Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/28

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.


lĕng ài;
your daughter.
mông lṳ́ kùe ài;
many thanks for your great kindness.
blind love.
hó̤ ài-sieh;
ài-sieh ka-kī īu su ài-sieh pât nâng;
love others as well as yourself.
ài nâng kip mûeh;
love people rather than things.
ài-sieh tŏ̤ sim, màiⁿ ài-sieh tŏ̤ mīn;
love in reality rather than in appearance.
ài mîn jîak cṳ́;
loved the people as if they were his children.
ài-sieh thài kùe;
too indulgent affection.
ài-sieh kuang-im;
sparing of time.
  • ài217010
  • A defile; a pass.
a gorge.
híam ài;
a dangerous pass.
  • âi605801
  • A mother; one's mother.
cū sĭ i kâi âi;
it is his mother.
chin âi;
an own mother.
ău âi;
a step-mother.
an exclamation denoting surprise.


  • àiⁿ1139767
  • To desire, to wish, to long for; about to, ready to, on the point of.
lṳ́ àiⁿ a m̆?
Do you want it or not?
i àiⁿ, úa m̆;
he wants to but I will not.
àiⁿ li àiⁿ, bŏi tit tîeh;
as for wanting it I want it, but I cannot have it.
sĭ úa sim só̤ àiⁿ;
it is what my heart desires.
m̄-àiⁿ; màiⁿ;
does not want it.
i cha-m̄-to̤ àiⁿ lâi;
he is about to come.
i ciang àiⁿ khṳ̀;
he is about to go.
lṳ́ àiⁿ tńg-khṳ̀ có-ke a būe?
Are you going to return to you native land yet?
i àiⁿ cò̤;
he is going to make it.
i tàⁿ i àiⁿ khṳ̀;
he said he should go.
úa àiⁿ lâi khîeh;
I will come and get it.
i àiⁿ mih kâi?
What does he want?
i àiⁿ khí chù;
he is going to build a house.
i phien-phien àiⁿ;
he is bent upon it.
i ngĕ àiⁿ;
he fixedly desires it.
i cwn àiⁿ cìeⁿ-seⁿ cò̤ ;
he especially wishes it to be made thus.
i kù-ì aiⁿ lâi;
he is set upon coming.
i kâi sim lăi sĭ àiⁿ, chùi m̄ káⁿ tàⁿ;
he desires it in his heart, but dare not say so.
àiⁿ mē?
Do you wish to?


  • ak1065854
  • To water, by pouring from above.
ak hue;
to water flowers.
ak cúi;
to wet by pouring on water.
ak hŏ; khṳt hŏ ak tîeh;
wet by the rain.
  • ak82647
  • To seize, to arrest, to gripe.
jīo kàu hṳ́-kò̤ cìaⁿ ak tîeh;
pursued him to that point and there caught
ak tîeh i kâi piⁿ;
caught him by the cue.
híam-híam ak m̄ tîeh;
caught at and came very near missing it.
  • ak1063618
  • Evil, vile, wicked, iniquitous.
the wicked.
câp ak;
all sorts of crimes.
ak sôk;
evil ways, tăi ak; great crimes.
ak căi;
very wicked.
cek ak;
heap up iniquity.
ak hĕng;
vicious looking.
ak ŭ ak pò̤;
wickedness brings its own retribution.
nâng m̄ cò̤ ak, nâng m̄ ùi;
where there is no iniquity, there is no fear.
ak kùe cûa;
more malignant than a serpent.
pĕ ak, kíaⁿ hîen;
wise sons of wicked fathers.
ak cît;
virulent disease.
sim cṳ̂, mău ak;
a gentle heart under a savage exterior.
ak-nâng, ak-nâng tṳ̂;
the wicked extripate the wicked.
cŭe-ak thau thiⁿ;
their wickedness reaches to the heavens.
ak ūe;
obscene talk.
  • ak10698214
  • To quiet, to calm, to pacify.
ak kiaⁿ;
allay fear.
hàm i a-ne sâh nŏ̤ kâi ngio n̆ng kio i ak kiaⁿ;
tell his mother to boil two cats' eggs with which to quiet his alarm.
cía tîeh i khṳ̀, cìaⁿ ak tit cŭ, pât nâng ak m̄ tîo;
he is the one who must go, then they will be pacified, no one else can tranquilize them.
  • ak6291629
  • To terminate; to stop.
to bring to a standstill.
to put a stop to.
ak ak, îang sĭen;
repress iniquity and encourage righteousness.
  • ak1093644
  • To repress, to restrain, to abate; else, moreover.
to stop.
to repress.
ak i m̄ cŭ;
could not curb it.
ak i m̄ tîo;
could not restrain it.
ak-cì i;
restrain him.
ka-kī ak-cì m̄ cŭ;
could not himself control it.
soiⁿ ak ău îang, soiⁿ îang ău ak;
play fast and loose with.
should it be.
ak-hok cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
should it be thus.
ak-hok i lâi, úa cĭu mîen khṳ̀;
should he come, then I need not go.
ak-hok ŭ cí kâi, lṳ́ àiⁿ jîeh cōi?
Should there be that kind, how many do you want?


  • am621408
  • A religious house; a Buddhist temple.
a convent or monastery.
am-kẁn; am-īⁿ;
monastic estalishments.
nî-ko am;
a nunnery.
hûe-sīeⁿ am;
a monastery.
jîp am;
to become a monk or a nun.
cháu am;
our wretched hermitage.
am lăi;
in religious reti-