Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/280

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
Are these iron pans of Swatow manufacture, or were they made in Canton?
chìe kńg kua;
sing ballads in the Canton dialect.
cí kâi sĭ kńg-tang pù-cèng a sĭ kńg-sai pù-cèng?
Is this the lieutenant governor of the Canton province, or of the Kwangsi province?
  • kńg450266
  • A scroll; manuscript; to roll up as one rolls a scroll laid on a plane; books; the ruled paper on which essays are written.
khai kńg ŭ iah;
to open the roll is beneficial.
tîeh bói kâi kńg-tō̤ lâi chō̤, àiⁿ tâu kńg tiang-sî, ngŏ̤ tîeh ŭ hŏ, kńg cìaⁿ bŏi pun hŏ ak tīo;
must buy a satchel to put the manuscript in, then when it is to be delivered over, if there should be rain, it will not get wet.
cía sĭ cìn kńg, hía sĭ lô̤h kńg;
these are accepted, and those are rejected essays.
thîn cò̤ cu kńg;
essays copied out in red ink for examination.
bâk kńg;
the original copy of the essay.
ŭ sî àiⁿ tìo bâk kńg lâi thóiⁿ;
the original manuscript after having been copied by another than the composer, is sometimes called for.
lṳ́ kâi kńg sía hó̤ a būe?
Is your essay written?
i khṳ̀ tâu pêh kńg;
he handed in a blank manuscript.
i kâi bûn-cieⁿ thóiⁿ tîeh ío ŭ cṳ kńg;
his essay shows a greater knowledge of letters.
úa tit tîeh i ŭ kúi hîeh kńg hîeh, sía lâi sĭm ngía;
I have obtained several leaves of his manuscript, and it is beautifully written.
thâk cṳ bw̄n kńg, ngŏ̤ sṳ̄ cêk bô̤ só̤ ēng;
one may read ten thousand books, and then find he has some business in which nothing he has learned is of use.
úa àiⁿ cò̤ cò̤ kńg cṳ, m̄ cò̤ cò̤ hue cío;
I want written scrolls, not pictures.
kńg cò̤ cek kauh;
roll it up into a roll.
kńg kàu kṳ́-kak kṳ́-kak;
roll it up in such a way as to keep the edges even at the ends.
kńg cúa;
ruled paper.
kńg cúa khò;
a writing book of ruled paper, ruled in squares.
  • kǹg4751544
  • To run a thread through; to string on.
the string on which cash is strung.
cí choiⁿ cîⁿ bô̤ tú kńg, sĭ câk kńg kâi;
this is a full thousand of cash, nothing being deducted on account of the value of the string, which is extra.
u ŭ kǹg kha a bô̤?
Is there a cash taken out to pay for the string on which the others are strung?
cí kaî cîⁿ sĭ pó kǹg kâi;
this cash is to pay for the string used in stringing the others.
kau-kwn cìeⁿ kú, choiⁿ gūa cîⁿ bŏi lă tú kǹg kâi;
though I have traded with you so long, a thousand cash and over is not so much but that you must deduct the value of the string.
cí cho̤h cîⁿ cang cîⁿ-kǹg-so̤h lâi chng;
get a cash string and string these cash.

  • kǹg3191678
  • Steel; iron hardened by fire.
cí ki to̤ ŭ kǹg a bô̤?
Is this knife edged with steel?
m̄ cai kǹg cúi jîeh hó̤;
do not know how well-tempered the steel may be.
ńng kǹg;
soft steel.
ngĕ kǹg;
hard steel.
cía ki kǹg cúi cū sĭ sĭang ngĕ;
in this one the steel is of the hardest sort.
phah ki cêng kǹg kâi;
make one wholly of steel.
  • kǹg5697510
  • A carrying beam; thills; a classifier of loads borne by two.
kuaⁿ-châ kǹg;
poles for bearing a coffin.
cêk tùi kīe-kǹg;
a pair of carrying poles for a sedan chair.
cêk kǹg ngṳ̂n;
as mach money as two can carry between them.
kîaⁿ ngṳ̂n kǹg, kîaⁿ lô̤h séⁿ;
forward silver in loads to the Provincial city.
khîa ki kǹg lâi kng sīaⁿ;
get a carrying beam, to carry the box of presents upon.
sīaⁿ kǹg;
the beam of a box in which presents are carried.


  • ko4191408
  • Mushrooms; mould; fungus.
hieⁿ ko;
edible mushrooms.
kìen ko;
Foochow mushrooms.
kńg ko;
Cantonese mushrooms.
sam ŏi hwt sam ko, tek kha īa hwt tek ko, cháu īa hwt cháu ko;
timber produces the fir mushroom, the bamboo mushroom grows at the roots of the bamboo, and the weedy mushroom springs up among the grass.
sî ēng kâi hieⁿ ko;
fresh mushrooms.
cháu ko thiaⁿ tàⁿ sĭ cwn cò̤ kâi;
I have heard it said that the common mushroom is made to grow spontaneously.
hŭam cìaⁿ peh hwt kâi ko tîeh ka-kī chú kâi lâi cîah cìaⁿ ún-tàng, īa sĭ thèng bói kâi, khíong-ùi ŭ khí ŏi tâk kâi;
it is safe to eat mushrooms that are of spontaneous growth, if you gather them yourself, but if you carelessly buy them there is danger of their being poisonous and that you may be injured by them.
píaⁿ khǹg kú seⁿ ko;
biscuits long kept become mouldy.
saⁿ-khò cē ip-cîp-tîeh kauh cū àiⁿ seⁿ ko;
if clothes are damp when rolled up they mould.
kô seⁿ ko mô̤h;
the paste has a layer of mould on it.
phīⁿ tîeh chàu ko;
it smells mouldy.
hip i pôih ko;
confine it in a close vessel till it moulds.
ôi m̄ phâk, ŏi chĭeⁿ ko;
if the shoes are not sunned, they mould.
sueh tīo ko;
brush off the mould.
lô̤h kú hŏ mih mûeh kauh kàu seⁿ ko;
in long rains every thing becomes mouldy from lack of airing.
hwt ko mô̤h;
gather a film of mould.
suaⁿ chṳ̂-ko;
wild tulips used in medicine.