Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/181

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • 147305
  • To order; to enjoin on.
to order; to give instruction to.
hun-hù i cò̤-nî cò̤;
tell him what to do.
úa cài-saⁿ cok-hù lṳ́;
I gave you strict orders repeatedly.
úa hun-hù, i m̄ chái úa, lṳ́ hó̤ cài hun-hù i;
I tell him, and he pays no attention to me, you order him again concerning it.
  • 1491562
  • To repair to, to attend; to go to.
i àiⁿ khṳ̀ hù jīm;
he is going to enter upon the duties of his office.
kúi nâng lóng-cóng lâi hù sîah;
they are all present at the feast.
attend a meeting.
hù sṳ̄;
to repair to a place where business is to be attended to.
  • 1491548
  • A madrigal; to receive from Heaven and bestow on men.
si hù;
cò̤ si cò̤ hù;
make ballads.
i kâi hù sèⁿ sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
such is his natural disposition.
  • 1441185
  • Charms; incantations; to tally; to correspond; to verify by comparison.
ūe hû;
to write charms.
sie hû;
to burn paper on which charms have been written.
hû cìu;
chùi li līam cìu, chíu li ūe hû;
repeating incantations with his mouth while writing charms with his hand.
thâu ūe hû thâu līam cìu;
reciting spells while he wrote charms.
lêng hû;
an effectual charm.
i kâi hû-cìu cin căi;
his spells are very effective.
pēⁿ hû;
the demon of sickness.
kuaⁿ hû;
the demon of ill-luck.
thien kuaⁿ hû;
a fatality.
cṳ̆-sĭ ŭ hŭ sin kâi hû;
boasts of having an amulet which protects him.
i kùa ŭ lău-îa hû tŏ̤ sin;
he has an amulet upon his person.
ēng hû-cui lâi bū cū hó̤;
take some water on which a spell has been cast, and expel it from the mouth in mist, and all will be well.
sĭang kó tiang-sî to̤ ēng hû ui pēⁿ, hīn-kim īa ŭ;
in the most ancient times spells were much used for the cure of diseases, and so they are at present also.
cí tieⁿ hû khṳ̀ cîah, cí tieⁿ hû khṳ̀ tah pàng tōa mn̂g, cí tieⁿ hû khṳ̀ tah pàng pâng mn̂g, cí tieⁿ hû khṳ̀ tah pàng mīn-chn̂g, cí tieⁿ hû khṳt i kŭaⁿ;
let him swallow this written charm, stick this one over the front door, this one over the bedroom door, this one on the bed-stead, and let him hang this one upon his neck.
piaⁿ hû;
a seal conferring unlimited military powers.
hû tèng khap ìn;
fit the seal into its impression.
hû ìn;
the seal and its impression.
m̄ siang hû; m̄ siang hû-hâh;
the parts do not match.
nŏ̤ nâng kâi ūe tàⁿ lâi m̄ hû-hâh;
there is a discrepancy between the statements of the two.
côiⁿ ău kâi sṳ̄ m̄ hû;
the former and the latter circumstances do not agree.
jī ciah m̄ hû;
the writing does not tally.
m̄ hû;
the parts do not match.
a butterfly.
hû-tîap âp;
a box shaped like a butterfly.
ôi cò̤ hû-tîap thâu;
make the shoes with butterfly shaped ornamentation.
hû-tîap kau;
broad hinges or butts.
  • 222969
  • Pink coral, of the precious kind used for official buttons.
sang-hû; sien hû;
pink coral.
sang-hû cu; sang-hû téng;
a pink coral button.
sang-hû chīu;
a spray of pink coral.
cí kâi sang-hû sĭ ké kâi a cin kâi?
Is this coral real or is it an imitation?
i ki sang-hû cìaⁿ cêk lîah tn̂g, úa ki sang-hû ku-ā chieh tn̂g;
his branch of coral is about a span long, while mine is several feet long.
  • 2211305
  • A term for the Monguls, Tartars, and tribes of Central Asia; foreign.
hû-jîn, hû tī;
Mongolians and Mongolia.
hû-jîn bô̤ peh nî cṳ ūn;
Tartars have not a hundred years run of luck.
a tonic medicine, a shrub whose root tastes like ginseng.
a bitterish sudorific resembling gentian.
  • 2221199
  • Incoherent; careless; foolish; paste.
cí kâi nâng hû-hû thû-thû;
this is an addle-pated fellow.
i sĭ hû-lí hû-thû kâi;
he is muddle-headed.
not perspicuous.
thóiⁿ tîeh hû-hû hŭn-hŭn;
it looks very indistinct.
hû sueh;
nonsensical talk.
cíu cē cùi i cū hû ngân lw̆n gṳ́;
when fuddled with wine he is incoherent and reckless in his talk.
jī-ciah mô̤ⁿ hû, m̄ cheng-chó̤;
the letters are blurred.
pìe hû chīeⁿ;
a paper hanger.
sòi sṳ̄ hû-thû, tōa sṳ̄ bŏi hû-thû;
he is careless is small things but not in great ones.
  • 222859
  • A lake; a large pool.
hû si;
Nanking raw silk.
ngó hû, sì hái;
all the empire.
a park.
phŵn-îang hû;
the Poyang Lake.
tăi cìen phŵn-îang hû;
a great battle.
  • 223339
  • A tankard with straight sides.
cíu hû;
a wine jug.
tê hû;
a tea pot.
chong cêk hû tê lâi;
infuse and bring a pot of tea.
mêⁿ hû;
a urinal.
cîah ŭ pùaⁿ hû cíu;
has drunken half a pot of ale.
tâng-hû tih-lāu;
a clepsydra.