Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/42

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
bûa kàn nĕ kng-kng, cìe-kiⁿ nang;
use powder and rub it till it is very smooth, so you can see your face in it.
cîeh bûa kàu kng-kût kng-kût;
polish stones so that they shine.
bûa hun-kuah hún;
make potato flour.
bûa khàm;
to scan, in order to criminate the writer of a document.
bûa līen;
to pass through affliction.
màiⁿ bûa khah thíam;
do not grind him down too severely.
bûa-lêk khah thíam;
treated him with too extreme harshness.
bûa-lūi nâng;
to overbear people.
bûa kàu sí;
to treat so harshly as to kill.
kang ji chut thân, bûa cîaⁿ lău kâu;
when working people make themselves conspicuous they will get reduced to the condition of apes.
  • bûa5071810
  • To drudge; to toil hard; to moil.
bûa mêⁿ;
to do night work.
màiⁿ bûa khah thíam;
do not toil too closely.
bûa khah hêk cū àiⁿ sieⁿ tîeh;
if you moil too severely you will suffer for it afterward.
  • bûa4011624
  • To approach; to bring near; close beside; near to.
cha m̄ bûa;
cannot bring them together.
màiⁿ cŏ̤ khah bûa;
do not sit too close to it.
kîaⁿ bûa lai sin piⁿ;
come up close beside me.
cûn sái bûa khàm-kha;
sail the boat close up to the bank.


  • buah604645
  • To smear; to daub; to rub on; to wipe away.
buah hún;
lay on a white cosmetic.
buah in-nî;
to put on rouge.
buah îeh;
to rub with a medicine.
buah îeh-ko̤;
smear with ointment.
buah pit;
to smear the pen in the ink.
cang îu buah thâu-mô̤ⁿ;
to put oil on the hair.
buah îu;
buah khui;
to wipe away.
chíu buah m̄ khui, khîa ki to̤ lûi kĭo;
if you cannot wipe it off with you hand, get a knife and scrape it off.
buah tīo;
to erase by wiping; to blot out.
  • buah7086412
  • To set aside for a special purpose; to detach; to dispose according to a plan.
buah cò̤ kúi kò̤ eng;
apportion for use in several places.
hun-buah tīaⁿ-tîeh lío;
already apportioned.
cêk kò̤ àiⁿ buah jîeh cōi nâng khṳ̀?
How many persons are to be sent to each place?
buah ŭ jîeh cōi piaⁿ lâi?
How many soldiers are detached for this?
buah cí nâng khṳ̀ hṳ́ kò̤;
appoint this man to go there.
buah tŏ̤ cêk pôiⁿ;
set on one side.
hun-buah m̄ khui;
could not distribute according to the
plan fixed upon.
buah kang lâi;
come in at an interlude in the work.
buah phāng lâi;
come when there is an interval of leisure.
  • bûah604751
  • Fine dust; powder.
îeh bûah;
medicinal powders.
ngói bûah;
bray into powder.
àiⁿ ngói cò̤ sòi bûah tîeh ngói ìuⁿ-ìuⁿ;
if you wish to make fine powder, you must pulverize it till it is very small.
ngói bûah lío, kap cò̤ îeh-îⁿ;
when you have brayed it into a fine powder, then work it up into pills.
buah îeh-bûah;
apply a medicinal powder.
  • bûah7091675
  • Cymbals.
i tó̤ phah bûah;
he is sounding the cymbals.


  • búang1045383
  • Disorderly; unseemly; wild; reckless.
khûang-búang căi;
búang cò̤, búang ûi;
disorderly conduct.
búang cṳ̆ cun tōa;
wildly boast of one's self.
chàu búang;
chŵn bô̤ búang suah peh-sèⁿ;
never executes people without reason.
ūe màiⁿ búang tàⁿ;
do not talk at random.
  • bûang1044613
  • To disregard; to forget or neglect.
bûang pún;
forget a benefactor or parent.
bûang ṳn, hŭ ngĭ;
be ungrateful.
put lêng bûang chêng;
I can never forget this kindness.
ŭ kâi kìen bûang kâi pēⁿ;
is very forgetful, or absent minded.
cêk sî bûang-kìⁿ;
it slipped my mind at the moment.
  • bûang104481
  • Destroyed; lost; utterly gone.
sí bûang;
dead and gone.
tīn bûang;
destroyed in battle.
păi bûang;
utterly defeated.
chut bûang;
a forgotten fugitive in other lands, as a refugee prince.
bûang mīaⁿ;
a ruined life.
bûang kok;
an extinct dynasty.
pāi kok bûang ke;
subvert the kingdom and destroy the house.
mît bûang;
no trace left.
  • bŭang1045747
  • The full of the moon.
suak bŭang;
the first and the fifteenth of the month.
câp-ngŏ jit kìe-cò̤ bŭang;
the fifteenth of the month is called the day of full moon.
tōa miaⁿ bŭang kâi nâng;
one whose name is widely known.
hó̤ mîaⁿ bŭang;
of good repute.
jît gûeh sie tùi kìe-cò̤ bŭang;
the sun and moon being opposite each other, they are said to be in opposition.