Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/216

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

father, a hundred years ago, and has not been used until now.

the mound with its enclosed cavity, made ready to receive a coffin.
tok kâi ìm-tu tŏ̤ kò̤;
has the grave made ready.
  • îm1101858
  • Excess; licentiousness; lewd; to drench.
kîaⁿ kang-îm;
commit adultery.
i kâi sèⁿ îm;
he is of a licentious disposition.
îm lw̆n;
pá lẃn sṳ îm-îok;
fullness of bread and ease beget lustful desires.
îm nâng chi-nńg, chi-nńg nâng îm;
those who debauch the wives and daughters of others, will have their own wives and daughters debauched.
kìm îm hì;
forbid lewd plays.
îm hŭ;
a lewd woman.
sie tīo îm cṳ;
burn up obscene books.
îm hŏ;
a drenching rain.
hàuⁿ sek put îm;
be not inordinately enamoured of what is beautiful.


  • in1082866
  • Smoke; steam; mist; exhalations; soot.
a chimney.
sie in-húe; pàng in-húe;
lot off fireworks.
nâng in bâk-bâk;
thickly settled.
khṳ̀ kàu bô̤ nâng in kâi tī-hng;
go to an uninhabited spot.
perfume from pastilles.
khîu kâi hieⁿ-in khṳt i cîah;
beg some of the odor of his incense sticks for her to imbibe.
múaⁿ suaⁿ in-bū;
it is very misty.
cĕng-cĕng mông-in;
it is very foggy.
  • in1098313
  • A cause; a reason.
because of.
on account of.
úa in chṳ́ cìaⁿ lâi;
for this cause I came.
úa lâi bô̤ pât in;
I had no other reason for coming.
chíaⁿ lṳ́ lâi, m̄ sĭ ŭ pât in;
had no reason besides for inviting you.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ sĭ ŭ in;
there is a reason for this.
m̄ sĭ bô̤ in kâi;
it is not without cause.
in chṳ́ cai pí;
conclude this because of that.
in sî cì ngî;
do the right thing at the right time.
in hô̤ sṳ̄ kù?
Wherein lies the reasons for it?
in-ûi i a pĕ kùe khṳ̀ i cū khṳ̀ hwn pôiⁿ;
on account of the death of his father he went to foreign parts.
lṳ́ thóiⁿ i sĭ sĭm-mih lâi-in?
What do you think led to it?
i sĭ ŭ só̤ in kâi;
there are reasons for it.
in-ûi tîeh kâi bó̤ i cìaⁿ lâi;
he came on his wife's account.
m̄ cai sĭ in-ûi tîeh mih sṳ̄;
do not know what occasioned it.
  • in10821306
  • A cosmetic like rouge.
in-ciⁿ; in-nî;
buah hún, tíam in-ciⁿ;
to powder and paint the face.
buah tíam-kíaⁿ in-nî khṳt i se-su âng;
rub on a little rouge to redden it slightly.
  • 伊們in27194
  • They, in the masculine and feminine genders.
cía sĭ in-kâi a sĭ nín-kâi?
Is this theirs or yours?
in hṳ́-kò̤ nín pat khṳ̀ mē?
Have you ever been to their place?
i hùaⁿ nâng khṳ̀ tī-kò?
Where have they all gone?
lṳ́ kio in tàⁿ;
you tell them.
kìe in lâi;
tell them to come here.
in ŭ jîeh cōi nâng lâi?
How many of them have come?
in kâi hong-sôk sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
such are their usages.
khîeh khṳ̀ hâiⁿ in;
take it and go and give it back to them.
in kúi ciah tû cò̤ lâi cū ngía;
their cupboards are prettily made.
m̄ cai sĭ ún kâi a sĭ in kâi;
do not know whether it is ours or theirs.
nán kâi tōa, in kâi sòi;
ours is large and theirs is small.
  • in1098386
  • A bride; affinity on the female side.
the fate which links lovers together.
a wife's relatives.
in tĭ, in hiaⁿ;
a wife's brothers.
kak ŭ in-ŵn, màiⁿ him-ĭen nâng;
matches are made in heaven, so do not covet one who belongs to another.
  • ín110310417
  • A habit, especially the opium habit; a craving.
a-phìen hun ín;
the opium habit.
i kâi hun cĭeⁿ ín lío;
his opium has become a fixed habit.
i kâi ín cē lâi pìn sin kang-khó;
when his craving comes on, his whole body is in distress.
tîeh ŭ cêk kùa kú cìaⁿ kùe ín;
after a half day the craving is past.
i kâi ín ío tōa, i kâi ín ío sòi;
his craving is greater, his is less.
lṳ́ cêk kâi ín cîah jîeh cōi hun?
How much opium does it take each time to satisfy you?
cêk jît kúi kâi ín;
there are several periods of craving in one day.
i kâi ín ío tăng, lṳ́ kâi ío khin;
his opium habit is more confirmed than is yours.
ín-thâu tōa căi;
the longing is very great.
tê ín;
the habit of tea-drinking.
  • ín1102571
  • To lead on; to bring forward; to quote; preface.
ín-chūa i lâi;
conduct him here.
to guide or conduct.
in cúi kâi nâng;
a drawer of water.
chíaⁿ i cò̤ cêk kò̤ sío-ín;
invite him to make a preface to it.
ín húe kâi mûeh-kĭaⁿ;
things used in striking a light.
ín i lâi kìⁿ úa;
bring him to see me.
cĭeⁿ kiaⁿ ín-kìⁿ;
to introduce to the Imperial presence.
khîu nâng cí-ín;
beg some one to point it out.
ín cṳ lâi cò̤ cèng;
quote in proof of.
ín cí kù ūe lâi cèng-kṳ̆ hṳ́ kù ūe;
quote this passage in support of that passage.
tîeh ŭ nâng lâi cò̤ ín-sùaⁿ;
some one must furnish a clue.
îeh ín;
the active principle in a preparation.
ín-tŏng kàu tōa-bó̤-mûeh