Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/298

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.

driven ducks.

kâi i kúaⁿ chut khṳ̀;
drove him out.
in-ûi sĭm-mih sṳ̄ khṳt i kúaⁿ tīo chut lâi?
On what account was he expelled?
  • kúaⁿ211565
  • To avail of; to improve.
kúaⁿ cí kâi sì-hāu;
improve this leisure time.
kúaⁿ cí hûe kâi ki-hŭe;
embrace this opportunity.
kúaⁿ cí kâi sì cū cò̤ tit hó̤;
take advantage this circumstance to complete the thing.
kúaⁿ tîeh cí hûe ŭ huang lâi khui cûn;
take advantage of the wind that is now blowing and start the boat.
kúaⁿ sńg, kúaⁿ chìe;
took the opportunity when others were joking.
  • kúaⁿ489754
  • Really; truly; indeed; reliable; determined.
kúaⁿ-jîen sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
it is really so.
lṳ́ jû-kúaⁿ àiⁿ lâi li thòa-cah lâi;
if you should be coming, bring it along with you.
i kâi nâng cò̤ sṳ̄ ŭ kúaⁿ-tẁn;
he acts with decision.
i sĭm sĭ kúaⁿ-káⁿ;
he is very daring.
kúaⁿ-cin hó̤;
truly good.
kúaⁿ sĭ cía nâng;
indeed it is he.
jîak-kúaⁿ sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ úa li m̆;
suppose it should be thus, I shall not do it.
i cò̤ sṳ̄ cn̂g kâi m̄ kúaⁿ-kwt;
he acts without decision.
i mih sṳ̄ cū kúaⁿ-kwt;
he has his mind made up before he does things.
sĭ àiⁿ, sĭ m̄-àiⁿ, kúaⁿ-kúaⁿ kwt-kwt;
whether you want it, or whether you don't want it, be decided about it.
  • kúaⁿ4674011
  • Solitary; friendless; alone; little; moderate.
síu-kúaⁿ hŭ-jîn;
a widow.
i tó̤ síu-kúaⁿ;
she is a widow.
kà cṳ sin-seⁿ, síu-kúaⁿ ta-ke;
a school teacher has a lot like that of an old widower.
kúaⁿ put têk cèng;
one cannot stand alone against many.
ko-jî, kúaⁿ-hŭ;
orphan and widow.
i khi-hŭ i ko-lŏ kúaⁿ-bŭn;
he imposes upon him because he is solitary and of little experience.
  • kûaⁿ163409
  • Wintry; cold; shivering.
thiⁿ-sî kûaⁿ-chìn;
the weather is very cold.
kha kûaⁿ-tàng;
the feet chilled.
cá mêⁿ ŭ nâng kûaⁿ sí khṳ̀;
some one was frozen to death last night.
ciaⁿ gûeh kûaⁿ sí gû, jī gûeh kûaⁿ sí bé, saⁿ gûeh kûaⁿ sí le-ke cé;
the first month was so cold it killed the cattle, the second so cold it killed the horses, and the third so cold it froze Miss Lake herself.
pak kûaⁿ; hwt kuaⁿ;
to have ague.
sieⁿ-huang tńg cò̤ kûaⁿ;
the cold taken has produced ague.
ŭ kûaⁿ ŭ jûah;
has chills and fever; is cold and hot.
kûaⁿ jûah saⁿ-khò;
clothing for hot and cold weather.
màiⁿ khṳt i kûaⁿ tîeh, tîeh cai chēng;
must put on plenty of clothing, and not get chilled.
  • kûaⁿ6381049
  • Remittent or intermittent fever; febrile complaints; ague.
tì kûaⁿ kâi pēⁿ;
has fever and ague.
kiâm kûaⁿ;
chills, with but little or no fever.
keh jît kûaⁿ;
a chill every other day.
saⁿ jît kûaⁿ;
a chill once in three days.
i kíaⁿ-jît tùi kûaⁿ pái;
this is his day to have a chill.
ŭ cêk khí saⁿ jît pái kâi kûaⁿ;
there is one sort of fever which comes on once in three days.
  • kŭaⁿ882644
  • To pull upward, to lift by pulling.
cău-hùe kŭaⁿ tîeh i kâi piⁿ;
happily caught him by his queue and dragged him upward.
tùi i kâi piⁿ cū kŭaⁿ khí lâi;
pulled him out by the queue.
màiⁿ kŭaⁿ khah lip búe, ùi àiⁿ phìu chíu;
do not take hold too near the end in lifting it, lest it slip out of your hand.
nŏ̤ ciah chíu sie-hŭ kŭaⁿ;
drag it up with both hands.
măng kŭaⁿ khí lâi hṳ́-tói ŭ mûaⁿ-hṳ̂;
when the net was hauled up there was an eel in it.
kŭaⁿ tōa lâk;
haul it up with force.
  • kŭaⁿ1796410
  • To carry with the hand at one's side.
carry a market basket.
kŭaⁿ cúi-tháng;
carry a water-bucket.
kŭaⁿ cúi;
to carry water in a bailed bucket by one's side.
  • kŭaⁿ2436116
  • To carry in the womb.
kŭaⁿ ŭ a-nôⁿ tŏ̤-kò̤;
is with child.
cí ciah ngio kŭaⁿ-kūiⁿ tŏ̤-kò̤;
this cat is pregnant.
  • kūaⁿ165853
  • Sweat; perspiration.
seⁿ kūaⁿ;
to perspire.
lâu kūaⁿ;
to sweat freely.
hwt kŭaⁿ;
produces perspiration.
hwt kūaⁿ îeh;
a sudorific.
pío kūaⁿ;
to sweat visibly.
chut chìn kūaⁿ; lâu chìn kūaⁿ;
has cold sweats.
lâu kàu cêk sin kūaⁿ;
perspired at every pore.
thoih kūaⁿ;
absorbs sweat.
chēng kâi saⁿ tó̤ cṳ̄ kūaⁿ;
wear a jacket to absorb the perspiration.
pìaⁿ kàu cêk sin kūaⁿ;
worked so hard as to be wet with perspiration.
tău kūaⁿ;
cṳ̄ kūaⁿ;
sweating, without exertion.
bô̤ kūaⁿ căi;
lṳ́ màiⁿ bô̤ kūaⁿ bô̤ kūaⁿ nē;
do not be lazy about it.
cí kâi nâng cò̤ sṳ̄ cin bô̤ kūaⁿ;
this persons does things very moderately.


  • kuah430186
  • To cut out; to chisel; to carve.
kuah ìn;
engrave a seal.
kuah cò̤ cìe-pâi;
engrave a sign board.
kuah cò̤ hue-cío;
engrave in representation of natural scenery.