Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/312

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

very dense.

koi-hāng kâi nâng sak kàu kṳ̂t;
the crowd in the streets is so dense as to obstruct travel.
kô khôk lâi khah kṳ̂t;
the paste is made too thick.
mûeⁿ pû chieh a pû kṳ̂t?
Is the congee made thin or thick?
khah chieh, lô̤h ke cho̤h mī-hún khṳt i kṳ̂t cē;
if it is too thin put in some more flour and make it stiffer.
  • kṳ̂t21098
  • To look at out of the comer of the eye; to look askance at.
i kâi mâk tó̤ kṳ̂t i, m̄ cai sĭ hĕng i mih sṳ̄;
he looks askance at him, but I do not know what reason he has for disliking him.


  • kwn47216910
  • A custom or excise house; a frontier pass ; to bar a door; to guard ; to place a post at; to bear upon, to effect; to belong to a concern; involving; consequences; results.
hìang kwn; sùe kwn;
the custom-house.
hái kwn;
maritime customs.
kwn kháu;
a place where duties are paid.
kwn pŏ;
Board of Revenue.
pàng kwn;
to pass the custom-house.
kwn-sim cìo līo;
look carefully after the stuff.
sĭ seⁿ, sĭ sí, kwn-hĭ tŏ̤ cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;
whether he lives or dies depends on this.
i kio úa bô̤ kwn-sîap;
he has nothing to do with me.
m̄ kwn úa kâi sṳ̄;
it is none of my business.
cí kò̤ ŭ kâi kwn-tì bīe;
there is here a temple of the god of war.
to̤ bô̤ kwn sim kio úa cò̤;
he does not do it for me with any interest.
kwn hûang;
the official seal.
lṳ́ tîeh cai kwn i;
you must beware of him.
mn̂g cai kwn;
take heed to the door.
lṳ́ kâi mn̂g tîeh kwn hó̤-hó̤;
you must guard the doorway carefully.
khai kwn súaⁿ;
a sneezing powder.
ûa sek phùa i kâi ki-kwn;
I brought his real motives to light.
cí kâi sṳ̄ kwn-hĭ tōa;
this affair has important results.
phài i tó̤ péⁿ kwn;
depute him to close and command the pass.
kùe kwn;
pass the custom house.
custom house dues.
khieh kwn-hìang;
collect duties.
  • kwn453186
  • A bond, agreement, or contract.
i íⁿ-keng sàng kwn lío;
he has already presented his papers.
i kwn lăi sĭ kúi nâng?
How many names appear in the document?
kwn lĭa sĭ lâk nâng, kwn gūa sĭ sì nâng;
there are six who are mentioned in the contract, and

four besides.

cṳ kwn ngṳ̂n íⁿ-keng sàng cheng-chó̤ lío;
the amount agreed upon in the contract with the school-teacher, has already been paid over to him in full.

  • kwn473147
  • A covering for the head.
i-kwn chî-céng;
clothing rich and elegant.
i cē cai i lâi thóiⁿ cū chut lâi thìo kia-kwn;
as soon as she knew they had come and were observing her, she came out and paraded around in a high cap.
the head-gear of actors.
  • kwn47414718
  • To look at carefully; to observe.
to contemplate thoughtfully.
to look abroad attentively.
kwn hong;
one's first entrance into the examinations.
kwn chak sài;
the style of an address to the Intendant of Circuit.
  • kwn472758
  • To encoffin.
tī-kâi sî àiⁿ siu kwn?
At what time is the body to be put in the coffin ?
  • kwn47319510
  • Unattended; alone.
kwn kúaⁿ ko tôk kâi nâng;
alone and solitary.
  • 𩜇kẃn4511848
  • Flap-jacks; wafers.
flap-jacks, or wafers, in which hash is rolled.
i kâi kẃn-cien hṳ́ tói sĭ kauh mih kâi?
What is rolled up in his flap-jacks ?
  • kẃn4741188
  • To control; to dominate; to rule; to influence primarily.
ēng i tó̤ cò̤ kẃn-ke;
employ him as steward.
cí lăi sĭ tī-tîang tó̤ kẃn sṳ̄?
Who has the control of things in here?
sĭ i tó̤ kẃn-lí;
it is he who has the management of it.
lṳ́ hó̤ siu kẃn;
you may take charge of it.
i tó̤ cíang kẃn sìo-bâk;
he is keeping the books.
phò lăi kâi sṳ̄ to sĭ i tó̤ kẃn;
he controls everything connected with the shop.
cêk nâng kẃn gūa, cêk nâng kẃn lăi;
one takes charge of what goes on outside, and the other of what is done inside.
i kẃn-hak nâng m̄ thiaⁿ;
people will not be ruled by him.
lṳ́ cí-kẃn tàⁿ;
go on talking as long as you like.
cek-kẃn cò̤ kàu hó̤;
go on and finish it up.
lí-kẃn tàⁿ;
gave himself wholly up to talking.
lṳ́ màiⁿ kẃn pât nâng, kẃn ka-kī cū hó̤;
you need not look after other people, if you keep

yourself in order that will be sufficient.

m̄ kù pât nâng, ka-kī lí-kẃn tàⁿ;
paid no attention to others, but went on talking himself.
lṳ́ thiaⁿ úa tàⁿ, lṳ́ màiⁿ lí-kẃn khàu;
listen to what I am saying to you and do not give yourself wholly up to crying.
i m̄ kẃn sṳ̄;
he does not control matters.
bô̤ khṳ̀ kẃn i;
did not pay any attention to him.
m̄ cai kẃn-kù cū khṳt i cáu-khṳ̀;
did not look after him, and so