Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/292

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • ko̤h4261696
  • A porch; an anteroom; a corridor; female apartments; a council-chamber or the officers assembled in it.
lâi ko̤h;
the Inner Council.
lăi ko̤h tong-su;
the clerk of the Inner Council.
pôih jîp lăi ko̤h;
become a member of the Inner Council.
tang ko̤h tăi hâk-sṳ̆;
the Premier.
sì kâi cái-sìang, nŏ̤ kái cheng tōiⁿ, nŏ̤ kâi cheng ko̤h;
of the four ministers, two are called chamberlains, and two councilors.
ko̤h chîn;
ko̤h láu;
cabinet ministers.
móng sî jîp ko̤h;
at that time entered the cabinet.
ko̤h ĕ kùi seⁿ;
Your Excellency.
khí kŭa lîang têng cúi ko̤h;
build summer houses and balconies.
lăi ko̤h chau chut sĭang jŭ;
the cabinet ministers copy the imperial edicts.
lṳ́-kâi choiⁿ-kim cêng chut ko̤h a būe?
Has your daughter yet issued from the inner apartments? Is she yet married?
lâu ko̤h;
a look-out; a balcony; a summer house.
  • ko̤h4271306
  • The armpit.
the part of the body covered by the arm.
nio i kâi ko̤h-ĕ;
hugged under his arm.
chah i kâi ko̤h ĕ;
support him by lifting at his armpit.
  • ko̤h4266414
  • To hinder, to obstruct.
to impede, to put a stop to.
to delay, to put difficulties in the way.
màiⁿ tam-ko̤h khah kú;
do not procrastinate too long.


  • ku4812130
  • The tortoise and terrapin; some kinds of beetles.
ku pùe;
arched over like a terrapin’s back.
lâi khṳ̀ pok kâi ku khùe;
let us go and divine by means of the markings on a tortoise shell.
ku-khak hó̤ pok-khùe;
the shell of the tortoise may be used in divination.
ēng cò̤ ku-páng ío cṳ im, cṳ pó nâng sin-tèng kâi im hūn;
make use of the breastplate or plastron of the tortoise to enrich the blood, and to strengthen the body.
kim ku hāi mīaⁿ;
the tortoise that laid golden nuggets cost his owner his life.
hang-ku tûi heng;
the starry ray beating its breast; unavailing regrets.
kim ku thut khak;
an empty tortoise shell.
lâi bói cē hang-ku-jîe lâi cîah cṳ im;
buy a little dried skate skin to take as a strengthening medicine.
hang-ku phīⁿ;
the snout of the skate.
cúi ku;
the water beetle.
chiah bí ku;
the box turtle.
ku cûa;
ku cûa kau-hŭe;
creeping things affiliate with each other.
ku lêng ho̤h sǹg;
very long lived.

  • ku1126911
  • Hunchbacked; to stoop.
ku ie;
ie ku kàu phak-phak;
he is bent almost double.
i kâi ie seⁿ lâi tàm-ku tàm-ku nē;
he is very round shouldered.
i sĭ in-ûi tăng mûeh teh tîeh tì-kàu ku ie;
he became hunchbacked by carrying heavy burdens.
i kâi ie ku-ku;
he is much bent.
phak-ku lô̤h khṳ̀ khîeh;
stoop down and pick it up.
sin cē ku kĕ cū íam kìⁿ;
as soon as he bent down he espied it.
  • 好幾ku-ā171
  • Several; many.
ku-ā hûe;
ever so many times.
ku-ā tńg;
several times.
ku-ā kâi;
quite a number of them.
ku-ā nâng;
a good many persons.
  • ku4321605
  • A fault; a crime; a failure in duty; a dereliction; sin, guilt.
bô̤ ku;
bô̤ ku sĭu lŭi;
compromised when guiltless.
chò̤ suah bô̤ ku;
killed the innocent.
i to bô̤ ku ā;
he is not at fault.
  • ku4141790
  • Scallions or chives.
ku-chài thng;
broth made with scallions.
  • 43414217
  • The 18th diagram; a slow poison; to harass with doubts.
úa pok tîeh kâi khùe sĭ kú khùe;
I cast and threw the eighteenth diagram, referring to occupation.
kàng pĕ cṳ kú;
follow a father’s calling.
cí īeⁿ îeh hó̤ tī kú tâk;
this medicine is an antidote for slow poison.
i sī tó̤ kú-hok nâng sim;
he is disquieting people's minds.
  • 3523011
  • Great felicity or prosperity; propitious.
tī-tîang tó̤ thâk kú--sṳ̂?
Who is reading the invocation?
  • 41342
  • Enduring; lasting; to continue a long time.
chîang-kú kâi sṳ̄;
a protracted affair.
kú-kú lâi cŏ̤;
come in often and sit awhile.
ho̤h kú;
a long while.
màiⁿ khah kú;
do not be too long about it.
bói ŭ jîeh kú lío?
How long ago did you buy it?
lâi jîeh ŭa kú, hŵn-lío m̄ cai;
came ever so long ago, and still did not know it.
cí īeⁿ sek m̄ năi kú;
this color is not a durable one.
nî tn̂g gûeh kú, khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ sio-sîh;
it gradually diminishes in size all the time.
cîeh kîaⁿ kú ŏi kng-kût;
the rolling stone becomes smooth.
táng ŭ cêk jît kú;
waited a whole day.
tn̂g-tn̂g kú-kú;
kú pîet lío;
long parted.
cìeⁿ-sî kú ûi;