Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/500

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • 761616
  • To trust to; to look to for protection.
sĭ sì khi-hŭ năng;
rely on his protection in imposing upon people.
sĭ châi ûi táⁿ;
trust in riches for audacity.
cía m̄-hó̤ sĭ;
is not to be relied on.
sĭ-tio, sĭ-phwt;
impudent and audacious.
  • 76196
  • Following, as an attendant.
a butler.
to wait on; to serve.
a gentleman in waiting; a Vice-President of a Board.
  • 762725
  • To be; it is so; it is proper, denoting a quality of truth rather than mere existence; right, correct; that which the mind approves.
sĭ a m̄ sĭ?
Is it so or not?
sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
that is the case; that is all there is to say about it.
sĭ; sĭ ā;
m̄ sĭ;
no; not so.
sĭ kâi put lêng á cò̤ m̄ sĭ;
what is so cannot be made otherwise by argument.
sĭ hó̤ sī khiap cò̤ cē tŏ̤ cí;
good or bad, they are all here together.
sĭ cin a sĭ ké?
Is it real or artificial?
khá sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ?
How can it be so?
sĭ hóⁿ kâi úa tàⁿ cai;
whether so or not, tell me.
sĭ sît;
in very truth.
i lâi pûe put sĭ;
he came to correct a mistake.
i sĭ tŏ̤ hṳ́-kò̤ saⁿ nî;
he was there three years.
m̄ cai sĭ nâng a sĭ kúi;
do not know whether it was man or demon.
i sĭ pēⁿ tŏ̤-kò̤;
he is sick.
i sĭ m̄ cêng ŭ kíaⁿ;
she has no children.
i sĭ lṳ́ kâi tī-tîang?
What relation of yours is he?
i sĭ lâi jîp ún kâi cĭa kâi;
he has been naturalised among us.
in ā sĭ ŭ li, cieh lâng-ló̤;
if they have any, borrow a little.
in sĭ châk;
they are thieves.
  • 7631130
  • To show; to make known the will of heaven to mankind; to signify; an edict or notice from an official; a manifestation or revelation a prognostic or sign.
chut kò̤-sī;
issue a proclamation.
to instruct.
kê tŏ̤ sîaⁿ-mn̂g-kha sī cèng;
wearing the cangue at the city gate, as a warning to all.
to indicate; to intimate; to suggest.
ŭ chut sī, a būe ŭ?
Has any notice of it yet been issued?
  • 7641514
  • Salt condiments.
bean catsup.
spiced catsup.
kaⁿ-ná sī;
olives stoned and salted.
ô̤ sī;
dried salt oysters.
hwt sī;
take an oath.
tng thiⁿ mêng sī;
I swear it before Heaven.
to break an oath.
sī put líang lip;
there are no two ways of keeping an oath.
suaⁿ mêng hái sī;
an oath as unalterable as the bills and seas.


  • sìⁿ7651911
  • Condition; state.
accustomed to; habituated.
m̄ kùiⁿ-sìⁿ;
unaccustomed to, unfamiliar with.
i iang-o̤ kàu kùiⁿ-sìⁿ căi;
he is accustomed to indulgence.
cò̤ khṳ̀ kùiⁿ-sìⁿ kùiⁿ-sìⁿ nē;
has done it till he is very familiar with the process.
  • sìⁿ753636
  • A fan; a hand screen; a leaf of a door or shutter.
chíu tèng khĭa ki sìⁿ;
held a fan in his hand.
sìⁿ tō̤;
a sheath for a fan.
a hook for fastening a fan case upon the girdle.
pa-cie sìⁿ;
a Swatow fan.
a lamp screen to be held in the hand.
hâp sìⁿ;
a folding fan.
lŵn-mô̤ⁿ sìⁿ;
a fan made from bird's feathers.
koi mô̤ⁿ sìⁿ; huang-lô sìⁿ, fan to fan the fire with.
sìⁿ pèⁿ;
the handle.
síⁿ kut;
the ribs.
sìⁿ nêk;
the body.
sìⁿ ngán;
the pivot.
sìⁿ khahk; sìⁿ thap;
the paper covering a fan.
taù ki sìⁿ pèⁿ;
put a handle on a fan.
sìⁿ thí-khui;
open a fan.
sìⁿ hâp-bûa;
close a fan.
kûe sìⁿ;
a palm-leaf fan.
páng tŏ̤ mn̂g-sìⁿ ău;
put it behind the door.
chia sìⁿ;
the leaves in a chain pump.
tuí huang-sìⁿ;
pull the punka.
khia ki sìⁿ tó̤ phuah huang;
had a fan and was fanning herself.
ūe sìⁿ;
to paint fans.


  • sia796687
  • Oblique; diagonal; slanting.
pàng sia;
hold it aslant.
slanting; bias.
ka sia;
cut it bias.
thóíⁿ-tîeh sia-loi sia-loi;
it appears to topple.
i kâi chù sia-loi sia-loi;
his house leans as if about to tumble over.
pho̤h sia cìaⁿ pho̤h tit lô̤h;
cleave diagonally then you can cleave it in two.
pàng sia-sì;
lay it with one end higher than the other.
slope it down.
cí tīo lō sia lô̤h kàu khoi-kîⁿ;
this road slopes down to the bank of the river.
  • sía7964012
  • To write; to compose; to make out, as an account.
sía jī;
to write.
sía chó̤ jī;
write running hand.
sía sît jī;
write the square character.
sía tw̆n jī;
write the seal character.
sía lŏi jī;
write the scroll character.
cin chó̤ lŏi tw̆n lóng-cóng ŏi sía;
he can write in all the different styles.
i ŏi sía tōa j ī, bŏi sía jī-kíaⁿ;
he can write a course but not a fine hand.
chin chíu sía kâi;
written with his own hand.
sía sìn;
write a letter.
sía m̄ lô̤h;
cannot write it.
the head clerk.
sía kâi