Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/490

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • sàu747307
  • To patrol; to act as scout; a guard-station.
hám i khṳ̀ sûn-sàu;
tell him to go and cruise about on guard.
sàu kuaⁿ;
officers in charge of garrisons and stations.
sĭ có̤-sàu kâi kuaⁿ a sĭ ĭu-sàu?
Is it the officer in charge of the right or of the left wing of the garrison?
to spy, to scout around.
sàu cûn;
a vessel stationed on guard.
  • sàu7941777
  • A sheath, a scabbard.
keng cĭeⁿ hîⁿ, to̤ chut sàu, ṳ̆-pĭ hó̤-hó̤;
all in readiness with bow strung and knife unsheathed.
  • sàu726648
  • To sweep, to brush, to clean up, to clear off, to rid; a broom.
khîeh sàu-síu khṳ̀ sàu;
take a broom and sweep.
màiⁿ sàu kàu phông-phông eng;
do not raise a cloud of flying dust in sweeping.
tîeh bū cúi lío cìaⁿ lâi sàu, sàu ĺio thô-hún cìaⁿ bŏi eng múaⁿ-kò̤,
you must sprinkle the place by blowing water from your month, before you sweep, then when you have swept the dust will not settle upon every thing.
sàu hèng;
to spoil the pleasure; to take away the enjoyment.
cho̤h sìo-bâk sàu kàu cheng-khih;
cleared up all the accounts.
i ā sĭ lâi tîeh khîa sàu-síu-thâu lâi cì i;
if he comes you must take the broom-stick to him.
khîa sàu-síu-pèⁿ;
pound him with the broom-handle.
lêng-ūaⁿ tàu ki sin kâi sàu-síu;
put a new broom on to the handle.
a besom of bamboo twigs.
chn̂g-téng tîeh cang pò sàu cheng-khih;
must take a cloth and brush the table clean.
màiⁿ sàu ka-lâuh mûeh;
do not brush the things off on to the floor.
sàu tò̤;
sweep the floor.
sàu-tṳ̂ châk-bé;
rid the place of highwaymen.
i cêk koiⁿ siu-sàu kàu cheng-tíam căi;
she has made the place very tidy.
a comet.


  • se79675
  • A little.
a little.
kîaⁿ khui se-su;
stand off a little.
cŏ̤ bûa se-su;
sit a little nearer.
ke se-su-kíaⁿ;
just a very little more.
hīn se-su-kíaⁿ;
just a very little plainer.
just a trifle.
cá se-se;
just a little earlier.
  • se7301204
  • Gauze; gauzy; yarn.
pêh se;
white gauze.
m̄ kù se bō̤;
does not regard the gauze hat; does not care if he is turned out of office.
se theng;
gauze window.
se teng;
gauze lanterns.
lĭang se;
a coarse
lacelike fabric.
ngŏ se lô̤;
a fabric with five threads and an interstice alternating.
pháng se;
to spin yarn.
tōa se;
to warp yarn.
the caul.
i tó̤ cò̤ se-ūaⁿ-bùe kâi seng-lí;
his business is that of exchanging cotton rolls for yarn.
a coarse sleazy fabric.
khṳt i pak kàu thong sin tn̆g tîo se-sùaⁿ;
was stripped by him to the last thread on his back.


  • seⁿ742985
  • Sacrificial animals, of which there are six; victims.
saⁿ seⁿ;
poultry, pork and fish.
seⁿ kháu;
carcasses prepared as offerings.
phōiⁿ cêk hù ngŏ-seⁿ khṳ̀ pài sîn;
prepare a full complement of victims and lay them before the gods.
draught animals or cattle.
chī ceng-seⁿ;
rear domestic animals.
  • seⁿ7421000
  • To bear; to produce; to arise, as an event; to grow; to beget; to bring about the birth of; to excite; to live; to come forth; life, vitality; the living; manner of living; raw; unpolished.
seⁿ kíaⁿ;
to bear a child.
bŏi seⁿ;
chin seⁿ kíaⁿ;
own child.
seⁿ pēⁿ;
become ill.
a teacher.
phêng seⁿ;
the whole life.
seⁿ phêng bô̤ ak sṳ̄;
has done no evil in all his life.
ŭ seⁿ ì;
looks as if it were growing.
a preparation of raw fish.
boí khṳ̀ pàng seⁿ;
buy living creatures in order to set them free, an act considered to be meritorious.
seⁿ-seⁿ put íⁿ;
age after age in unceasing succession.
seⁿ lâi ngía;
is handsome.
cṳ̆ seⁿ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
is naturally thus.
seⁿ cîn kâi; seⁿ-sêng kâi;
is natural.
chau seⁿ suah cṳ khŵn;
holds the power of life and death.
seⁿ chut sì;
to be born into the world.
seⁿ jît;
chông i seⁿ chut lâi kâi;
arises out of that.
thâu tho̤ seⁿ kâi kíaⁿ;
the first born son.
tho̤ seⁿ;
n̆ng seⁿ;
sip seⁿ;
produced by moisture.
hùe seⁿ;
tho̤h seⁿ;
the doctrine of rewards and punishments by a second life.
thau seⁿ kíaⁿ;
bear a child by stealth.
khin seⁿ;
set light by one's life.
seⁿ khì;
get angry.
ciap tîeh i kâi seⁿ-khì;
prolong his life.
seⁿ kòi;
have the itch.
seⁿ ko;
become mouldy.
bw̄n-bw̄n seⁿ-lêng;
all living creatures.
seⁿ n̆ng;
lay eggs.
lṳ́ thóiⁿ hṳ́ lîap mûeh kâi sĭ seⁿ sĭm-mûeh?
What do you think that little sore is that is coming out upon him?
nín kâi hieⁿ-lí seⁿ tŏ̤ tī kò̤?
Where is your village located?
úang i pĕ-bó̤ seⁿ i kàu cìaⁿ tōa!
It is a pity that his parents reared him!
i lîen seⁿ sin cṳ pún to m̄ kù, cò̤ ŭ kù pât nâng?
Since he does not regard