Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/141

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • chṳ̂10336110
  • Mercy; compassionate; loving.
chṳ̂ bó̤;
a loving mother.
chṳ̂ bó̤ to̤ pāi jî;
indulgent mothers spoil their children.
chṳ̂ sim;
a compassionate heart.
chṳ̂ ài;
loving kindness.
pĕ chṳ̂, cṳ́ hàu;
a gentle father has filial sons.
  • chṳ̂10331045
  • A defect; a blemish.
sío chṳ̂;
a petty defect.
chūe mô̤ⁿ khîu chṳ̂;
seek for defects under the fur; petty caviling at men's faults.
cía sǹg-sĭ sío chṳ̂;
I reckon this a small defect.
àiⁿ chūe kàu cn̂g kâi bô̤ chṳ̂ kâi sĭ cíe;
there are few to be found that are wholly without defect.
  • chṳ̂10331725
  • Weak; inferior.
chṳ̂ hîong;
the weaker and the stronger.
chṳ̂ hîong kìam;
a pair of swords.
lṳ́ ua lâi kìⁿ kâi chṳ̂ hîong;
let us see which of us is the stronger.
i kâi ūe tàⁿ kàu ŭ chṳ̂ ŭ hîong;
his language varies much in force.
bô̤ chṳ̂ bô̤ hîong;
does not modulate the force.
  • chṳ̂103311210
  • Crockery.
chṳ̂ khì;
crockery ware.
chṳ̂ cîeh;
a natural magnet.


  • chṳh14698
  • To stoop; to bend.
i chṳh lô̤h khṳ̀ íam;
she bent down and peeped in.
thâu chṳh-chṳh lí-kẃn kîaⁿ;
walked right on with head bent down.
i chut jîp to sĭ thâu chṳh-chṳh, bô̤ thóiⁿ nâng;
he goes out and in with his head hung down, and looks at nobody.


  • chwn5276412
  • To tickle; to titillate.
i tó̤ ût, i so̤h tîo cúa-ang-teng khṳ̀ chwn i kâi phīⁿ-khang, ùaⁿ cē, īu khîeh koi-mô̤ⁿ khṳ̀ chwn i kâi hĭⁿ-khang;
when she is sleeping, he rolls up a lamp-lighter and goes and tickles her nostril, and a little later he gets a feather and goes and tickles her ear.
chwn i chéⁿ khí lâi;
woke him up by tickling him lightly.
  • 穿chwn1191164
  • To pervert; to turn aside.
khah chwn-châk;
too much perverted from the original truth.
sĭ tó̤ chwn-châk kâi;
it is being perverted.
the ant-eater.
peh pō chwn îang;
a hundred paces off.
nâng kâi pâng lăi m̄ hó̤ thèng chwn jîp khṳ̀;
do not without evident reason go into people's private rooms.
  • chwn119470
  • A rivulet.
suaⁿ chwn;
mountain streams.
chwn lîu put sek;
an uninterrupted flow.
  • chẃn120309
  • To pant.
asthmatic breathing.
kîaⁿ kàu cí-kò̤ lâi tó̤ chẃn;
coming here has put me out of breath.
chẃn cêk kùa bŏi hiah;
panted a half day without stopping.
  • chẁn7861691
  • A cross-pin; to join by a cross-pin.
àm chẁn;
joined by a hidden pin.
chẁn tŏ̤ hṳ́ pùe-ău;
joined by a cross-pin on the back.
pùe-ău cò̤ saⁿ ki chẁn;
make three cross bar on the back.
àiⁿ ēng kúi kò̤ lâi chẁn a sĭ àiⁿ ēng kàu kò̤ kâi?
Do you wish to make it by joining several pieces with a bar mortised in, or to make it of a single piece?
kang-hu hó̤ kâi, chẁn khṳ̀ cìaⁿ năi;
make it with joints well fitted, and mortise in a bar through the pieces, then it will last.
  • chẁn12126
  • To lace together; to join by stringing on; to league.
chẁn phàu;
a string of fire-crackers.
chẁn bûeh-tói;
to lace up the sole of a stocking.
chẁn khí lâi, chẁn lô̤h khṳ̀;
pass the string upward and downward through eyelet holes, as in lacing a boot.
chẁn thong;
to pass through an eyelet hole.
chẁn kùe hìeⁿ pôiⁿ;
pass it through to the other side.
cīeⁿ ĕ m̄ chẁn;
the foregoing and the following are not intimately connected.
chẁn hâh;
banded together.
i nŏ̤ nâng chẁn-tâng kâi;
the two are leagued together.
àm-cĕⁿ chẁn-tâng;
secretly leagued.
chẁn mông;
a concerted plan.
sĭm kùe phah-chẁn kâi;
far surpassing what could have been done by agreement.
  • chẁn12011810
  • To seize upon.
chẁn ūi;
seize the throne.
chẁn chì;
murder the ruler.
chẁn i kâi kok;
seized his kingdom.
i sĭ khṳt i chẁn khṳ̀;
it was seized and taken away by him.
  • chẁn10278625
  • A mess of food; to mess separately.
íⁿ-keng kak kak hun chẁn lío;
each of them has his own separate table.
lêng kṳ, lêng chẁn;
they are separately domiciled.
  • chŵn10121046
  • Convalescent.
recovered from illness.
ui kàu chŵn-jú;
entirely cured.
i pēⁿ chŵn-jú a būe?
Has he recovered yet?
íⁿ-keng chŵn-jú lío;
he is already convalescent.
būe chŵn-jú;
not yet well.