Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/158

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

aunt's son is betrothed and has sent some of the betrothal cakes as a present.

cí kâi nôiⁿ-kuáiⁿ ēng hĕ chù-piⁿ a mín?
Ought we to give some of these laichis to the neighbours or not?
  • 18312
  • To lower; to let down; to lay.
to get knowledge or information about.
i chūe khṳ̀ ŭ hĕ-lô̤h a bô̤?
Did he by searching get any knowledge of the facts?
cò̤-nî kàu taⁿ hŵn-lío bô̤ hĕ bô̤ lô̤h?
How is it that up to the present time no information has been gained?
cí ciah cûn hĕ ŭ jîeh cōi hùe?
How many goods were shipped off in this vessel?
i kâi ì-sṳ̀ sĭ àiⁿ hĕ chíu lô̤h khṳ̀ sie-hŭ;
his intention was to lay his hand on and help.
  • 183357
  • Summer.
hē thiⁿ-sî;
in summer.
hē khùi;
the summer season.
tiang-sî hē-cì?
When is the summer solstice?
hē pò saⁿ-khò;
summer clothing.
jîp hē; lîp hē;
the beginning of summer.
hē húe thiⁿ;
the hottest part of summer.
hē ko cháu;
plants that dry up in summer.
  • 1842710
  • A great house in process of building.
nín kâi tăi hē tiang-sî khí kang?
When do you begin work on your mansion?
nín kâi tăi hē khí kàu tī-tiang-sî cìaⁿ hó̤?
When will the building of your great house be finished?


  • héⁿ10781283
  • An interrogative particle, implying a doubt.
sĭ héⁿ?
That is so, is it?
m̄ sĭ héⁿ?
Is it not so then?
hṳ́-kò̤ ío kṳ̆n héⁿ?
That is nearer, isn't it?
i pat, héⁿ?
He knows, does he?
àiⁿ khṳ̀ héⁿ?
Going, are you?
i kâi cò̤-nî héⁿ?
What does it all mean?
  • hêⁿ170756
  • Fishing stakes.
i kâi hêⁿ gāi tîeh cûn lō;
these fishing stakes interfere with the passage of the boats.
pôih tīo i kâi hêⁿ;
pulled up his fishing stakes.
cí pâi hêⁿ ŭ câp-jī ki;
there are twelve fishing stakes in this row.
  • hêⁿ108918414
  • To eat too much; to gorge.
cîah kàu hêⁿ;
eat to repletion; to stuff one's self with food; gorged.
  • hēⁿ285868
  • Yes; it is even so.
sĭ mē? hēⁿ.
Is it so? Yes.
sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ a m̄ sĭ? hēⁿ nē;
it is so is it not? Yes.
úa mn̄g tîeh, i tàⁿ hēⁿ;
I asked him and be assented.


  • heh2193014
  • To intimidate; to scare.
heh sí nâng;
frighten anybody to death.
heh-toah i;
to hoot at threateningly.
i cang kâi sì tó̤ heh nâng;
he makes use of influence to intimidate people.
khṳt i cē heh, i cū kiu khṳ̀;
as soon as she was threatened by him, she shrunk back.
cē heh cū thò̤;
as soon as he was threatened he withdrew.
lṳ́ tîeh cai háng-heh i, i cìaⁿ m̄ káⁿ cò̤ pēⁿ;
you must scold at him, then he will not dare behave badly.
  • heh2191557
  • Glorious; brilliant; majestic.
i cí hûe tó̤ lâu-lâu heh-heh kâi sî-hāu, kúi peh ngṳ̂n sĭm-mih siang-kang;
this is a time of great prosperity with him, and what are a few hundred dollars to him.
  • heh135664
  • To shorten sail; to let down a sail.
phâng heh kĕ cē;
lower the sail a little.
heh tio thâu phâng;
take in the fore-sail.
i kâi phâng cē heh m̄ lô̤h, cûn cū tó̤ lap cúi;
if they cannot lower the sail, their boat will take in water.
  • hêh724658
  • Each apart from others; scattered; separate.
cho̤h mûeh sang hêh-hêh, bô̤ siu-sîp bûa;
the things are all at loose ends, and not put up compactly.
hùaⁿ nâng sang-sang hêh-hêh, bô̤ tâng sim hîap lâk;
they are all acting independently of each other, and not joining their strength in a common cause.


  • hêhⁿ208618
  • Captious; much displeased.
i hêhⁿ-hêhⁿ nē cū lâi;
he came very unwillingly.
i lâi kàu thói-ⁿtîeh hêhⁿ-hêhⁿ nē;
when he came he appeared very cross.
síe khì căi, se-su-kíaⁿ cū tó̤ hêhⁿ;
he is very petty, and gets vexed at the least little thing.


  • hek234756
  • To investigate; to examine.
hek mêng-pêh;
investigate thoroughly.
chak-hek; inquire fully into, hek sît;
get at the facts.
hek sìo;
examine an account.
hek sìo-bak;
examine the books.
hek tẁn;
investigate and decide.
hek-thóiⁿ tîeh a m̄ tîeh;
ascertain whether it is right or not.
hêk phŏ;
audit the accounts.
hek khòi;
examine the deeds.