Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/403

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • míen5941957
a yellow fish, found in the sea near Corea; its sound is fit for making glue.
míen-hṳ̂ phĭe;
the sound of the yellow fish.
míen-hṳ̂ ka;
glue made from the sound of the yellow fish.
  • míen598667
  • Active; prompt; clever; witty.
i kâi châi-chêng míen-cîap căi;
he is very active in both body and mind.
īu míen-cîap cò̤ lâi īu hó̤;
the more promptly it is done, the better.
  • míen5976112
  • To commiserate.
have compassion upon.
lîen-míen tîeh i;
took pity on him.
  • mîen5931208
  • Prolonged ; enduring ; lasting; uninterrupted.
enduring, lasting.
kiaⁿ-ùi m̄ mîen-íen;
fear it will not be permanent.
hok sīu mîen-chîang;
may your prosperity and your life be prolonged.


  • mih6022008
  • An interrogative particle; a sort; what; whatever.
lṳ́ tó̤ cò̤ mih sṳ̄?
What are you doing?
i sĭ sĭm-mih nâng?
Who is he?
hṳ́ kâi sĭ sĭm-mih mûeh?
What is that?
lṳ́ kìe-cò̤ sĭm-mih mîaⁿ?
What is your name.
bô̤ mih hó̤;
not particularly good.
ŭ mih sṳ̄ mē?
Is anything the matter?
i bó̤ mih cîⁿ;
he has not much cash.
mih mûeh i to àiⁿ;
whatever it be he wants it.
cía sĭ mih ūe?
What sort of talk is this?
bô̤ sĭm-mih ngía;
not very handsome.
i sin cīeⁿ bô̤ mih sóng-khùai;
he is not very well.
mih kĭaⁿ ŏi;
can do any sort of thing.


  • mín594105
  • To dispense with; to forego; to spare; to avoid; no need of; do not.
mih mûeh mín;
needs nothing whatever.
mín khau huang, mín phâk jît;
need not be exposed to the wind or the sun.
mín taⁿ, mín teh;
need not be cumbered with burdens.
mín tì-kàu hŭam cŭe;
need not become guilty of crime.
mín sí;
elude death.
mín ǹg i cîah, ǹg i chēng;
can avoid dependence on them for food and clothing.
mín cîⁿ;
no money is required.
mín kìⁿ;
he need not come in; (said of a visitor).
mín lâu-tŏng i;
have no occasion for troubling him.
ēng húe a mín?
Will you want a light?
mín ēng tîeh;
it is unnecessary.
ēng a mín?
Is it needed or not?

  • mîn597831
  • The people; the uninstructed mass; the common multitude; the unofficial and unlearned portion of mankind.
bô̤ cŭe kâi phêng-mîn;
a commoner, who has committed no crime.
sĭ sù-mîn ke, m̄ sĭ kuaⁿ-hw̆n ke;
is of the common people, not of the titled class.
kuaⁿ mîn tâng lâk;
officers and people equally happy.
màiⁿ khek-pak lîang mîn, mîn sim cìaⁿ su-hôk;
do not be hard upon the loyal people, then the hearts of the people will return to allegiance.
cĭn sim lí mîn sṳ̄;
with the utmost devotion manages public affairs.
líang pôiⁿ to sĭ úa kâi cṳ́-mîn;
both parties are alike my people.
kun mîn nâng téng;
men of all classes.
i tŏ̤ cò̤ kun mîn hú;
he is a military officer who acts also as a civil officer.
cêk pang lîu-mîn ho̤h cōi nâng;
a large tribe of nomadic people.
cêk khûn lāng mîn;
a company of vagrants.
ngô̤ mîn;
the unlearned.
màiⁿ gāi tîeh nâng kâi mîn kṳ;
do not interfere with the dwellings of the people.
  • mîn5941095
  • To sleep; to close the eyes.
a bedstead.
lṳ́ àiⁿ ût pàng mîn-chn̂g kîⁿ a mîn-chn̂g tói?
Do you want to sleep on the front, or on the back of the bed?
úaⁿ-pàng mîn-chn̂g phîn;
lean against the head-board.
pàng tŏ̤ mîn-chn̂g kha;
set it down beside the bed.
a couch, a settee.
mîn-chn̂g hūeⁿ;
the foot-board of a Chinese bedstead.
mîn-chn̂g kâi ti-tu téng;
the frame supporting the tester of a bed.
mîn-chn̂g thĭo;
mîn-chn̂g thek;
the rungs joining the legs of a bedstead.
  • mīn5951760
  • The visage, the countenance; the front; the top; the surface; the side toward one; face to face; in one’s presence; honor, character, reputation; the look of a thing; to front, to face; to show the face; to see one; personally; a classifier of mirrors, gongs etc.
the human face.
cīeⁿ mīn, ĕ mīn;
the upper and under surfaces.
lăi mīn, gūa mīn;
the inner and outer surfaces.
tâng tói kàu mīn cêk īeⁿ;
the same all the way through.
bô̤ tói bô̤ mīn;
no difference between what is on the surface and what is below.
cìaⁿ mīn;
the proper face.
hẃn mīn;
the reverse.
phâng mīn;
the sides.
ău mīn, côiⁿ mīn;
the back and the front.
pêⁿ mīn;
a flat surface.
khuah mīn;
a broad surface.
tùi mīn;
híang mīn tŏng cĕng;
with entire frankness; openly.
tng mīn kio i tàⁿ;
told him so to his face.
cèng nâng thìaⁿ lío, mīn-mīn sie thóiⁿ;
when they all heard this, they