Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/173

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • 11241730
  • Rain; a shower.
lô̤h hŏ; hŏ lô̤h;
it rains.
tōa hŏ;
a heavy rain.
hŏ tōa;
it rains heavily.
hō sòi;
the rain lessens.
hŏ mûiⁿ-kíaⁿ;
a drizzling mist.
hŏ êng;
it sprinkles.
hŏ tōa tíam lâi lío;
it rains in large drops.
màiⁿ khṳt hŏ phuah tîeh;
do not get splashed by the rain.
khṳt hŏ ak kàu lok-lok;
drenched by the rain.
hŏ câng kàu cêk sin;
the rain poured all over me.
hŏ chiu phùn tîeh;
spattered by the rebounding drops.
khîu hŏ;
pray for rain.
phû hûn hŏ;
a sudden shower.
tōa huang hŏ;
a rain-storm.
cìⁿ cîeh jû hŏ;
a shower of stones and arrows.
chèng cí jû hŏ lîap;
shot fell like rain.
hŏ-sùaⁿ; hŏ-cia;
hŏ i;
saⁿ nî bô̤ hŏ;
there was no rain for three years.
kú hŏ;
a long rain.
hŏ lâi;
it is going to rain.
hŏ cêⁿ lío;
the rain has ceased; it is clearing.
hŏ lô̤h m̄ hiah;
it rains incessantly.
lô̤h hŏ hiah úa cū àiⁿ khṳ̀;
if it stops raining I shall go.
thiⁿ-sî ŭaⁿ căi: ku-ā kâi gûeh bô̤ hŏ;
the weather is very droughty: for many months there has been no rain.
hŏ lô̤h hŏ tih;
it is raining.
lô̤h hŏ mûiⁿ so̤h;
cold fine rain.
īu chut jît īu lô̤h hŏ; jît kio hŏ sie phah;
it rains and the sun shines.
  • 225630
  • A door; a household.
oi ke mn̂g-hŏ chê;
stop at all the doors in succession and examine, (as in taking a census).
sĭm-mih hŏ-thâu kâi?
Of what family and locality is he?
dwellers in boats.
ŭ jîeh cōi hŏ-kháu?
What is the population?
mn̂g-hŏ tîeh thóiⁿ-síu hó̤;
keep careful watch at the door.
hŏ pó;
the Board of Population.
hŏ pâng;
the revenue department in a prefect's yamun.
sĭang hŏ;
the wealthiest families.
  • 174303
  • A princess.
a queen.
the empress.
hûang thài hŏ;
the empress dowager.
thài hûang thài hŏ;
the emperor's grandmother.
hûang thiⁿ hŏ thó;
imperial heaven and earth.
thien hŏ sìaⁿ bó̤;
the goddess, “Queen of Heaven.”


  • hóⁿ141304
  • Not; not so.
sĭ hóⁿ hó̤ sía jī khṳt úa cai;
whether affirmative or negative, write and let me know.
sĭ hóⁿ cò̤-nî?
What is the affirmative and what the negative side of the question?
  • 琥珀hóⁿ-phek224
  • Amber, said by the Chinese to be transformed from resin.
àiⁿ jīn hóⁿ-phek ŭ sĭm-mih huang-huap?
What is the way of telling whether a substance is amber?
hóⁿ-phek ŏi sîp kâi;
amber will collect electricity.
cìaⁿ hóⁿ-phek chìu jîet ŏi kit teng-sim cháu;
real amber when heated by friction will attract lamp-wicks or straws.
hueh phek;
red amber.
  • hóⁿ2241412
  • A tiger; fierce; awful.
lău-hóⁿ; nĭoⁿ-hóⁿ;
a tiger.
hóⁿ kó;
a male tiger.
hóⁿ bó̤;
a tigeress.
kúi ciah hóⁿ;
several tigers.
méⁿ hóⁿ;
a fierce tiger.
hóⁿ cìang;
a dauntless leader.
hóⁿ hêng;
a ferocious aspect.
hóⁿ ui;
warlike; dreadful.
pêh hóⁿ;
the white tiger.
pêh hóⁿ kă lṳ́!
May the white tiger devour you!
cúa nĭoⁿ-hóⁿ;
a paper tiger, a braggart.
lêng hóⁿ tò;
a furious fight between two.
khîa hó̤ⁿ lâng hĭa;
he who rides a tiger finds it hard to dismount.
nĭoⁿ-hóⁿ thiam sît;
add wings to a tiger; give additional power to the malevolent.
pue hóⁿ tūi;
a company of flying tigers; troops having the flying tiger on their flag.
phah hóⁿ chin hiaⁿ-tĭ;
if you are going to attack a tiger you must have own brothers to help.
khṳ̀ nĭoⁿ-hóⁿ chùi kò̤ khṳt nêk;
go to a tiger to beg a piece of meat.
nâng sí lâu mîaⁿ, hóⁿ sí lâu phûe;
when a man dies he leaves his name behind him, when a tiger dies he leaves his pelt.
cū sĭ cêk ciah hóⁿ!
He is a tiger!
líu hóⁿ hām;
dig a pitfall for catching tigers.
hóⁿ tàu;
a tiger's lair.
m̄ jîp hóⁿ tàu kò̤, căi tit lîah tîeh hóⁿ-kíaⁿ?
If you do not enter the tiger's den, how can you seize the cubs?
tú-tú phah tîeh hóⁿ phīⁿ;
hit the tiger exactly on his nose; struck the vulnerable part.
lêng kîaⁿ hóⁿ pō;
a majestic bearing.
hóⁿ búe thūi cu;
a pearl hangs at the end of the tiger's tail.
tieⁿ hóⁿ năuⁿ; tieⁿ năuⁿ cìⁿ lâi sīa hóⁿ;
set a trap for shooting tigers.
ngâu hóⁿ-kut ka;
make glue from tigers' bones.
hóⁿ phûe jôk;
rugs made from tigers' skins.
hóⁿ gê;
tigers' teeth.
hóⁿ jío;
tigers' claws.
hóⁿ hĭⁿ cháu;
the strawberry geranium.
hóⁿ-thâu pâi;
a tablet with a tiger's head drawn upon it.
hô-sîn hóⁿ;
a small spider that pounces on flies.
nĭoⁿ-hóⁿ ngĕ-sèⁿ;
of an awfully stern temper.
nĭoⁿ-hóⁿ pì tṳ;
a tiger carrying a pig on its back.
chut jîp méⁿ hóⁿ siang sûi;
tigers submissively follow him about.
hâng lêng, hôk hóⁿ;
bring dragons and tigers back to their allegiance.
hóⁿ kim-kâm;
a weapon for killing tigers.
hóⁿ cĭeⁿ che;
the tiger is at bay.
nĭoⁿ hóⁿ m̄ cĭeⁿ che bô̤ lêng-ûi phah i;
if the tiger does not