Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/88

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  • su desgracia. They tried to console her in her grief.
     por desgracia unfortunately Por desgracia no lo supimos a tiempo. Unfortunately we didn't find it out in time.
  • desgraciadamente unfortunately.
  • desgraciado [should not be used in Ecuador] unfortunate Han sido muy desgraciados durante los últimos años. They've been very unfortunate during the past few years.  [n] wretch No es más que un desgraciado. He's nothing but a miserable wretch.
  • deshacer [irr] to undo Tenemos que deshacer lo hecho. We have to undo what was done.  to untie, unwrap No puedo deshacer este nudo. I can't untie this knot.  to dissolve Deshaga la pastilla en un vaso de agua. Dissolve the tablet in a glass of water.  to spoil, upset Su llegada deshizo nuestros planes. His arrival spoiled our plans.
     deshacerse to wear oneself out Se deshace con tanto trabajo. He's wearing himself out with so much work.  deshacerse de to dispose of, get rid of Me deshice de mis alhajas. I got rid of my jewels.  deshacerse en to outdo oneself in Se deshizo en amabilidades con las señoras. He outdid himself in courteous attentions to the ladies.  deshacerse en lágrimas to burst into tears.
  • deshecho (see deshacer) undone, not made.  worn out, exhausted Estoy deshecho. I'm exhausted.
  • deshonesto dishonest, dishonorable; lewd.
  • deshonra dishonor, disgrace.
  • deshonrar to disgrace.
  • desierto deserted; uninhabited La estación estaba desierta. The station was deserted.  [m] desert La última parte del viaje fué a través del desierto. The last part of the trip was across the desert.
  • designar to name, appoint (a person).
  • desigual unequal La lucha era muy desigual. It was an unequal struggle.  uneven El terreno era muy desigual. The ground was very uneven.
  • desigualdad [f] difference, inequality.
  • desilusión [f] disillusionment.
  • desinfectante [adj; m] disinfectant.
  • desinfectar to disinfect.
  • desinteresado impartial; disinterested.
  • desistir de to give up, call off Desistió de hacer el viaje. He called off the trip.
  • desleal disloyal.
  • deslizarse to slip, slide, glide Los patinadores se deslizaban rápidamente por la pista. The skaters glided rapidly around the rink.
  • deslucido worn, faded Este traje está muy deslucido. This dress is too worn.  unsuccessful La fiesta fué muy deslucida. The party was a failure.
  • deslumbrar to dazzle.
  • desmayar to be dismayed or depressed or discouraged No desmayó en su intento. He wasn't discouraged in his plan.
     desmayarse to faint Al saber la noticia se desmayó. When she learned the news she fainted.
  • desmejorado  estar desmejorado to look sickly.
  • desmentir [rad-ch II] to disprove Pude desmentirle en todo lo que decía. I was able to disprove every statement he made.
     desmentirse to take back, retract Después de haberlo dicho trató de desmentirse. After he had said it, he tried to take it back.
  • desnudar to undress Está desnudando a los niños. She's undressing the children.
     desnudarse to take off one's clothes, get undressed Se desnudó y se tiró al agua. He took off his clothes and dove into the water.
  • desnudo naked, nude, bare.
  • desobedecer [-zc-] to disobey No desobedezca Ud. mis órdenes. Don't disobey my orders.
  • desocupado unoccupied, vacant ¿Hay algún piso desocupado? Do you have an apartment vacant?  not busy, not occupied Hablaré con Ud. cuando esté desocupado. I'll talk with you when you're not busy.  [m] idler Toda su vida no ha sido más que un desocupado. He's been an idler all his life.
  • desocupar to vacate Tenemos que desocupar la casa antes del mes próximo. We must vacate the house before next month.  to empty Voy a desocupar este armario para que Ud. lo use. I'm going to empty this cabinet so that you can use it.
  • desolación [f] desolation.
  • desolado desolate, disconsolate; disappointed.
  • desollar to skin Después de matar el carnero tendrá Ud. que desollarlo. After you kill the sheep you'll have to skin it.
    || Queda el rabo por desollar. The most difficult part's still to be done.
  • desorden [m] disorder, confusion, mess El cuarto estaba en el más completo desorden. The room was a complete mess.