Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/94

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  • disgustó a todos. That displeased everyone.
     disgustarse to be displeased or hurt Se disgustó por lo que le dije. She was hurt by what I said to her.
  • disgusto quarrel He tenido un disgusto con unos amigos. I had a quarrel with some friends.  grief, sorrow Cuando se enteró de la muerte de su amigo se llevó un disgusto terrible. When he found out about the death of his friend, he was very much grieved.
     dar disgustos to distress, grieve Ese muchacho le dio muchos disgustos a sus padres. That boy distressed his parents very much.  estar a disgusto to be uncomfortable, be ill at ease Estaba muy a disgusto con aquella gente. I was very ill at ease with those people.
  • disimular to conceal, dissimulate Siempre disimula sus intenciones. He always conceals his intentions.  to tolerate, overlook Como la quiere tanto disimula todas sus faltas. Since he likes her so much, he overlooks her faults.
  • disimulo dissimulation.
  • disipar to squander Disiparon su fortuna en un par de años. They squandered their fortune in a couple of years.  to dispel, drive away Quiero disipar sus dudas. I want to dispel his doubts.
  • disminución [f] decrease, diminution.
  • disminuir to decline, lessen En unas horas disminuirá el dolor. The pain'll be lessened in a few hours.  to decrease En estos días han disminuido las ventas. Sales have decreased these days.  to die down, diminish Si disminuye el viento, iremos. If the wind dies down, we'll go.
  • disolución [f] dissolution.
  • disolver [irr] to dissolve Disuelva Ud. la pastilla en un vaso de agua. Dissolve the tablet in a glass of water.  to break up La policía disolvió la reunión. The police broke up the meeting.
  • disparado (see disparar)  a la disparada [Am] at full speed.  salir disparado to beat it Al llegar la policía salieron disparados. When the police arrived they beat it.
  • disparar to shoot, fire Dispararon al aire. They fired into the air.
     dispararse to go off Se disparó la escopeta. The shotgun went off.
  • disparate [m] nonsense; mistake.
  • disparo discharge, shooting (of weapon).
  • dispensar to excuse Le han dispensado de hacer ese trabajo. They've excused him from doing that work.  to excuse, pardon Dispense Ud. que le interrumpa. Pardon me for interrupting you.—Dispénseme. Excuse me. or Beg pardon.  to distribute, dispense.
  • dispersar to scatter, disperse Los guardias dispersaron a la multitud. The police dispersed the crowd.
  • disponer [irr] to place, arrange Han dispuesto mal los muebles. They arranged the furniture badly.  to arrange Disponga Ud. lo que quiera. Make any arrangements you like.  to order, decree El gobierno ha dispuesto la movilización general. The government's ordered total mobilization.
     disponer de to spend [Am] Dispuso de todo el dinero que le di. He spent all the money I gave him.  to have at one's disposal Dispongo de muy poco tiempo. I have very little time at my disposal.  disponerse a to get ready to Me dispongo a salir mañana. I'm getting ready to leave tomorrow.
  • disponible available.
  • disposición [f] disposal, service Estoy a su disposición. I'm at your service.  provision, order Han cambiado las disposiciones. They changed the orders.  arrangement La disposición de los cuadros. The arrangement of the pictures.
     estar en buena disposición to be in a good frame of mind.  tener disposición to have aptitude or talent Tiene mucha disposición para el dibujo. She has a great talent for drawing.
  • dispuesto (see disponer) disposed, ready; zealous.
     bien dispuesto favorably disposed.  mal dispuesto ill-disposed.
  • disputa dispute.
     sin disputa undoubtedly, doubtless.
  • disputar to dispute, argue Disputaban por cualquier cosa. They argued over anything at all.
     disputarse to fight for or over Los dos se disputaron el premio. The two of them fought for the prize.
  • distancia distance ¿Qué distancia hay de su casa al pueblo? How far is it from your house to town?
     a distancia at a distance.  a larga distancia long-distance [Am] ¿Cuánto tiempo hay que esperar para una llamada a larga distancia? How long must one wait for a long-distance call?
  • distante far, distant.
  • distar to be distant ¿Dista mucho de aquí? Is it far from here?  to be