Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/208

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.


  • ía10791664
  • A wilderness; a moor; savage.
a waste.
suaⁿ ía kâi nâng;
ía sèⁿ būe tṳ̂;
his wild disposition is not yet tamed.
ía bī;
gamey flavor.
ía kíaⁿ;
a savage.
cí kâi nâng ía căi;
this person is very rude and fierce.
châng ía;
wild land.
lông-hu ía-jîn;
savage yeomen.
  • îa1079889
  • Sire; noblemen; divinities; officers.
your worship, the district magistrate.
an officer, a nobleman, or a male divinity.
tōa îa, jī îa, sam îa;
an officer, his servant, and servant's attendant.
lău thài îa;
your honor, the prefect.
îa mn̂g;
the servants or attachés in a yamun.
kong îa;
your grace, the duke.
sṳ îa;
a private secretary.
a îa;
sire; esquire.
pài lău-îa;
worship the gods.
sāi lău-îa;
set up gods.
hĕ lău-îa;
make known to the god.
hŏng lău-îa;
make offerings to a god.
  • ĭa6691305
  • To carry on the back.
ĭa a-nôⁿ;
to carry a child pickback.
i bŏi kîaⁿ, tîeh ĭa i;
he cannot walk and must be carried pickback.
  • īa109384
  • Also; moreover; likewsise.
cí kâi īa hó̤;
this also is good.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ īa hó̤, hìeⁿ-seⁿ īa hó̤;
either will do.
īa sĭ bô̤ năi kâi;
neither is it durable.
īa màiⁿ mn̄g i;
do not ask him either.
cí kâi īa sĭ kun-cṳ́ nâng;
he is likewise a cultured person.
īa m̄ sĭ lṳ́ lâi tàⁿ, úa cĭu m̄ khéng;
had you not come and told me, I should not have been willing.
  • īa7216412
  • To scatter; to sow broadcast.
īa céng-cí;
to sow seed.
īa bí khṳt koi cîah;
scatter some rice for the fowls to eat.
màiⁿ īaⁿ cêk koiⁿ;
do not scatter it all about.
īa chek;
to sow paddy.


  • íaⁿ68610912
  • To glance at.
khṳt úa íaⁿ-kìⁿ;
I got a glimpse of it.
úa íaⁿ mâk, chin-chĭeⁿ thóiⁿ-kìⁿ;
I glanced at it, as in taking a hasty look.
íaⁿ mâk, chin-chĭeⁿ sĭ i;
at a momentary view, it appears to be he.
i kâi cṳ, cē íaⁿ mâk cū pat;
he knows his lesson after just a slight glance at it.
lṳ́ íaⁿ-thóiⁿ tîeh căi-seⁿ;
you take a look at it and see what sort of things it is.
  • íaⁿ11085912
  • A shadow; a picture or image.
jît íaⁿ;
a shadow cast by the sun.
gûeh íaⁿ;
a shadow made by the moon.
nâng íaⁿ, chīu íaⁿ, hue íaⁿ;
shadows of people, trees, and shrubs.
suaⁿ íaⁿ;
reflections of natural scenery in water.
nâng íaⁿ cìe tŏ̤ tî tói;
a person's image reflected in a pool.
teng íaⁿ;
shadows made by lamp light.
kìaⁿ tói kâi íaⁿ;
the image in a mirror.
bô̤ íaⁿ;
there is no evidence of it.
bô̤ íaⁿ bô̤ ciah;
there is no trace of it.
bô̤ íaⁿ nō̤;
there is no truth in it.
ŭ íaⁿ ciah;
there is evidence of its reality.
būe sĭ ŭ íaⁿ;
there are as yet no signs of its being real.
i tàⁿ kàu ŭ íaⁿ ŭ ciah;
he gives corroborative proof.
lṳ́ thóiⁿ ŭ íaⁿ a bô̤?
Do you consider that it is founded on fact?
ŭ íaⁿ híang a bô̤?
Are there visible or audible signs of it?
chūe cìeⁿ kú hŵn-lío bô̤ íaⁿ bô̤ híang;
have sought it so long and yet there are no signs of it to be found.
chŵn bô̤ íaⁿ híang; bô̤ íaⁿ bô̤ híang;
no proof of its existence given to the ear or the eye.
a likeness.
huh-cē-kìe, thóiⁿ-kìⁿ i kâi íaⁿ;
suddenly saw his similitude.
bô̤ hêng ío ŭ íaⁿ?
Without substance how can there be a shadow?
bô̤ íaⁿ thah;
a pagoda that casts no shadow.
sĭ lâng-thâng cúa-íaⁿ, a sĭ pêh jī cúa-íaⁿ?
Do these puppets casting shadow pictures, speak the mandarin dialect or the colloquial?
íaⁿ hì;
a play performed by puppets casting shadows on a screen.
kâi íaⁿ cū seⁿ kâi kíaⁿ;
the shadow repeats itself.
  • îaⁿ11121629
  • To go on a circuit.
îaⁿ lău-îa;
take idols out for an airing in a procession.
sĭ îaⁿ jît bô̤ îaⁿ mêⁿ;
they carry him around in the day-time, not in the night.
cai hĭⁿ-cìⁿ lío, lîah khṳ̀ îaⁿ sì mn̂g-thâu;
having pierced his ear with an arrow, they carry him around by force to people's doors as a show.
îaⁿ sîn;
to get up processions in honor of the gods.
îaⁿ teng;
the feast of lanterns.
îaⁿ kéng;
to exhibit tableaux in a procession.
  • îaⁿ251619
  • Perturbed; afraid; terrified.
thong po kâi nâng cn̂g kâi kiaⁿ-îaⁿ;
all the people in the mart were greatly alarmed.
hāi kàu i tâng-mêⁿ kiaⁿ-kiaⁿ îaⁿ-îaⁿ;
kept them in fear and trembling the whole night through.
m̄ cai sim lăi kiaⁿ-îaⁿ mih sṳ̄;
do not know why he is so much perturbed.
i cn̂g kâi bô̤ kiaⁿ bô̤ îaⁿ;
he feels no apprehension.
  • îaⁿ7711910
  • To conquer; to win; to overcome; to get the victory; to excel; superior; best.
i cêk nâng cìen îaⁿ i cèng nâng;
he alone conquered the whole of them in the fight.
mih sṳ̄ tō àiⁿ cò̤ kàu îaⁿ;
in whatever one does, he wishes to excel in it.
lṳ́ îaⁿ kùe i;
you surpass