Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/492

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.


become less testy.
i hó̤ sim sèⁿ;
she is good tempered.
màiⁿ jía kàu i kâi sèⁿ phû;
do not provoke him to anger.
i kâi sèⁿ-thâu m̄-hó̤ căi, sèⁿ cē lâi mih mûeh m̄ kẃn;
ho has a very bad temper, and whenever it is roused lie pays no heed to anything.
sèⁿ-lí kâi cṳ;
mental philosophy, or metaphysics.
khǹg-kòi i sèⁿ màiⁿ pek;
exhort him not to be hasty.
jím sèⁿ;
jĭm sèⁿ;
acts as he feels; not self-restrained.
sèⁿ kuai-phiah;
  • sèⁿ810385
  • The surname of a family or clan; a clan; one of a clan.
kùi sèⁿ? kau sèⁿ?
What is your clan name?
i nŏ̤ nâng tâng sèⁿ;
they both belong to the same clan.
mâiⁿ-mîaⁿ, mût sèⁿ;
to conceal one's name.
i kâi sĭm-mih sèⁿ-sĭ?
What is his surname?
the people; the masses.
sèⁿ sĭm mûeh?
Of what clan?
ko̤h sèⁿ;
an odd name.
pât sèⁿ;
another clan.
kó sèⁿ;
old family names.
tōa sèⁿ; tōa jī sèⁿ;
a great clan.
síe sèⁿ; mûiⁿ sèⁿ; pĭ sèⁿ;
an humble name.
bói ûi sèⁿ; teh ûi sèⁿ; phah ûi sèⁿ;
to bet on the names of the successful candidates.
ṳ́n-nêk mîaⁿ-sèⁿ;
to conceal one's name.
hok sèⁿ;
a double surname, a surname with more than one letter in it.
cîah sang sèⁿ;
belong to two clans.
câp sèⁿ;
of various clans.
cí kâi hieⁿ-lí câp sèⁿ;
the residents in this village are of many different surnames.
khĭa sèⁿ;
the largest clans in a village of mixed clans.
cêk sèⁿ chío, cêk sèⁿ phûh;
one clan is powerful, and the other is weak.


  • seh7216412
  • To sprinkle salt.
seh îam;
to salt.
tîeh seh îam cìaⁿ bŏi ien;
must sprinkle salt over it, then it will not spoil.


  • sek716415
  • To toss, to pitch, to fling.
sek kùe lâi, sek kùe khṳ̀;
tossed to and fro.
màiⁿ khṳt i sek tîeh;
do not let it hit you as it flies.
úa sek, lṳ́ cih;
I will toss it, and you catch it.
  • sek76716513
  • To unloose, to free, to liberate; to open out the meaning; to relax; to slight or let alone; to leave; to melt or dissipate.
i m̄ khéng sek chíu;
he would not loose his hold.
sek-pàng i;
loose him and let him go.
the Buddhists.
Sakyamuni, the solitary, the monk of the Sakyas, also called Buddha, who died B. C. 643.
cṳ kâi cù-sek sĭ tī-tîang cù kâi?
By whom was the commentary on this book written?
cí nŏ̤ mîaⁿ, chíaⁿ kuaⁿ-hú tiah-sek;
pray the magistrate to remove these two names from among those of the persons who are to be punished.
líang ke būe hûa, cò̤ ŭ jîp sek-sŏng?
The two parties not having come to a reconciliation, why enter an appeal to relax the prosecution?
cí tieⁿ sek-tîaⁿ kang-khó cò̤ căi, líang ke sui-sĭ àiⁿ hûa-sek ūe tàⁿ m̄ tńg;
this plea for a cessation of the prosecution is very difficult to make, for although the parties desire a peaceful settlement to be announced, what has been spoken cannot be recalled.
cău-hùe kuaⁿ khai-sek i;
fortunately the magistrate released him, and did not keep him under arrest.
to explain.
khṳ̀ khǹg-sek i;
go and expostulate with him.
  • sek71758
  • To set up.
to set up in life.
cí kâi kíaⁿ-tĭ sĭ hó̤ phûe-sek kâi;
this youth is one whom it is worth while to start in life.
tăi-tăi phûe-sek i;
did much to give him a start in life.
  • sek7671845
  • To adorn, to paint, to ornament; to set off; to gloss over; to pretend; to patch up; to brighten; ornaments.
i taⁿ tó̤ khui hok-sek phò;
ho now keeps a shop in which theatrical costumes are sold.
ūaⁿ cêk sin hok-sek, sĭ àiⁿ khṳ̀ cò̤ kheh kâi īeⁿ;
changed all his garments, as if he were going out to pay a visit.
íam-sek kàu bô̤ nâng cai;
kept it under cover, so that no one knew.
gūa mīn hún sek kàu hó̤ thóiⁿ căi;
the outside is beautifully tinted.
bedizened, tricked out; specious.
i kâi tàⁿ ūe nĕ sît-sît, bô̤ cuang bô̤ sek;
what he says is perfectly true, nothing is glossed or slurred over.
women's head ornaments.
to brighten up, to adorn, to make comely by repairing; to paint and whitewash.
  • sek767563
  • A sample; an example; a form, fashion, rule, or pattern; to make like a copy.
hâh sek;
like the sample.
hâh sim sek;
corresponding to the ideal.
the model.
hŭam keh-sek;
go contrary to the pattern.
a copy slip.
jī sía lâi ŭ thiap sek;
the letters are written so well as to be fit for a copy.
bô̤ khẃn bô̤ sek;
without style or rule.
lṳ́ àiⁿ sĭm-mih khẃn-sek kâi?
What sort of ones do you want?
i cí ău íⁿ-keng sek-ngûi;
he is latterly much reduced in circumstances.
cêk sek ngṳ̂n;
a dime.