Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/162

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
a round guitar.
hîⁿ sùaⁿ tn̆g khṳ̀;
the string of the fiddle has broken.
cêk ki hîⁿ;
a one stringed fiddle.
hîⁿ soiⁿ hûa hó̤;
first atune the instrument.
i ka-kī ŏi kṳ̀ hîⁿ lâi hûa i ka-kī kâi khek;
he can accompany his own songs on the viol.
  • hĭⁿ7201280
  • The ear; the organ of hearing; a handle.
hĭⁿ thìaⁿ;
hĭⁿ khang;
the aperture of the ear.
hĭⁿ sái;
ear wax.
kau hĭⁿ;
to scrape the ear passages.
kau tīo hĭⁿ-sái;
to dig the wax out of the car.
hĭⁿ tûi;
the lobe of the ear.
hĭⁿ tô̤;
the ear.
hĭⁿ kíaⁿ mn̂g;
the outer ear.
úa chin hĭⁿ thiaⁿ-kìⁿ;
I heard it with my own ears.
hĭⁿ lâng;
lâu hĭⁿ lâng-kôi;
to have matter exude from the ear.
hĭⁿ kau;
ear-rings of a hooked shape.
hĭⁿ hŵn;
kùa hĭⁿ kàu;
wears ear-rings.
chng hĭⁿ;
to pierce the ears.
hĭⁿ kau-thūi;
the drops attached to an ear-ring.
thong hŵn hĭⁿ kau;
an ear-ring with a pendant ring.
sŭn huang hĭⁿ;
an ear that detects a favorable wind.
choiⁿ lí ngán, bw̄n lí hĭⁿ;
eyes that see a thousand miles, and ears that hear ten thousand miles; the two attendants of the Queen of Heaven.
hĭⁿ lāi căi;
has sharp ears.
sak hĭⁿ khang;
to plug up the ears.
aⁿ hĭⁿ khang;
to cover the ears with the hands.
hĭⁿ khang sak cháu cúa, màiⁿ khṳ̀ thiaⁿ i;
stuff your ears with brown paper, and do not heed him.
cía ūe cē thiaⁿ cū tîeh sóiⁿ hĭⁿ;
after hearing this talk one should wash his ears.
hĭⁿ mâk chùi phīⁿ seⁿ lâi lóng-cóng ngía;
all his features are handsome.
hĭⁿ chôiⁿ;
an ear-broom.
uai hĭⁿ;
to clean out the ears.
kuah tīo hĭⁿ;
to cut off the ears.
cai hĭⁿ cìⁿ;
wear an arrow through the ear as a punishment.
hĭⁿ pê;
an ear-rake.
pit-pô̤ hĭⁿ;
hĭⁿ pô̤ khàm-khàm;
lop eared.
hĭⁿ khìa-khìa tīam-tīam thiaⁿ;
ears alert listening intently.
ue hĭⁿ;
the ears of a pot.
hóⁿ hĭⁿ cháu;
the strawberry geranium.
ŭ cêk khí ciⁿ bō̤, ŭ nŏ̤ kâi hĭⁿ hó̤ khàm hĭⁿ;
there is a sort of felt cap with tabs to cover the ears.
hĭⁿ cím;
a pillow having a hollow for the ear.
tíaⁿ-kíaⁿ hĭⁿ;
the ears of an iron pan.
sang pôiⁿ cò̤ nŏ̤ kâi hĭⁿ hó̤ khîeh;
make ears on the two sides to hold it by.
àiⁿ lîah ngio to sĭ kŭaⁿ i kâi hĭⁿ ío cōi;
in catching a kitten one generally holds it up by the ears.


  • hia6839711
  • A flat dipper with a short handle; to dip with a flat dipper.
gê-cí hia;
a dipper made from a cocoa-nut
a dipper made from a gourdshell.
châ pû-hia;
a broad, flat, wooden dipper.
hia nŏ̤ hia sie cúi;
dip up two dipperfuls of hot water.
hia-thâu; hia-hŵn;
a young slave girl.
cìen hia;
soldiers' boots.
pang thâu hia;
square toed boots.
tn̄g hia;
satin boots.
pò hia;
cloth boots.
cúi hia;
boots for wet weather.
cêk sang hia;
a pair of boots.
cêk ciah hia;
one boot.
hia tháng; hia àng;
hia thâu;
the toe of a boot.
keh hia pê cĭeⁿ;
like scratching your leg through your boot, unsatisfactory.
thǹg tīo hia;
take off your boots.
chēng hia;
put on or wear boots.
hia ciam ôi;
shoes, like boots without legs.
  • hía6101634
  • Those; that; what.
hía kâi sĭ sĭm-mûeh?
What are those things?
hía nâng lóng-cóng chut khṳ̀;
those people have all gone out.
hía sĭ cò̤-nî īeⁿ?
In what condition is that one?
  • hîa1821739
  • Red haze or colored clouds.
hûn hîa;
red clouds.
chái hîa;
lurid haze.
jît-thâu cĭeⁿ lô̤h kâi sî-hāu ē-ē thóiⁿ-tîeh hîa-kuang bw̄n tău;
at sunrise and sunset one frequently sees the bright rays shining in all directions.
  • hîa1821629
  • Distant, remote, far off.
hṳ́ jît sĭ móng hûang-tì seng-hîa kâi jît-cí;
that is the day on which a certain emperor departed this life.
hîa-huang kâi tī-hng;
unknown desert regions.
  • hîa183969
  • A flaw; a defect.
bô̤ hîa;
bô̤ tíam hîa;
without defect.
pêh gêk bô̤ hîa;
white jade has no flaw; spotless purity.
bô̤ hîa put sêng gêk;
there is no gem without a flaw.
cí kâi mâk-kìaⁿ khah seⁿ hîa, cí tíam hîa tú-tú seⁿ tŏ̤ tìn-tang, bô̤ ēng;
these spectacles have too many flaws in them, here is one exactly in the middle, rendering them useless.
cí kâi kìaⁿ hó̤ căi, tn̆g tíam hîa;
this lens is very fine, and without flaw.
  • hîa184729
  • Leisure; unoccupied; relaxation.
at leisure.
bô̤ mih ôiⁿ-hîa;
has not much leisure.
m̄ hîa chim khîu;
no leisure to inquire deeply.