Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/14

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.


Separate words, and all words separately pronounced, retain their primary tone; but the less emphatic words in groups of two or more sometimes change their tones.

The cīeⁿ-phêⁿ persists, as in

‮妖精‬ io-ciaⁿ, fairies.
‮猫子‬ ngio-kíaⁿ, kittens.
‮安慰‬ uaⁿ-ùe, to solace.
‮淸潔‬ cheng-khih, clean.

‮京城‬ kiaⁿ-sîaⁿ, the capital.
‮相輔‬ sie-hŭ, to help.
‮憂悶‬ iu-būn, sorrowful.
‮衣服‬ i-hô̤k, garments.

The cīeⁿ-sĭang changes, as in

‮祖公‬ có-kong, ancestors.
‮古昔‬ kó̤-cá, olden times.
‮寶貝‬ pó̤-pùe precious.
‮緊急‬ kín-kip, urgent.

‮枕頭‬ cím-thâu, a pillow.
‮枴杖‬ kúai-cĭang, a staff.
‮紙鳶‬ cúa-īe, a kite.
‮誘惑‬ íu-hôk, to entice.

The cīeⁿ-khṳ̀ changes, as in

‮鎭中‬ tìn-tang, the centre.
‮戲耍‬ hì-cháⁿ, to frolic.
‮快快‬ khùe-khùe, speedily.
‮戰甲‬ cìen-kah, armor.

‮砲臺‬ phàu-thâi, a fort.
‮暗靜‬ àm-cĕⁿ, secretly.
‮僽罵‬ cìu-mēⁿ, to revile.
‮氣力‬ khì-lâk, energy.

The cīeⁿ-jîp changes, as in

‮鐵釘‬ thih-teng, nails.
‮刻苦‬ khak-khó, to persevere.
‮切要‬ chiet-io, important.
‮曲曲‬ khek-khek, crooked.

‮霎時‬ siap-sî, shortly.
‮鴨卵‬ ah-n̆ng, duck's eggs.
‮駁問‬ po̤h-mn̄g, to cavil.
‮設立‬ siet-lîp, to institute.

The ĕ-phêⁿ changes, as in

‮時鐘‬ sî-ceng, a clock.
‮梅脯‬ bûe-pó, dried plums.
‮茶罐‬ tê-kẁn, tea-pots.
‮螺殼‬ lô̤-khak, sea-shells.

‮喉嚨‬ âu-lêng, the throat.
‮奇異‬ khî-ĭ, marvelous.
‮伶俐‬ lêng-lāi, astute.
‮牛肉‬ gû-nêk, beef.

The ĕ-sĭang changes, as in

‮下春‬ ĕ-chun, next spring.
‮父母‬ pĕ-bó̤, parents.
‮罪過‬ cŭe-kùe, offenses.
‮罪惡‬ cŭe-ak, wicked.

‮大人‬ tăi-jîn, a grandee.
‮預備‬ ṳ̆-pĭ, to prepare.
‮異樣‬ ĭ-īeⁿ, queer.
‮暴虐‬ pău-ngîak, cruel.

The ĕ-khṳ̀ persists, as in

‮地方‬ tī-hng, a place.
‮地保‬ tī-pó̤, aldermen.
‮病疾‬ pēⁿ-cèng, disease.
‮大筆‬ tōa-pit, coarse hand.

‮硯盤‬ īⁿ-pûaⁿ, writing-tray.
‮事務‬ sṳ̄-bŭ, business.
‮緩緩‬ māng-māng, slowly.
‮鬧熱‬ lāu-jîet, bustle.

The ĕ-jîp changes, as in

‮讀書‬ thâk-cṳ, to read.
‮姪女‬ tîet-ńng, a niece.
‮樂器‬ gâuh-khì, musical instruments.
‮六畜‬ lâk-thiok, animals.

‮目眉‬ mâk-bâi, eyebrow.
‮白苧‬ pêh-tĭu, grass-cloth.
‮食飯‬ cîah-pn̄g, eat rice.
‮滑滑‬ kût-kût, smooth.