- sâh n̆ng;
- boiled eggs.
- luah n̆ng pau;
- omelet.
- n̆ng si;
- shredded eggs.
- sâh kâi n̆ng khṳt i ah kiaⁿ;
- boil an egg and give it him to pacify his fears.
- phûe n̆ng;
- eggs preserved in clay.
- n̆ng phah phàⁿ;
- eggs beaten to a froth.
- 孥nôⁿ160895
- A child; children, (When followed by the diminutive the tone changes to the high even tone).
- a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ;
- children; bairns.
- a-nôⁿ, m̄ hó̤ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- my child, do not do that.
- ŏng a-nôⁿ;
- jolt baby.
- phŏ̤ a-nôⁿ;
- have a babe in arms.
- seⁿ a-nôⁿ;
- give birth to an infant.
- kio a-nôⁿ; kang a-nôⁿ;
- to take care of a child as a nurse does; to be with child.
- lṳ́ ŭ a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ a būe?
- Have you any children yet?
- kà a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ kui-kṳ́;
- teach the children how to behave.
- àⁿ a-nôⁿ ût;
- get the baby to sleep.
- a-nôⁿ hng-hng-kìe;
- the baby whines.
- a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ sĭeⁿ;
- childish notions.
- lṳ́ cò̤ sṳ̄ màiⁿ kio a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ hìeⁿ-seⁿ;
- do not act childishly.
- tōa nâng hì a sĭ a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ hì?
- Are the players adults or children?
- a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ kih keng-càu;
- children build playhouses.
- a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ ki-ka-kìe;
- children chatter.
- hàm a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ màiⁿ cih-cah-kìe;
- tell the children not to make a noise calling out.
- hàm a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ kâi kha màiⁿ khìt-khôk-kìe;
- tell the children not to make a noise with their feet.
- a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ phah phòng-phĭe īu hàuⁿ, īu ùi;
- when children fire off crackers, they are both pleased and afraid.
- lṳ́ tōa lío, màiⁿ cong-kú ô̤h a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ kâi īeⁿ;
- since you are full grown do not continue to behave as if you were a child.
- a-nôⁿ keh nĭ a būe?
- Is the baby weaned yet?
- a-nôⁿ àiⁿ cîah nĭ, tîeh lâi chī;
- the child wishes to nurse and must be allowed to do so.
- cak kàu a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ chéⁿ;
- made a noise and woke up the baby.
- jíang kàu a-nôⁿ chéⁿ;
- woke the baby by screaming out.
- 奴nôⁿ640382
- A person bought with money; it now generally means those sentenced to slavery; an abject; a term of contempt.
- nôⁿ-pôk;
- a male slave.
- nôⁿ-pĭ;
- a female slave.
- cíeⁿ cîⁿ nôⁿ;
- a miser.
- nôⁿ châi;
- Your Servant, (used by the Manchus when addressing the emperor).
- būe seⁿ chĭeⁿ, soiⁿ seⁿ chĭeⁿ-nôⁿ;
- before the elephant was produced, the elephant keeper was brought forth.
- a-tia m̄ cò̤, àiⁿ cò̤ nôⁿ;
- if you won't be a master, you will be a slave; (said in scolding a naughty child).
- 壆nòiⁿ2103213
- Hard and crisp; solid; dense.
- cîah tîeh tōiⁿ-nòiⁿ tōiⁿ-nòiⁿ nē;
- in eating it, it seems very firm-fleshed.
- pû lío cong-kú tōiⁿ-nòiⁿ;
- after being cooked it continues very hard.
- mông tîeh hṳ́ tói ŏi tōiⁿ-nòiⁿ;
- can feel a hard lump inside.
- 蓮nôiⁿ53314011
- The lotus, the flower consecrated to Buddha.
- nôiⁿ hue;
- the lotus or water-lily, of which there are many varieties.
- nôiⁿ ci, nôiⁿ ki, nôiⁿ hieh, nôiⁿ kău;
- the seeds, stems, leaves and roots of the lotus.
- nôiⁿ kng;
- a large jar in which water-lilies are grown.
- so nôiⁿ;
- the dwarf lotus.
- n̂g nôiⁿ;
- yellow lilies.
- hṳ̂ nôiⁿ;
- ground lilies.
- tôk-kha nôiⁿ;
- a plant like the arum.
- nôiⁿ-hue hah, nôiⁿ chīu;
- petals and stamens of the lotus.
- nôiⁿ tî;
- a lotus pond.
- hŵn lâu i kâi nôiⁿ pō;
- still detain her from departing.
- nôiⁿ pō;
- a lady-like gait.
- nôiⁿ pô;
- the seed-pod of the lotus.
- 荔nôiⁿ5221406
- The lichi, a fruit found in Southern China.
- nôiⁿ-kúe; nôi-kúaiⁿ;
- the lichi.
- cù hût nôiⁿ-kúaiⁿ;
- the small-seeded lichi.
- o hîeh nôiⁿ-kúaiⁿ;
- the dark foliaged lichi.
- nôiⁿ kúaiⁿ kuaⁿ;
- dried lichis.
- hŏng hue nôiⁿ-kúaiⁿ;
- the thick-rinded yellow lichi.
- 菱nôiⁿ5441408
- An aquatic vegetable.
- nôiⁿ-kak;
- the water caltrop, or buffalo horn, whose fruit is eaten.
- nôiⁿ-kak tî;
- a pool in which the water caltrop grows.
- tiah kúi lîap cheⁿ nôiⁿ-kak lâi cîah;
- pick a few water caltrops to eat.
- kho-nōiⁿ chīu;
- the Pride of India tree.
- 踹nōiⁿ111579
- To set the heel upon and grind down; to tread upon.
- cang kha lâi nōiⁿ;
- set the foot upon and destroy.
- nōiⁿ cò̤ nêk-cìeⁿ;
- trampled to a jelly.
- 努nó̤ⁿ641195
- To exert the utmost strength; to agonize for; to put forth the last effort; a desperate, deadly struggle.
- kun-sṳ̆ hùe nâng-nâng nó̤ⁿ-lâk hìang côiⁿ;
- the soldiers, every man, rushed forward with all their energy.
- tîeh cèng nâng nó̤ⁿ-lâk cìaⁿ ŭ pō;
- must all strive with the utmost force, then it may be effectual.
- 懦nó̤ⁿ6306114
- Timid; soft; imbecile.
- i kâi nâng nó̤ⁿ-jîak;
- he is infirm.
- i cn̂g kâi nó̤ⁿ-jîak căi, bô̤ ēng;
- he is altogether infirm of purpose, and good for nothing.