Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/226

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.


He is all the time taking in ever so much money, so why will he not pay me?
íⁿ-keng lâi jîeh kú lío hẃn-lío tàⁿ m̄ pat tò̤ khṳ̀;
came ever so long ago and is still unable to talk.
úa bô̤ jîeh cōi;
I have no great number.
téng thóiⁿ jîeh tăng;
weigh it and see how heavy it is.


  • jîen285868
  • An adverbial particle, implying it is so.
of course; naturally; certainly.
cṳ̆-cṳ̆ jîen-jîen;
just so; to be sure.
really; truly.
cṳ̆ jîen jṳ̂ jîen;
self-existent; underived; it comes of itself.
cò̤ lâi cṳ̆-jîen căi;
it is made so as to look very natural.
hut-jîen cū bô̤ khṳ̀;
suddenly disappeared.
cŏ-jîen cū lâi;
came abruptly or unexpectedly.
cí kâi sṳ̄ úa thóiⁿ tîeh būe jîen;
I look upon this as still uncertain.
i kâi ūe to m̄ jîen li;
what he says is very improbable.
put khî-jîen jṳ̂-jîen;
it came quite unexpectedly.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ i cìeⁿ-seⁿ tàⁿ lṳ́ thoiⁿ jîen a m̄ jîen?
Do you consider what he says about this probable or improbable?
i kà i jîen-ău cìaⁿ ŏi;
after she has taught him he will be able.
só̤-íⁿ-jîen kâi tŏ̤-lí;
a necessary doctrine.
i tháng-jîen cū khṳ̀;
he went understandingly.
pêh kang bô̤ jîen;
without any apparent reason for it.
  • jîen7951303
  • Resembling; like.
i seⁿ lâi jîen i a bó̤, m̄ jîen i a pĕ;
he looks like his mother, not like his father.
hṳ́ kâi ta-po kâi cū jîen i a pĕ;
the boy is like his father.
nŏ̤ kâi seⁿ lâi jîen căi;
the two look much alike.
lṳ́ thóiⁿ ūe lâi jîen mē?
Do you think the portrait good?
úa thóiⁿ lí jîen;
I think the likeness good.
cía ūe lâi cn̂g kâi m̄ jîen;
this drawing bears no resemblance to the original.
i kâi khẃn jîen-jîen i a-kong;
his looks and ways are just like his grandfather's.
nĕ jîen-jîen;
an exact counterpart.


  • jîet2938611
  • Heat; fever; warm; ardent.
jîet căi;
feverish; restless.
thiⁿ-sî íam-jîet;
the weather is very hot.
sú-jîet kâi sî-hāu;
in the hot season.
hṳ́ kò̤ lāu-jîet;
there is much bustle there.
lāu-lāu jîet-jîet kâi sî-hāu;
in times of great excitement and activity.
hṳ́ kâi tī-hng sĭm sĭ jîet-lāu;
that place is one where there is a great deal going on.
lāu-lāu jîet-jîet, bŏi ko-cio;
many people coming and going, and no quietude.
màiⁿ kúaⁿ nâng tó̤ lāu-jîet;
do not mix yourself up in their affairs.
i nŏ̤ nâng sĭm sĭ chin-jîet;
the two are ardently attached to each other.
i ŏi hwt jîet a bŏi?
Does he have fever?
has a fever.
hŵn-lío ŭ jîet-khì;
there is still warmth in it.
huang-lô tó̤ jîet;
the earthen stove is heated.
tîeh méⁿ-méⁿ cîah i jîet thò̤;
must quickly take something to reduce the fever.
úa mông tîeh i kâi chíu-tói ŏi jîet;
I find his hands very hot in the palm.
chàu-jîet kâi mûeh, m̄-hó̤ cîah;
do not eat what is heating.
i kâi tn̂g thìaⁿ, tó jîet;
he has pain and inflammation in his bowels.


  • jîh1068648
  • To urge one to accept.
jîh kàu nâ-pn̄g-kùa ka-lâuh;
press a gift upon one, till the cover of the basket falls off.
jîh i siu, i to m̄ khéng siu;
urged him to accept it, but he would not.
lṳ́ mín-ēng cài-saⁿ jîh, úa íⁿ-keng siu lío;
you need not urge me again and again to accept some, I have already accepted some.
  • jîh622646
  • To press upon with the hand.
jîh kíu;
press it tightly.
jîh m̄ lô̤h;
I cannot press it in.
jîh i jîp khṳ̀;
press it in.
lṳ́ kâi chíu cai jîh, màiⁿ pun huang chue cáu;
press your hand upon it, and do not let the wind blow it away.
chíu jîh tŏ̤ i thâu-khak;
pressed his hand upon his head.
i kâi sim-kuaⁿ-thâu jîh tîeh pok-pok kìe;
when you lay your hand on his chest you can feel it throb.
jîh lô̤h cē;
press it down a little.
m̄-hó̤ jîh khah thíam;
do not press it too hard.
jîh cŭ;
stop it by pressing the hand upon it.
  • jîh300241
  • Twenty; a score.
jîh gūa nâng;
more than a score of people.
lṳ́ táng jîh sûn cìaⁿ lâi;
wait till the last ten days of the month, then come.
jîh-sì ngŏ kâi pang-bó̤;
about the twenty-fourth or twenty-fifth of the month.
jîh gūa hùe lío;
over twenty years old.


  • jím287613
  • Fortitude; patience; to bear with; to repress; to give way to.
khak-khó jím-năi;
to persistently bear up under.
jím khì thun siaⁿ;
restrain anger, by not speaking.
é jím bô̤ ngân;
silently endure.
jím m̄ cŭ;
jím sim hāi lí;
harshly violate propriety.
i kâi sim châng-jím căi;
his spirit is undisciplined.
jím jôk pò̤ chîu;
bear the disgrace in order to avenge it.
lṳ́ tîeh ŏi kien jím;
you have unflinching fortitude.
i mîaⁿ-ke jím căi;
he exercised admirable patience.
cía sĭ i cìaⁿ ŏi jím;
this what she has to put up with.
pât nâng jím m̄ khṳ̀;
other people would not bear it.
jím-khì seⁿ châi;
patience begets riches.