Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/400

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

eyes are of no use to you!

khṳt i ui cheⁿ-mêⁿ khṳ̀;
was made blind by taking his medicine.
that blind fellow.
  • mêⁿ1080365
  • Night; darkness; after daylight.
in the night.
mêⁿ tn̂g căi;
the nights are very long.
mêⁿ tŏ̤ cí cĭam-cĭam tó̤;
the nights from this time on gradually become shorter.
cò̤ mêⁿ kang;
do night work.
cîah mêⁿ mûeⁿ;
take a night draught of congee.
cîah mêⁿ-hng pn̄g;
eat supper.
mêⁿ cĕⁿ kâi sî-hāu;
in the stillness of night.
hṳ́ cêk mêⁿ úa cin-kìⁿ lṳ́;
I dreamed of you that night.
kim mêⁿ;
cò̤ mêⁿ hì;
have night performances in a theatre.
cá mêⁿ bŏi ût;
I could not sleep last night.
côiⁿ jît mêⁿ;
night before last.
tōa côiⁿ jît mêⁿ;
the night before night before last.
mùaⁿ mêⁿ;
to-morrow night.
ău-jît mêⁿ;
day after to-morrow night.
mêⁿ-mêⁿ; pái mêⁿ; múiⁿ mêⁿ;
every night.
pùaⁿ mêⁿ;
cêk mêⁿ; cong mêⁿ;
all night.
thàng mêⁿ;
throughout the night.
jît thòa mêⁿ;
all day and night.
làng mêⁿ, làng mêⁿ;
on alternate nights.
pê mêⁿ;
night watchmen outside a camp.
chê mêⁿ; sûn mêⁿ;
patrol at night.
hûang mêⁿ-tău;
beware of night thieves.
tíam mêⁿ teng;
saⁿ keⁿ, pùaⁿ mêⁿ;
late at night.
mêⁿ-hng, cá-khí;
early and late.
keh mêⁿ;
to spend the night.
m̄ hó̤ keh mêⁿ;
it cannot be kept over night.
lâu i keh kâi mêⁿ;
keep overnight.
cíeⁿ mêⁿ;
night watch.
hó̤ mêⁿ chêng;
comfortable nights for sleeping.
ciu mêⁿ khà khok;
sounds the rattle throughout the night.
thâk mêⁿ cṳ;
study at night.
i hiah tŏ̤ mêⁿ-tìam;
he stopped at a lodging house.
hiah kúi mêⁿ;
stayed several nights.
cí nŏ̤ mêⁿ gûeh kng căi;
the moon has been very bright these last two nights.
  • mêⁿ599724
  • The dawn.
next year.
i mêⁿ-nî àiⁿ tńg lâi;
he is coming back next year.
  • mêⁿ5781403
  • A sharp point; rays of light; a keen edge; a gleam.
cí ki to̤ ío ŭ mêⁿ;
this knife has a sharper edge.
ēng kàu bô̤ mêⁿ, tîeh khîeh khṳ̀ bûa;
when you have used it till the edge is worn off, you should go and grind it.
bûa kàu ŭ sîam-mêⁿ cìaⁿ lāi;
grind it till it takes a keen edge, then it is sharp.
sparks of fire.
húe-mêⁿ ko;
a fire-fly or glow-worm.
  • mēⁿ57212210
  • To rail at; to scold; to abuse with vile language.
káng cho, lŏ̤ chò̤, mēⁿ nâng;
reviles people, using obscene words.
sie mēⁿ;
to berate each other.
i cò̤-nî m̄-ùi tōa nâng mēⁿ?
How is it
that she does not fear the scolding she will get from the elders in her family?
jw̆n mēⁿ;
scold without just provocation.
thèng mēⁿ nâng;
abuse people without cause.
mēⁿ kàu bô̤ kò̤ hó̤;
rail at mercilessly.
ki chùi kau-kau mēⁿ;
her jaw never ceases.
to curse.
nīo i mēⁿ;
let him scold.


  • meh583306
  • To bleat.
îe meh-meh;
sheep bleat.
  • mêh58315311
  • The tapir, which is said to have the body of a bear, the nose of an elephant, the eye of a rhinoceros, the head of a lion, the hair of a wolf, the feet of a tiger, and teeth that fire cannot burn.
mêh ŏi cîah thih, tîeh ēng húe cìaⁿ lêng mûeh sí i;
the tapir eats iron, and in order to kill one, fire must be employed.
  • mêh5841306
  • The blood running in the veins; the pulse; the idea running through; parentage.
àng mêh; phah mêh;
feel the pulse.
chíaⁿ sin-seⁿ thóiⁿ mêh;
call a doctor to consider the pulse.
i kâi mêh-lí ceng căi;
he understands thoroughly the laws of the circulation of the blood.
ŏi kìⁿ sí mêh, mē?
Do you discover that the disease is likely to prove fatal?
mêh ŭ sîn;
the pulse shows strength.
i kâi mêh só̤ seⁿ sĭ ìuⁿ-sìu;
his pulse is naturally slow and weak.
kâi mêh khah phû-hùam cho-tōa;
his pulse is much too high.
i m̄ pat mêh;
he does not know how to investigate disease through the pulse.
chin hueh mêh;
own kindred; blood relations.
cí cìeⁿ cōi tō̤ to sĭ cêk mêh siang sêng bŏi chàm câp;
all these many generations are of one blood, without admixture from other families.
cí kò̤ sĭ cho̤ chut mêh kâi tī-hng;
this is where the family first came from.
jîp mêh, cí cêk cak ngía căi;
for entering upon the argument, this verse is a fine one to take up.
tâng hûeh mêh;
of one blood.


  • méng610948
  • Stern; severe; cruel.
awful; imposing.
sîn-sìeⁿ ui-méng căi;
the gods are awe-inspiring.
bô̤ ui-méng cū m̄ tit nâng ùi;
without sternness of aspect, no fear is inspired in any one.
  • mêng599724
  • Clear; lucid; plain; evident; ostensibly; perspicacious; intelligent; illustrious; splendid; brilliant; to shed light on.