Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/119

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • chíaⁿ97414
  • Moreover; furthermore; indicates a copulative sentence.
ko-chíaⁿ tīu sù-sî;
put up with this domicile for a short time.
úa tŏ̤-kò̤, lṳ́ sĭang chíaⁿ cìeⁿ-seⁿ, úa m̄ tŏ̤-kò̤ le m̄ cai lṳ́ cò̤-nî īeⁿ;
if you do like this when I am here, I do not know what you would not do if I were absent.
chíaⁿ cĭam pîet;
so we are to separate for awhile.
úa chíaⁿ mn̄g lṳ́;
I moreover ask you.
chíaⁿ būe;
not just yet; please delay an instant.
lṳ́ chíaⁿ cŏ̤;
sit still and do not disturb yourself.
lṳ́ chíaⁿ táng úa;
you remain here and wait for me.
taⁿ chíaⁿ màiⁿ sĭeⁿ i;
now don't think about it any more.
kuang-chíaⁿ hìeⁿ ngía i cò̤ m̄-àiⁿ?
Since it is so pretty why does he not want it?
lṳ́ chíaⁿ hûe khṳ̀;
then you can go back.
chíaⁿ lâi cîah;
come now and eat.
chíaⁿ cieh úa, ùaⁿ cē khîeh lâi hâiⁿ lṳ́;
lend it to me and I will bring it back to you after awhile.
lṳ́ chíaⁿ khṳt úa, ē-jît úa-kâi le khṳt lṳ́;
let me have it, and at another time I will let you have mine.
i kâi lâu kûiⁿ, jṳ̂ chíaⁿ khuah;
his chamber is lofty, and it is spacious as well.
it will do, it will answer temporarily.
done without any painstaking.
  • chíaⁿ98398
  • To serve an occasion; to borrow for a purpose.
chíaⁿ nâng khṳ̀ cò̤ bûn-cieⁿ;
to engage another to write an essay for one to use at an examination.
kìm bô̤ nâng chíaⁿ thòi;
forbid the employment of substitutes in writing for the examinations.
chíaⁿ nâng khṳ̀ thòi;
get a substitute to enter in one's place at an examination.
  • chîaⁿ77622
  • To finish.
cò̤ kàu chîaⁿ;
to bring to completion.
cîah kàu chîaⁿ;
finish the meal.
àiⁿ lí tîeh lí kàu chîaⁿ;
if you do it at all yon must finish it.
cò̤ m̄ chîaⁿ;
cí kâi khang-khùe chîaⁿ kàu i hó̤;
finish up this work.


  • chiah98398
  • To borrow for a purpose; to employ for a special object.
i kâi bûn-cieⁿ sĭ ka-kī cò̤ kâi a sĭ chiah nâng cò̤ kâi?
Did he compose his essay himself or did he employ some one to do it for him?
nŏ̤ pang lóng-cóng chiah kieh lâi sie tàu;
the two parties each engaged workmen and rivaled each the other in the display made.
  • chiah721550
  • Flesh color; reddish.
chiah sek;
Chinese flesh color.
chiah pò;
chiah kim;
red gold.
kim chiah, ngṳ̂n pêh;
gold is red and silver white.
chiah tì;
the god of fire.
a young infant.
chiah tău;
the equator.
pak chiah kha;
chiah sin;
chiah sin lò thói;
stark naked.
pak-chiah ka-lit;
stripped to the waist.
chiah-kwt chiah-kwt;
red in the face.
chiah mâk tih;
sallow eyed.
chiah kha cheⁿ chíu;
barefooted and brown handed.
mīu seⁿ lâi chiah-khng chiah-khng;
has a brunette complexion.
mīn âng-kòng-chiah;
blushed deeply.
o pûi chiah tōiⁿ;
tough and strong from exposure.
chiah sim ūi kok;
a guileless monarch.
chiah kháu jît;
days marked in the calendar by red mouthed animals.
kíaⁿ-jît chiah kháu;
this is a day apt to be unlucky.
chiah tī choiⁿ-lí;
unoccupied wastes.
cí kâi pò seⁿ chiah khoih;
this cloth has unbleached threads in it.
chiah hŏi;
pickled crabs.
  • chiah1035186
  • To prick; to stab; to tattoo.
khṳt chì chiah tîeh;
wounded by a thorn.
kha chiah tîeh chì;
got a thorn in his foot.
tîeh kîaⁿ cṳ́-sòi, màiⁿ chiah tîeh àng-le;
must walk carefully and not get cut by the potsherds.
i kâi chíu tèng chiah ŭ jī;
he has letters tattooed on his arm.


  • chiak841208
  • Many; liberal.
a nickname or pet name.
i kâi chiak-hō̤ kìe-cò̤ sĭm-mûeh?
What nickname has he?
chiak-chiak ŭ ṳ̂;
there is some to spare.
  • chiak9971723
  • A sparrow.
a house sparrow.
a goldfinch.
chiak téng;
the bird crest, a peculiar shaped button worn by those who have taken a degree.


  • chiam98111817
  • Bamboo slips upon which names or characters are written, used for drawing lots, or in consulting oracnlar tables.
chiam tâng pit kè;
a box for slips, and a pen rack.
thiu ki chiam;
draw out a lot.
gê-chiam khí-thak;
an ivory tooth-pick.
cìe pôih chiam;
according to the lot drawn.
thâu chiam;
the lot which indicates who is to take the lead.
cuaⁿ chiam;
assign by lot.
siah kúi ki tek chiam;
whittle out some bamboo slips to use in drawing lots.
khîu chiam mn̄g phok;
divine by drawing slips on which characters are written.
cài khîeh chiam;
drew again.
siu chiam;
take the tallies.
chiam si;
the oracular answer corresponding with the number on the slip drawn.
húe chiam;
an urgent warrant.
kâi nâng cip cêk ki chiam;
each took a slip.