un hombre muy cumplido. He's a very polite man.
  • cumplidor reliable Es muy cumplidor en su trabajo. He's very reliable in his work.
  • cumplidos formalities ¡Basta de cumplidos! Enough of formalities!
  • cumplimiento performance, fulfillment Murió en el cumplimiento de su deber. He died in the performance of his duty.  compliment Me llenó de cumplimientos. He paid me many compliments.
  • cumplir to carry out, execute ¡Cumpla Ud. mis órdenes! Carry out my orders!  to keep (a promise) Cumplirá lo que nos ha prometido. He'll keep his promise to us.
     cumplir . . . (años) to reach one's . . . birthday Mañana cumpliré veinte y cinco. I'll be twenty-five tomorrow.
     cumplirse to mature, fall due Hoy se cumple el plazo. The installment falls due today.
  • cuna cradle.
  • cuneta gutter (along highway).
  • cuña wedge.
  • cuñada sister-in-law.
  • cuñado brother-in-law.
  • cuota share, quota; dues.
  • cúpula dome.
  • cura [m] priest, minister Es el cura de esta parroquia. He's the priest of this parish.  [f] cure, treatment El médico venía a hacerle la(s) cura(s). The doctor came to dress his wound.
     cura de urgencia first aid.
  • curación [f] healing, recovery.
  • curar to treat, dress the wounds of Los médicos estuvieron curando a los heridos. The doctors were treating the wounded.  to salt, cure, preserve No han curado bien estos jamones. They haven't cured these hams well.
     curarse to recover Se ha curado muy bien de la pulmonía. He's completely recovered from pneumonia.
  • curiosidad [f] curiosity; curio.
  • curioso curious, inquisitive.  odd, strange, quaint, rare Es un tipo curioso. He's very odd.
  • cursi unsuccessfully pretentious.
  • curso course (direction) Seguimos el curso del río. We followed the course of the river.  course (of studies) Estudia un curso de historia. He's taking a history course.  course (development) La enfermedad sigue su curso. The ailment's taking its course.
  • curtido (see curtir) experienced, hardened (by life) Es un hombre curtido por la vida. He's a man hardened by life.
  • curtir to tan (hides).
     curtirse to become tanned or weatherbeaten.
  • curva curve.
  • cutis [m] complexion.
  • cuyo whose Este es el hombre cuya hija conociste ayer. This is the man whose daughter you met yesterday.


  • dados dice.
     jugar a los dados to shoot dice.
  • dama lady. Primero las damas. Ladies first.
  • danza dance (spectacle) Ha escrito un libro sobre la historia de la danza. He's written a book on the history of the dance.
  • danzar to dance (as a performance).
  • dañar to damage.
     dañarse to damage Al aterrizar se le dañó un ala al avión. The plane damaged a wing in landing.
  • daño damage El temporal causó gran daño. The storm caused a lot of damage.
     daños damages Tuvo que pagar los daños. He had to pay the damages.  hacerle daño a uno to be harmful to one, not to agree with one Me hace daño la comida picante. Highly spiced food doesn't agree with me.  hacerse daño to get hurt, hurt oneself Me hice daño en el pie. I hurt my foot.
  • dar [irr] to give.  to bear Este árbol da muy buena fruta. This tree bears good fruit.  to show No da señales de vida. He doesn't show any sign of life.  to show (movies or plays) ¿Dónde dan esa película? Where's that movie showing?
     dar a to face, overlook Las ventanas dan a la calle. The windows face the street.  dar a conocer to make known Dio a conocer su opinión. He made his opinion known.  dar a