Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/238

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • kah11251348
  • And; together with.
lṳ́ kah úa cò̤-pû lâi khṳ̀;
you go along with me.
lṳ́ kah úa m̄ tâng kok;
you and I are not of the same country.
i kah i kâi a-pĕ cò̤-pû tŏ̤;
he and his father are together.
úa kah i sĭ tan̂g sèⁿ;
I am of the same surname as he.
cí īeⁿ kah hṳ́ īeⁿ, tī īeⁿ hó̤?
Of this sort and that, which is the better?
cí kâi kah hṳ́ kâi cò̤ cêk-ē khiêh khṳ̀;
take this and that together in one lot.
hó̤ kah m̄-hó̤;
good and bad, taken together.
àiⁿ bói cí kĭaⁿ kah hṳ́ kĭaⁿ;
wishes to buy both this sort and that sort.
  • kâh81737
  • The sound of a multitude of voices.
the sound of many babbling tongues.
nâng-siaⁿ kâh-kâh-kún, thiaⁿ m̄ hīn;
there was the sound of many voices, and I did not hear distinctly.


  • kai3061496
  • What ought to be; fit; just; deserving; necessary; convenient.
sĭ i kâi ḱn kâi;
it is what pertains to his functions.
úa pńg kai tîeh lâi, bô̤ năi hŏ tōa;
I shall have to come anyway, notwithstanding the rain.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ sĭ eng-kai, a m̄ eng-kai?
Is that what he ought to do or not?
lṳ́ eng-kai cìeⁿ-seⁿ ta̤ⁿ;
you should say thus.
i cìeⁿ-seⁿ sĭ kai sí;
he is then deserving of death.
kai khìam jîeh cōi?
How much does he justly owe?
sĭeⁿ-siu-hùe, m̄ kai cìeⁿ-seⁿ cò̤;
thought with regret that he ought not to have done thus.
i kham-kai sue;
he deserves ill luck.
sĭ pńg eng-kai kâi;
it is what he ought justly to do.
kham-kai tit tîeh;
worthy to receive it.
i m̄ kham-kai cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
he is not deserving of it.
uá kai hâiⁿ jîeh cōi?
How much ought I to pay?
i kâi mīaⁿ jû chṳ́;
his fate is just.
i kham-kai cìeⁿ-seⁿ sí;
he deserves death.
  • kai3061546
  • To present.
i kâi ūe tàⁿ khṳ̀ kai-kwt;
what he said involves several meanings.
cêk kṳ̀ ūe cū kai-kwt;
one sentence contains it all.
cì kâi jī kai-kwt cí kúi kâi ì-sṳ̀;
this letter contains these several references.
  • kai3581064
  • All; alike; the whole of them.
nâng-nan̂g kâi cai;
they all know.
kai tâng cêk thói;
we are all of the same rank.
kŭ kai cĕk īeⁿ;
all are alike.
cèng nâng kai taĭ huaⁿ-hí;
all are equally pleased.
  • kai3591046
  • An intermittent or tertian ague.
i kâi ngîak sĭ kai-ngîak;
his ague is tertian.
  • kài361445
  • The set time; a limit; to arrive at a time or place.
a set time.
tùi kài;
at the time; a period recurring every twelve years, when the books are open at the yamun for the recording of the names of persons who have transferred land paying taxes to government.
kin-nî tùi kài;
this is the year for having sales of taxable land entered in the recorder's office.
ún kâi kài-cheh íⁿ-keng kuah cheng-chó̤, nín cò̤-nî hŵn-lío lâi chūe nîe?
Our record of the transfer of the land is already entered in the recorder's office, so why do you still come to us to collect the taxes?
kin-nî tùi kài-khî, nán kâi nîe tîeh cai lâi siu kuah cheng-chó̤;
this is the year when the recorder opens his books and we must see to it that the sale of the field which renders its owner responsible for the tax upon it, is recorded.
  • kài360623
  • To abstain; to refrain from; to watch against; to warn.
kài kháu;
to diet.
chiet-chiet tîeh kài i cí cuang sṳ̄;
it is of the utmost importance that he be warned against this.
cí tieⁿ sĭ kài hun kâi îeh-hng;
this sheet is a prescription for the breaking off from opium.
i íⁿ-keng kài-tn̆g hun ín;
he has already broken off from his opium habit.
cîah ce, kài snah;
to fast and avoid the destruction of animal life.
chut kài tîo;
issue prohibitory rules.
kàu-kài kíaⁿ-tĭ;
caution the children.
kài cîah;
abstain from food; to live sparingly.
kài cíu;
abstain from wine.
kài cá tê;
abstain from tea in the early part of the day.
hó̤ kéng-kài aŭ nâng;
deter those who come after.
kài îm;
refrain from vice.
siu kài;
take orders as a priest or nun.
kài cí;
a finger ring, hinting the necessity of restraining anger.
kài tó;
to forbid gambling.
  • kài30714010
  • Covered; to roof in; to cover over.
a covered cup.
khîeh kài-au kùa khṳ̀ khàm kài-au;
take the cover and cover the covered cup.
kài-au kha;
a stand for a covered cup.
kài-kĭen păng-ok;
to build houses.
i cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄, cia-kài m̄ miⁿ;
as to his affair, he did not keep it concealed.
a covered bowl.
cò̤ kàu kài-sì căi;
made very secluded.
cí kâi nâng kài-sì hó̤;
this man is a good protection.
i kâi pù sĭ kài cí cêk hieⁿ;
his wealth overtops all in this village.
i kâi pù sĭ kài cêk hú;
his wealth has no parallel in this Department.
hó̤ kâi kài-pàng mīn cīeⁿ;
put the best ones on top.
thông hwn pó̤-kài;
a canopy.