Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/502

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • sĭa7481133
  • The god who rules over a particular spot; the tutelary deities; the altars to gods of the land, usually without roofs; a village or hamlet.
m̄ sĭ ún kâi sĭa, mn̄g lâi tó̤ hìen ngṳ̂n-tĭaⁿ;
as he is not our god, why should we be making offerings to him.
cì sĭa-cek;
sacrifice to the gods of land and of grain.
hâp sĭa phêng-ang;
the whole village is at peace.
sĭa hiaⁿ-tĭ;
men belonging to the same locality.
teng cêk-sĭa cêk-sĭa;
lamps in clusters, as when carried by companies in procession.
  • sīa749417
  • To spurt out; to shoot.
sīa cìⁿ;
to shoot an arrow.
sīa tîeh pá;
to hit the mark.
sīa tîeh âng sim;
to hit the center of the target.
sĭ sīa bé-cìⁿ a sīa oō-cìⁿ?
Are they shooting with arrows used by the cavalry or with those used by the infantry?
jît ía sīn jîp lâi;
the sun shines in here.
sīa hóⁿ;
shoot a tiger.
cìⁿ sīa m̄ jîp;
the arrow did not stick.
  • sīa79714910
  • To thank; to express gratitude by a present.
thank you.
cōi sīa;
many thanks.
sīa thiap;
a card of thanks.
sīa lói;
a doctor's fees; a substantial acknowledgement of gratitude.
sīa ngî;
a suitable token of indebtedness; a present in return for a favor.
pài sīa;
a visit expressive of gratitude.
sīa ṳu;
express gratitude for favors.
sīa thiⁿ, sīa tī;
make offerings to heaven and earth in thanksgiving.
cò̤ hì sīa sîn;
perform a play out of gratitude to the gods.
sīa i kâi nâng-chêng;
express thanks for his kindness.
cía tîeh tāng sīa i;
he must be largely rewarded for this.
sīa kău, sīa pô̤h, tîeh sīa i;
whether the token of gratitude be valuable or not, he must be presented with one.
sīa sṳ;
presents to a teacher.
khṳ̀ i mīn-côiⁿ khàu sīa;
go before him, kneel, and touch the ground with the forehead, expressing gratitude.


  • siaⁿ77112811
  • A sound; a voice; a tone; a note in music; the tones or inflections of words in speaking; a cry, a wail; language; verbally; reputation; celebrity.
thiaⁿ-kìⁿ i kâi siaⁿ-sueh;
heard his voice.
i kâi siaⁿ sì tōa căi;
his voice is very powerful.
jíang kàu âu bô̤ siaⁿ;
screamed until she was hoarse.
cí kâi jī sĭ phêⁿ siaⁿ, a sĭ ceh siaⁿ?
Has this word the even tone or some other tone?
sĭang siaⁿ, khṳ̀ siaⁿ, jîp siaⁿ, lóng-cóng sĭ ceh;
the rising, the departing, and the entering tones are all
uneven ones.
ti siaⁿ, sòi gṳ́;
in a low voice.
kau siaⁿ tōa kìe;
call out in a shrill voice.
kĕ-kĕ siaⁿ kio i tàⁿ;
told him in a very low tone.
phûeh khṳ̀ sòi-sòi siaⁿ;
talked in a very soft voice.
hó̤ mîaⁿ-siaⁿ;
of good repute.
tōa mîaⁿ-siaⁿ;
soiⁿ siaⁿ tô̤h nâng;
his name is enough to appall them.
híang siaⁿ;
a loud report.
úa ŭ kio i híang siaⁿ kùe;
I have told him.
cwn sàng siaⁿ khṳt i cai;
called out especially to let him know.
thiaⁿ tîeh cn̂g kâi bô̤ siaⁿ khùi chut;
could not hear the slightest sound.
màiⁿ tàⁿ khah tōa siaⁿ;
do not speak too loud.
tong siaⁿ cē;
moderate your tone a little.
ău pêⁿ ŭ năng pang siaⁿ;
there are persons behind the scenes who join in the chorus.
khàu siaⁿ;
sound of weeping.
ta-po nâng cṳ-nîe siaⁿ;
a man with a feminine voice.
thiaⁿ-tîeh sĭ a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ siaⁿ-sueh;
it appears to be the voice of a child.
tōa nâng siaⁿ;
the voice of an adult.
i kâi siaⁿ híang-lĭang căi;
his voice is very resonant.
huang siaⁿ, hŏ siaⁿ;
sound of wind and rain.
sau siaⁿ;
a husky voice.
khang tn̂g siaⁿ;
drawl it out.
  • sìaⁿ7731287
  • Intuitively wise and good; holy, sacred; perfect; imperial; a sage.
sìaⁿ nâng;
holy men.
sìaⁿ jŭ;
the sacred edict; an imperial order.
sìaⁿ sĭang;
the Emperor.
cí cêk jît sĭ sìaⁿ jît;
this day ia an holy day.
mêng-cṳ́ cheng cò̤ à-sìaⁿ;
Mencius is called the second sage.
sĭ sĭm-mih sîn-sìaⁿ kàng-lîm;
it is some divinely inspired one come down among men.
pái-kìⁿ sìaⁿ sìeⁿ;
visit shrines.
  • sîaⁿ77622
  • A tenth; a percentage.
cêk sîaⁿ jîeh cōi?
How much does ten per cent amount to?
hâiⁿ nâng ngŏ sîaⁿ sìo;
pay half of the bill.
chíaⁿ kong-chin chut lâi kîaⁿ sîaⁿ;
call on the arbitrator to carry it into effect.
cía ngṳ̂n kàu káu sîaⁿ;
this money amounts to ninety per cent.
poih káu sîaⁿ sek cū hó̤;
eight or nine tenths will do.
hâiⁿ kàu nâng câp sîaⁿ kàu, bô̤ kíam nâng cêk sîaⁿ;
pay the amount in full, so that nothing is due.
siu lâi bô̤ sĭm-mih sîaⁿ sìo;
collected but a small proportion of the amount of the bills.
hâiⁿ bô̤ io sîaⁿ;
paid but a small proportion.
  • sîaⁿ77327
  • A citadel; a place walled in for the defense of the people; the wall of a city; a city that has a wall; a provincial capital.
gūa sîaⁿ; gūa în sîaⁿ;
the suburbs.
lăi în sîaⁿ;