Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/126

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • chîn201310
  • A statesman; a vassal; a courtier who can speak to his sovereign.
kun chîn;
prince and ministers.
loyal courtiers.
disloyal courtiers.
a treacherous courtier.
khûn chîn;
the court.
tăi chîn;
a great noble.
mûiⁿ chîn;
a petty nobleman.
pw̆n chîn;
a rebelious noble.
lîang chîn;
an honorable nobleman.
hîen chîn;
a learned nobleman.
bûn chîn, bú chîn;
civil and military officers of very high rank.
îong chîn;
mediocre statesmen.
châi chîn; talented statesmen, bw̄n-kok chîn-hôk;
all nations submitted.
  • chîn191708
  • Old; stale; dried up.
dried orange peel.
chîn-phûe ko̤;
a medicinal paste made from orange peel.
cía sĭ chîn-kú kâi chng bí;
this is old rice out of a granary.


  • 𢲵chio9566411
  • To mix by stirring with the hand.
chio câu-câu;
mix them evenly.
màiⁿ chio khah cōi cúi;
do not mix in too much water.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ chio khṳ̀ khah kṳ̂t;
that is mixed too stiff.
chio chieh cē;
mix it thinner.
chio m̄ bûa;
they will not mix by stirring.
chio cho̤h khng pn̄g khṳt koi cîah;
stir up some food for the fowls.
chio cò̤ cêk ē;
mix them together.
  • chío972617
  • Retired ; quiet.
cĕⁿ chío-chío;
without bustle.
i cêk pôiⁿ chío-chío khṳ̀ cò̤, bô̤ nâng cai;
he went and performed his part unobtrusively, so that no one knew of it.
cêk koiⁿ thóiⁿ tîeh cò̤ ŏi cēⁿ chío-chío?
Why is it that everything appears so quiet?
  • chío7461157
  • Partially; tolerably.
chío hó̤;
tolerably good.
chío ŏi;
tolerably able.
chío ŭ m̄ hâh;
it does not exactly match.
chío-chío cò̤ tit;
it will barely do.
it will perhaps do.
  • chío9521497
  • Ridicule.
to ridicule.
pùe-ău ki-chío i;
jeered at him behind his back.
  • chìo366578
  • Relying on force, regardless of right; strong.
chìo hieⁿ khi-hŭ phûh hieⁿ;
the powerful village imposes upon the weak one.
i tó̤ tíen chìo;
they are making a display of their forces.
  • chîo32748
  • A dynasty; the court; facing.
chîo lăi;
holding office under government.
nín cí-kò̤ ŭ tī-tîang tŏ̤ chîo lăi cò̤ kuaⁿ?
Who have you from this place that holds office under government?
to see the Emperor.
cĭeⁿ chîo;
to go to court.
cŏ̤ chîo;
to give audience.
pńg chîo;
our dynasty.
tăi cheng chîo;
the Great Pure dynasty.
chîo hō̤;
the banner of the dynasty.
chîo pâng;
an audience chamber.
chîo hôk;
court dress.
chîo kháu;
the examination for conferring the Hanlin degree.
cíaⁿ-tŭn chîo-kang;
reform and strengthen the government.
cêk chîo thien-cṳ́ cêk chîo chîn;
each monarch has his own set of ministers.
saⁿ chîo ngŵn-láu;
a high grandee of three reigns.
tang chîo it-pín;
those of the first rank at court.
cŏ̤ lâm chîo pak;
sit on the south side facing northward.
nŏ̤ nâng cŏ̤ sie chîo;
the two sit facing each other.
chîo tùi i kâi mīn tàⁿ ūe;
faced him and spoke to him.
  • 𠹍chĭo11493010
  • Sick at the stomach.
úa hṳ́ tói lí-lí chĭo khí lâi, sĭ àiⁿ thò kâi īeⁿ;
I feel all the time as if I were about to vomit.
cí kâi cîah lío tó lăi lí-kẃn chĭo;
since eating this my stomach is quite upset.


  • chioh5841096
  • To look around as in thought.
mn̄g tîeh, chioh-chioh-nih, tàⁿ bô̤ cêk kù chut;
being inquired of, he kept rolling his eyes and winking, and could not think of a word to say.
khṳ̀ i kò̤ cē háⁿ tîeh, chioh-chioh-nih, cn̂g kâi bŏi tàⁿ;
went to his house and berated him for it, and he had nothing to say, but just looked thoughtfully here and there.


to bring together the most important; to arrange the best parts; an abridged form of an extensive work.
úa ŭ cêk pang chip-ìo;
I have an abridged edition.
  • chip9881209
  • To pursue; to search after.
chip ûak;
pursue and seize.
chip sai;
pursue smugglers.
chip-sai cûn;
chip-sai kẃn;
a custom house.
chip tit tîeh, a chip m̄ tîeh?
Did you get them or did you not?
on the search.
sûn chip;
get on the trail.
mît-mît nē chip;
secretly follow and watch.
chip châk;
in pursuit of a thief.
chíaⁿ thek-chip;
ask for a search warrant.
jîp thek-chip tîaⁿ;
enter a complaint asking an investigation.
the seizure.