Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/197

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.


Do you wish to use boards that are under or over an inch in thickness?
i ŭ kúi hun hàuⁿ;
he is partly willing.
hek pêh lâng hun;
it is difficult to distinguish between the black and the white.
sṳ̄ cōi căi, bŏi tit hun sin khṳ̀ nín kò̤;
I have so much to do that I cannot get away to go to your house.
kak nâng hun thâu khṳ̀ lí;
let each go about his particular business.
ūe hun líang thâu;
tell each separately what he is to do.
  • hun1082866
  • Opium; tobacco.
a tobacco or opium pipe.
cîah hun cē;
take a smoke.
dry fine cut tobacco.
fresh smoking tobacco.
yellow tobacco.
dark colored tobacco.
tobacco that is smoked through a water pipe.
lṳ̆-sòng hun;
Manilla cigars and cigaretts.
cúi-hun cúa-bûe;
a taper used for lighting a water pipe.
a-phìen hun;
a-phìen hun-tâng;
an opium pipe.
i cêk hù hun-kŭ jû căi;
his set of utensils for smoking opium are very handsome.
tobacco pouch.
opium box.
hngk phīⁿ-hun;
take snuff.
i ŭ cîah tōa hun;
he smokes opium.
a raised platform for opium smokers to lie upon.
a couch for opium smoking.
opium spoon.
hun pûaⁿ;
an opium smoker's tray.
hun kẃn;
an opium dealer's establishment.
hun càng;
opium dens.
hun thô;
opium balls.
hun ki;
tobacco stalks.
hun-sái màiⁿ khà cêk koiⁿ;
do not scatter the ashes of the tobacco about.
lṳ́ kâi hun-ín khin, i kâi hun-ín tăng;
your opium habit is not so completely fixed upon you as his is upon him.
hàm i lâi cuang hun;
call him to hold the opium at the smoker's pipe.
cṳ́ hun;
to clarify opium and prepare it for smoking.
hun kò̤;
cakes of opium.
hun ca; a-phìen sái;
the residuum from the pipes of opium smokers.
phìⁿ-hun hû;
a snuff bottle.
pō sêk-hun;
chews tobacco.
îeⁿ hun;
foreign tobacco.
  • hun268388
  • To marry a wife.
hun-in kâi sṳ̄ sĭ chiet-ìo sṳ̄;
marriage is a thing of great importance.
i līam lâi kio i hâh hun;
her birthday is said to be accordant with his.
tô̤h jît sêng hun;
choose a lucky day for the consummation of a marriage.
táng nî búe cìaⁿ lâi khṳt i ŵn hun;
wait till the end of the year and then let them marry.
chíaⁿ nâng lâi cĭeⁿ hun-cṳ;
invite some one to prepare the marriage contract.
lâm hun, ńng kè;
men take wives, and women wed.
tăi hun;
tho Emperor's marriage.
i sĭ cí pak ûi hun kâi;
he had betrothed a wife before he was born.
i cìaⁿ sin hun;
he is of marriageable age.
hun phùe;
contract a marriage.
têng hun;
a second marriage.
thò̤ thâu hun;
a marriage contracted after the girl first betrothed to him had died.
  • hun2128610
  • To fumigate; smoky; smoke.
hun i ta;
dry by fumigation.
màiⁿ khṳt in hun tîeh;
do not let it get smoked.
hun kàu mâk-cap lâu;
so smoky that the tears ran.
hun nío-chṳ́ khang;
fumigate a rathole.
sie kàu pi-pi-hun;
scorched so that it smokes.
hun koi, hun ah;
smoked fowls and ducks.
hun tṳ-thúi;
smoked hams.
hun kàu chiah-pauh chiah-pauh;
smoked till it is brown and blistered.
in-hun kàu cêk koiⁿ o-o;
smoked till the whole room is blackened.
líam máng-hun, hun máng;
light a mosquito torch, and smoke out the mosquitoes.
phīⁿ tîeh chàu húe hun;
smells of smoke.
hun sí;
suffocated by smoke.
  • hun267724
  • Dusk; evening; dull; confused.
jît íⁿ-keng haⁿ-hun;
it is already dark.
haⁿ-hun kâi sî-hāu, cū thóiⁿ m̄ kìⁿ;
it was in the gloaming so I could not see.
hun kun cū sìn châm-chîn;
a benighted prince trusts disloyal courtiers.
obscure; befogged.
ût kàu hun-thâu hun-náu;
slept till dazed.
dazed; bewildered.
cîah kàu hun-hun mîⁿ-mîⁿ;
drank till he was fuddled.
lṳ́ màiⁿ kun-kông;
don't be stupid.
thâu-khak hîn kàu hun-hun kông-kông;
my head was so dizzy that I was completely stupified.
thìaⁿ kàu hun, cang cúi bū i chéⁿ;
he has swooned from pain, blow water upon him to reanimate him.
  • hún1316112
  • Strong feeling; impatient zeal.
i cē khéng hwt hún cū cò̤ tit sêng;
if he would get roused in regard to it, it would soon be accomplished.
nâng tîeh ŏi hwt hún lîp cì cìaⁿ ŭ ēng;
people must become interested in the thing, and get their minds made up to do it, then something can be effected.
  • hún268859
  • Entire; the whole; the mass.
hún-kău kâi nâng;
the whole body.
cí kù cṳ sĭ hún-hún cìeⁿ-seⁿ tàⁿ, bô̤ kói-thiah mêng-pêh;
this sentence in its entirety says thus, its parts are not analytically expounded.
i put kùe hún-hún cìeⁿ-seⁿ tàⁿ tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ;
this is the substance of his remarks and nothing more.