Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/420

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

ngĭ chng;

a public granary.
ngĭ sṳ̆;
an eminent scholar.
ngĭ íong;
patriot volunteers.
ngĭ káu;
a trusty dog.
ngĭ pôk;
a faithful servant.
ngĭ pĕ, ngĭ bó̤, ngĭ kíaⁿ;
an adopted father, mother, or son.
ngĭ ô̤h;
a public school.
ngĭ thóng;
public cemetery.
ngĭ khì;
public spirited.
ngĭ put îong sî;
justice admits of no delay.
i sĭ cĭang-ngĭ so̤ châi kâi nâng, m̄ sĭ bô̤ jîn bô̤ ngĭ kâi nâng;
he is one who uses his property for worthy ends, and is not one who has no high moral feeling.
cí kù cṳ sĭ sĭm-mih ì-ngĭ?
What is the explanation of this paragraph?
cí kâi jī kâi jī ngĭ cò̤-nî sueh?
How is the meaning of this character to be explained?
honorable, fair- minded, just.
  • ngī2833019
  • Muttering, as in sleep.
i cí hûe kâi chùi ngī-ngī-ngāu-ngāu, tó̤ tàⁿ mih ūe?
His lips are now in motion, what is it that he is muttering about?


  • ngía5861233
  • Beautiful; good-looking.
seⁿ lâi ngía-ngía;
is very handsome.
bô̤ mih ngía;
not very pretty.
seⁿ ngía, seⁿ m̄ ngía sĭ pĕ-bó̤ seⁿ cĭu kâi;
whether handsome or ugly, one is as his parents made him to be.
o̤-ló̤ i ngía;
extol its beauty.
ngía sṳ̄!
This is a pretty piece of work!
ngía mûeh!
That is a fine looking thing! (said ironically).
  • ngía10671724
  • Elegant; decorous; polished.
i kâi nâng seⁿ khṳ̀ bûn-ngía;
he has a refined look.
seⁿ lâi ngía-tì ngía-tì;
is naturally very winsome.
tī-hng hiuⁿ ngía;
a place suited to studious repose.


  • ngîak63810410
  • Fever; febrile complaints; ague.
ngîak-cît sôk kìe-cò̤ pak kûaⁿ;
ague is commonly called chills.
ngîak ŭ khí hó̤ côih, ŭ khí m̄-hó̤ côih;
of fevers there are some that it is well to reduce suddenly, and others that it is not.
  • ngîak6381413
  • Cruel; unfeeling; to harry.
ngîak hāi peh-sèⁿ
tyrannize over the people.
tṳ̂ ngîak;
extirpate the cruel.
  • ngîak10813917
  • The consequences of sin; retribution for crime; evils.
cía sĭ i ka-kī cṳ̆ cak ngîak;
this is something which he has brought upon himself.
cŭe ngîak tăng;
the results of his crime are serious.
  • ngîak10801324
  • A rule; a precedent.
ngîak-thâi; ngiak-pìen; ngiak-si;
a provincial judge.


  • ngíam4414913
  • Talkative; to talk wildly.
the delirious talk of a sick man.
cêk ĕ-kùa, nâng cē hwt sie cū àiⁿ ngíam-gṳ́;
in the afternoon when his fever comes on, he talks incoherently.
  • ngíam1088920
  • Of a commanding presence; carrying the head high; severe-looking; as before; like.
ngíam-jîen cū sĭ tŏ̤ seⁿ cêk īeⁿ;
a life-like likeness.
ngíam-jîen cū àiⁿ cò̤ sin-seⁿ;
carries himself as if he were a learned man.
ŭ ngíam-ngé;
has a stern look.
bô̤ ngíam bô̤ ngé;
no majesty of demeanor.
  • ngîam10841698
  • A gate in a village.
ngîam-lô̤-ûang; ngîam-kun;
the king of hades; the Rhadamanthus of Chinese Buddhists.
cū sĭ kúi-kíaⁿ kìⁿ tîeh ngîam-lô̤-ûang;
it is like being brought before the king of hell, for judgment after death.
ûah ngîam-lô̤;
a savage looking man.
  • ngîam10843017
  • Severe, stern, rigid, austere.
ngîam, ngîam;
very strict; rigorous.
kẃn-sok khṳ̀ sĭm ngîam;
kept in close subjection.
i kâi nâng ŭ ui-ngîam tit nâng ùi;
he has a stern aspect which makes people fear him.
kui-kṳ́ ngîam-sok;
sedate manners.
i kâi ce-kui ngîam;
the rules of the school are strict.
ke-kui ngîam căi;
the household is very rigid in its ways.
ngîam pĕ chut hàu cṳ́, chṳ̂ bó̤ to̤ pāi jî;
a stern father has filial sons, an indulgent mother generally spoils her children.
  • ngîam109116420
  • Spirits of a strong sharp taste.
chó ngîam;
the vinegar is sharp.
cíu ngîam;
the wine is strong.
chong ceng ngîam-ngîam kâi tê;
make a cup of very strong tea.
  • ngîam10918612
  • The fury of a fire.
pàng ngîam kháu;
to open the door of hell, (by saying mass on the third day after a death).
  • ngīam109118713
  • To examine officially for purposes of verification; to prove by inspection; testimony or examination which proves a thing.
chíaⁿ kuaⁿ ngīam kùe;
ask for an official inspection, verifying the statement.
ŭ hāu-ngīam;
have satisfactory proof of it.